Help me with my purchases in the sale

Hi, friends!

As we all know, Dream is having a generous sale. Like so many of us these days, my budget is tight and I want to make the best choices during this great opportunity Dream is providing for us. Although I’ve been a Patreon patron (and listening to my fields diligently) and I own a couple of tags/pendants (BPIL and Social Mastery), this will be my first purchase of a downloadable field.

I’ve been lurking around in a number of threads (thanks @gwpmike for letting me sort of “crash” his thread with my questions!) and have been collecting great suggestions from you already.

My real challenge seems to, well, I want 'em all. (Haha, don’t we all?) It goes beyond just wanting to play with all these shiny, new (to me) fields. It seems to me that I have a lot of outcomes which are sort of in my face in the moment.

First and perhaps most importantly, I’m doing a lot of clearing work (plus the YouTube and Patreon fields). I’ve been diligent with those and new in my listening, but I know there’s more that I need to do here. For this, BoL has been calling my name (as those of you on that thread might’ve guessed from all my questions). So, I think that’ll be my centerpiece of my purchase.

I have a variety of health issues. Nothing urgent but some on their way towards serious (and I’ve been taking care of those). I think BoL will also help with those. I’m thinking of BoL as a giant reset button for my spirit, mind and physical body. (Please correct me if I’ve misunderstood!)

And of course, I’d like to be a bizillionaire, drop-dead gorgeous, ripped young stud-- But seriously, that can be on the back burner. Or does it have to be? :wink:

So, with that wide-open background, here’s what I’m thinking:

  • BoL

Then the Wish List:

  • Light of Savitur–I’m really drawn to “Light.” “Radiant” is my goal word for myself for 2021
  • Aura & Energy Body Repair–Not sure about this one
  • Soul Restoration/Core–I’d like the whole series, but this seemed like my good starting point.
  • The Micro-Kinesi Therapist–Not sure if this is needed with BoL, but for the physical stuff. I’d been contemplating the Plasma Protocol but, financially, not at this time.
  • The Micro-Current Facial Stimulant+–because I was kind of only half-joking with my stud comment. Plus I’d like to have something “fun” that seems to give pretty rapid, visible results, too. :wink:
  • Conceptual Realization–tbh, I’d skipped over this one but @Atreides made such an impassioned case for this. Plus I’m about to start a type of clearing program where this field would be a great support.

Back-burner fields:

  • Negentropic Chi/Jing/Shen–for a variety of personal reasons (such as I do Chinese Face Reading so I’ve been monitoring my 3 Treasures).
  • Plasma Protocol–Already mentioned. Maybe overkill.
  • Knight/Warrior Mindset–cuz I keep missing the Fearlessness pendant.

If you’ve gotten this far, I want to first thank you very much for reading all of this. I also want to thank all of you who’ve been kind enough to share your experiences in the threads. It might not seem like it but your posts have helped me to focus me into the above list from the abundance that is available to us.

Thanks in advance for your help!

(P.S. I can share my [insanely long] playlists for you, if you think that’ll help.)


And thank you for giving me something interesting to read for a few minutes. It sounds like you already know what you want to do. But I will say this about Auric Repair since you say you are unsure about it. You’ve spent a lot of time clearing. There’s a reason you wanted to get stuff out of you and that reason is that it got into you in the first place. I can’t think of a better field for keeping unwanted things from getting in.


That’s a good point that I hadn’t considered. Thanks for pointing that out.

I’ve been listening to Energy Body-Aura Deep Clearing Cleansing as part of my Point-of-No-Return-on-Steroids a.m. playlist. But I think that only clears the aura, rather than repairs it, am I right? And your point is–if I’m understanding you correctly–until the aura is repaired, other stuff can get in just as well, right?


Yes that’s right. I’d bet good money that there are more people than not who have sustained aura damage. I think the average person needs it, not just the exceptionally damaged. Honestly though, the clearer vision I get into what’s going on in the “average” person, I’m not sure there’s a difference.


Thanks for the reply (and the chuckle)!


Hi WellBeing,

I concur with Atreides about Auric Repair. It wasn’t high on my priority list but I finally got it last week-end and it has made such a difference already.
So you might want to consider getting it too, especially if you get soul core restoration. These two work so well together!!!


Thanks for letting me know! (Decisions, decisions… Haha)

ETA: I’m impressed (and excited) that it’s made such a difference already for you in such a short time.

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I feel you! :grin: I’ve made a list on my phone of all the fields I want and I’m ticking them off one by one (but far too slowly for my linking!)

Blueprint is fantastic though I couldn’t tell you exactly how it’s working with me (apart from releasing stuff when I meditate to it) and the music is just out of this world! It’s now on my night stack and I feel so good when I wake up!

Soul core restoration I can definitely feel working on my chakras and I feel so much more detached from all the drama that goes on at work. It’s definitely restoring balance on all levels.

Sorry I don’t have any of the other fields so can’t comment on them! But I’ll be interested in knowing what your final choice is! :slight_smile:


Thank you for that feedback. It gives me more information about those fields so that I can make the best selections for me at this time.

And I’m glad to hear how you are benefitting from them for yourself!



On the same line as @Atreides answer I’d suggest the great Soul restoration series (at least Core).
… and of course BoL :wink:


I also would go with soul core restoration, nothing works without energy. Then Auric repair, conceptual realization.



It seems that people here prefer to do Soul/Core first and work their way “up”? (Which was how it made it to my list.)

Is there any benefit to start with Soul/Brow and work our way “down”? (Ofc, this could answer my question. Can we see how much time I’m already spending in my head? Haha.)


Ooo, good point! Thank you.

(And another fan of Conceptual Realization! I got to study that thread more carefully.)

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Well, from what I read in the soul core restoration thread, this field was going to be a standalone but someone started a discussion about heart and brow and Dream created those additional fields.

So for me at least, it made sense to start with soul core restoration though I will eventually get the others. :grin:


I did not know that!

Yeah, it makes sense to me too when you put it like that. Thanks!


Its ok to start with core, and if you like negen King :wink:

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That’s good to know, thanks. The negen 3 Treasures were right at the top of my list (and I’ve been consistently listening to the Patreon versions of the “regular” 3 treasures) and they may make it on. I think that they might be most helpful for me (for a variety of reasons) as a collection, but it’s helpful for me to know which one to choose, if I were to choose only one. Thanks!

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Those 3 are an absolute must – regardless whether it is sale time or not:

  • Conceptual Realization
  • Soul Restoration Core
  • Negentropic Jing

Do not waste any more time. Get those 3 ASAP. Put all other purchases that are not necessary for your survival back. These 3 are the key leverages for pretty much everything.


Which would you recommend getting first?

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from @JAAJ’s list i’d say conceptual realizations is my priority.

i see this life as a game of awareness. the faster you understand your situation, the faster you can get out of it or take control of it.