Hello there i have few questions

I think before job interview:

  • Ojas
  • Charisma and Glamour (if you have it, I don’t)
  • +1 you can use one of the intercession audios or the tag if you feel like it

In order to get job interview:

  • i guess it’s also about money so a general abundance and wealth stack
  • intercession could help
  • you have BPIL so wear it; guided path from the bountiful harvest album, higher self connection, imaginarium divine (patreon). these are all fields to enhance intuition and guide you towards the right path

If you have plasma flower, you can even play it during the interview.
Also The Power of The Blarney Stone (Cloch na Blarnan) is a field I have yet to discover, but I think it’s useful for an interview when you have to speak.


Thank you dear, I ask you for one last help; if you want to include Soul Core Restoration in this stack, should it be inserted immediately after Ojas or it’s not advisable to insert it?
Also as soon as Sapien reopens the shop, I immediately order Drawn Abundance tag, which I think completes well with BPIL, while at night I could do a little loop of a track of the desired work, what do you think?

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hmm… maybe you can ask in the topic of one of the audios, i would say before ojas makes more sense but i’m not sure.

I think abundance and BPIL are good together.
I’m not sure what you mean by track of the desired work, but it should be okay.
I don’t know your exact situation but it sound good to me :slight_smile:


it’s like the dream job, the night track that I would have thought of as a little loop, before falling asleep, but maybe it clash with BPIL?

Well, let me jump in since i have both.

If you want a specific job rather get reach for the stars, its almost the same price as both combined kind lol maybe 100us more but it gets you what you want.

BPIL is more like helping you walk the path that will lead to happiness and fulfillment. But you dont know if what you want would really bring you total joy and fulfillment in the long run. BPIL is powerful it steers you in the right direction whether you want it or not lol It is awesome nonetheless and chances could that what you want is the same as what you should. But i wouldnt take the risk if you are set on something specific.

Drawing abundance is kind of the same, it opens doors, brings u the right people, put you in the right place at the right time to increase the abundance which is about many things not just money, however you do feel extra lucky in that department, this tag is great for sales or business.

Either one combined with intercession make a great match.


many thanks

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Any intercession?

Will BPIL lead to a job you enjoy?

To approach the higher self, does it need to be prepared, such as increasing vibrations or staying at a higher vibratory level?


Definitely and this is what ppl should understand about this tag, i know a lot avoid it because they think it will force them to be or live something they dont want and the truth is they are missing out.

Theres nothing more frustrating than living a life with not a clear north, working somewhere your vibration dont want but oh it pays the bills etc

Wanting happiness like real genuine happiness is the ultimate goal for anyone.

This takes you there, just be open to be surprised, how new opportunities that u never thought of and you love come to you, how ppl that blocks you energetically from reaching your happiness starts falling out of your life. This tag is super underrated.

We all have skills and ‘crazy’ dreams or ideas we wish we could turn into our living income but we push them away because its hard. This tag helps you to reach that, the thing is that it brings a lot of changes first within you and your life around and some you have never imagined or thought was needed. but guess what? Fear nothing because just as its vacuuming all and moving everything it means itd be a long hard process NOOO, it gives you the confidence and trust to jump in, it helps you see crystal clear why this way and why that one no, you feel a surge of joy from knowing YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH. to success and happiness :slightly_smiling_face:


I have never read such a precise and accurate description, Sapien Team should hire you instantly! :smiley:
Thank you very much!


Higher self is you, it’s a part of you, so no :)
There is an article about this on enlightened States blog. You can put on the audio, relax, quiet your mind… I think the recommendation is hold the intention that you want to “talk” to the higher self and ask a question and wait for the answer to “pop into your head”, come as feeling/Intuition etc.
Me, I usually just listen/meditate without this sort of dialogue.

You can play any intercession you feel drawn to. Make sure that you state your intention/ask for help in a certain area when you use those audios.

For BPIL Luna said everything :blush:


Yes. Its has leaded me to a dream job, which i would never thought of working.
A lot money and lot of free time.
Now ofc i have to put in work in the start, lol.
Just ask BPIL what you want and wait for few months, and ofc put work in.


Thanks for this wonderful sharing!



Have you used other fields, along with BPIL?

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Because im passionate about this tag haha

Everybody should have it in my opinion.

I could go on and on about it.

You also feel so secure in your decisions, you don’t hesitate anymore, because somehow and very quickly the answer to them present right in front of your eyes. For instance:

You kinda want to invest in this business that someone is offering you to partner with and it sounds great but uhm you are not sure, then you decide to get involved and you are supposed to meet that person next day to handle them the money… if that business wont take you to your ultimate fulfillment… then believe that meeting never happens, a lot of twists and delays, and or before the meeting you come across info re how bad that business is. JUST-LIKE-THAT :woman_shrugging:t2::sunglasses:
On the other hand if its perfect for your happiness then everything goes smooth and you get clear signs of reassurance to do it :slightly_smiling_face:

And this tag combines EVERYTHING that would build a happy life in all aspects.
Love… ppl lingering around just go away or you finally understand that they just dont have a place in your life, not sure if dating this person? Dont worry, dont run away, you dont need to, be open, go on a date or start talking to them, it doesnt matter how super attracted you feel towards that person and lot of us tend to back off at first or run away because it feels so strong it might make me lose myself and i end up heart broken… if the person is not for your good… soon very very soon youll know it :partying_face: and that strong attraction easily fades away.

So to me this tag probably has a detachment /ego dissolution energy in it as well lol because it is just not hard at all to let go.


With BPIL I suggest Blueprint of life + Heart Chakra + Heart regeneration field(Optional) + Emotional release and/or grounding.
And mindset fields.


Passion feels strong from your message!
So BPIL helped you getting in a job?


Like a Brain growth?

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Abundance mindset, million dollar empire mindset, spiritual growth mindset.


How long after wearing BPIL did you get the job?