Hello there i have few questions


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@Fender_Cad What is your current stack and what goals are you working on?


Lol funny and ironically i havent worn it for like 2 months, becauseā€¦ the job I have now its not what i want to build my life on BUT i have a plan :smiling_imp: i know what im doing BECAUSE i wore it for months and i got all i need to straight my path and see that what i want it is indeed on my path to fulfillment but itll take longer, so i put it aside and will order the reach for the stars or pay Dream and requested it imbued in an item (actually 3 of my tags are not the actual tag :smiley_cat: like the very BIPL :woman_shrugging:t2: ) they work and grow perfectly, maybe Captain should open that option for a lot of ppl that cant get them because of UPS just throwing that out thereā€¦

however once i get what i want my baby BPIL is coming back on ma chest :rofl: because this tag is for life :slightly_smiling_face:

I love working back where i am because i embraced the chance that will help me with my plan, before i used to reject it. So i guess until that moment i said yes to this job bipl worked with me which makes me think now that even getting into this job again FOR A WHILE was part of the process. Wowwwwww haha


Currently no stack, I am finishing listening to subliminals for general improvement of the mindset etc.
I have already purchased from Sapien, Brain Growth, Soul Core Restoration, BPIL, Plasma Protocol.
Iā€™m working to get the job on which I did a 600-hour course last year, but without an internship in a company, due to CO19. It is not the work that I have been doing for many years, but what I wanted.

:woman_shrugging: after all this time here, still wasting time with those?

Start listening to Abundance, Millionaire, and Spiritual Mindset audios immediately.
If that means some subs have to go, oh wellā€¦


Yes Sir, unfortunately I started at the end of last summer and in a few days I will finally finish.

This is an option I was thinking of, the relay race between BPIL and Reach, but I already have Blueprint on the list which should be the real cure-all of life and I havenā€™t been able to order Drawn Abundance tag yet.
Captain, make a field, to have an unlimited credit card ā€¦ :wink:

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Lolā€¦ kkhmmm


Yah thats why i said what i said in my first comment if you want something specific you have your eyes set on and its what you want about nowā€¦ get reach for the stars Instead.


Ok I imagined this stack to get job interview; please can you check, for any contrasts and placements or improve it?

To get job interview

*Ego Dissolution
*Subconscious Limit Dissolver
*The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach
*Attract Wealth
*Million Dollar Mindset
*Abundance Mindset
*Angelic Intercession
*Parental Love
*Love,Gratitude and Appreciation
*Luck & Probability Alteration
*Redefined Ojas
*Automated Grounding
*Soul Core Restoration

before interview, to get job:

*Charisma and Glamour (if you have it, I donā€™t)
*Angelic Intercession


Whatā€™s your listening schedule for these three? Iā€™m going to shuffle a few things around to make room

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would need to know the rest of your stack to tell you.



SLR x 2
Extreme Confidence x 2
Become Whole 2-3 (Just added)
Love, Appreciation, Gratitude x 2 (just added)
Torsion 2-4
Plasma x 2


SLR x 2
Extreme Confidence x 2

I have a bunch of others I use daily but theyā€™re on the physical side of things. PRP, fat to stem cells etc, brain health, etc

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Well until you finish the 3+ week cycle of Protocol, Iā€™d just replace Plasma Light with Protocol.
Pretty Simple.
Once youā€™re done with that, you can experiment with adding Light back in or whateverā€¦


I also wear the following tags all the time:

Sacred Flower

Forgot to mention those


You have flower of life as a tag??
You mean Sacred Flower?

lol doesnā€™t matterā€¦ no worries with tags either.

BUT I see youā€™re listening to SLR audio when you have the tag.
No need for that at all.
Frees up more time for other things.


Iā€™m using the standard plasma, not the protocol. Should have been clearer on that


Sacred Flower, yeah. Lol. Fixed.

Yeah, Iā€™m planning on phasing out the SLR. Just remember reading that the audio can help reinforce the tag for a bit.


They were ā€¦umm. mistakenā€¦
The tag is way more powerful. You donā€™t need the audio once you have tag.
Youā€™re good.