Hello forum

I’ve sensed things intermittently since I got here a little over a year ago.

But the most recent series of vibes seemed to get a strong kick-off around two weeks ago :man_shrugging:


The last 2-3 weeks have been particularly heavy and crunchy


Allow me to say I deeply appreciate being given a 2nd chance when I finally acquainted again with phenomenal creations of @Captain_Nemo with the tireless efforts of @SammyG, this will not be all possible.

You guys brings us hopes and dreams into our lives, I mean it.


I’m kind of the same tbh, I’m not really good at picking up on stuff. Although I’m more the other way around, a giver rather than a receiver if you get what I mean…

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I didn’t know Sapien Medicine was 2 people. I thought was one.
Every relationship is subject to fractures and conflicts, even therapeutic relationship, let alone friendships or professional ones, but what matters is the ABILITY TO REPAIR :heartbeat

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