Help me with my purchases in the sale


On the same line as @Atreides answer I’d suggest the great Soul restoration series (at least Core).
… and of course BoL :wink:


I also would go with soul core restoration, nothing works without energy. Then Auric repair, conceptual realization.



It seems that people here prefer to do Soul/Core first and work their way “up”? (Which was how it made it to my list.)

Is there any benefit to start with Soul/Brow and work our way “down”? (Ofc, this could answer my question. Can we see how much time I’m already spending in my head? Haha.)


Ooo, good point! Thank you.

(And another fan of Conceptual Realization! I got to study that thread more carefully.)

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Well, from what I read in the soul core restoration thread, this field was going to be a standalone but someone started a discussion about heart and brow and Dream created those additional fields.

So for me at least, it made sense to start with soul core restoration though I will eventually get the others. :grin:


I did not know that!

Yeah, it makes sense to me too when you put it like that. Thanks!


Its ok to start with core, and if you like negen King :wink:

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That’s good to know, thanks. The negen 3 Treasures were right at the top of my list (and I’ve been consistently listening to the Patreon versions of the “regular” 3 treasures) and they may make it on. I think that they might be most helpful for me (for a variety of reasons) as a collection, but it’s helpful for me to know which one to choose, if I were to choose only one. Thanks!

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Those 3 are an absolute must – regardless whether it is sale time or not:

  • Conceptual Realization
  • Soul Restoration Core
  • Negentropic Jing

Do not waste any more time. Get those 3 ASAP. Put all other purchases that are not necessary for your survival back. These 3 are the key leverages for pretty much everything.


Which would you recommend getting first?

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from @JAAJ’s list i’d say conceptual realizations is my priority.

i see this life as a game of awareness. the faster you understand your situation, the faster you can get out of it or take control of it.


My vote to start with is:

  • Aura & Energy Body Repair
  • Soul Restoration/Core

Since u have spent so much time clearing, this will help “wrap it up”.
I would also listen to Armour of Light and Glory-fabulous field


Is this also to be preferred over Blueprint?


Oh, yeah, I’m already on that and enjoying it, too.

Thank you for recommendations and underlying reasoning behind them. It really helps me to tailor my own thought processes.


I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: I love you guys’ passion for your favorite fields. This is why I started this thread!

Thank you!


Thanks for your insights, @JAAJ. I’m wondering if you have any insights or experiences with BoL.

From my reading on this forum, I’ve come away with an idea that BoL is a sort of Reset Button for our body (genes), mind and spirit/vibration.

I’m wondering if you (and anyone else who wishes to share!) have that or a different understanding about that field.



I have note yet tested the BoL, so unfortunately cannot give you feedback here. Maybe I will get it with this current Eastern sale…


So, a little update:

Because Dream was generous in giving us a few days for the sale (and because I didn’t have to worry about grouping things together to save on shipping charges or anything like) I decided to make my purchases in waves.

So far, I’ve bought BoL (because we all knew that was gonna happen ) and, thanks to your input, Aura and Energy Body Repair.

Since I’ve opened this thread, Dream has updated the MK-T field (in all good ways for me), so I’m now considering the new Shamanic Medicine Blend instead.

I’ve also had a little bit of a windfall since opening this thread, so I’m in the process of considering your other great suggestions!


This is great news!!!

Can’t wait to read your reviews on how these fields have worked for you!


A final report: Thanks to your input, I took advantage of the sale to also purchase Soul/Core, Negen Jing and the Shamanic Medicine blend.

(I’ve put my vanity on the back burner for the moment and held off on the Microcurrent Facial thingy, despite it’s rave views. My wallet is happy with decision.)

Now, it’s time for me to play and arrange my playlists. (Oh, boy!)

Once again, thank you all for sharing your experiences and perspectives. Each one was helpful!