Help please now

I had a stroke the stet is taking away my rights I cat take supplements ect they are trying to make me crazy I am not I have a protection dg tag but it’s not working help me take control of my life again


I hope you feel better soon. I created a stack of fields that should help you with your recovery.

The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach 1x

Stroke Prevention and Help 4-5 times

Blood Clot Dissolver only 3-4 times (careful with this one not to be overused, I also would only recommend this to be used 2 weeks maximum for 2-3 days per week)

Enhanced Blood Circulation 2-3 times
(Available on Patreon and Odysee)

Restoration from the Long Haul 2-3 times

You can also listen to the Three Purifiers
(This is a unique combination of, Enhanced Blood Circulation, The Long Haul and that last version of the anti cancer field, this can be used as needed, Available on Patreon)

Brain Regeneration (can be used as needed)
(Available on Patreon and Odysee)

Blood Brain Barrier Repair 2-3 times

Brain And Spine Antioxidant Complex
(2-3 times or can be used as needed)

Enpp6 Enzyme
Having proper levels of this gene is therefore important for overall brain myelination 3, which in turn is crucial for optimal cognitive function.
(2-3 times, Available on Patreon)

Multiple Sclerosis Help Ver 2.0 (3-4 times)
(Available on Patreon and Odysee)

Nerve Growth Factor (targeted to brain and entire nervous system, can be used as needed)
(Available on Patreon or Odysee)

Nerve Inflammation Help (Antioxidant targeted, can be used as needed)

Longevity (ISIRB and RBM3, 3-4 times)

And as far as protection is concerned you could use Angelic Intercession
(Sometimes you need to feel the presence of those angelic beings to help you feel safe and protected in a divine way. You may need help from a higher power something beyond yourself.
There is always help available, but most do not know how to ask, here is that connection, that link with the realm that angels exist.
Be comforted and soothed then ask for the help you need or simply enjoy the presence.)
Ask them for help, be detailed and explain your situation.

This should be a good stack for the beginning. Consistency is the key, so you should try to listen to this stack everyday (except for the blood clot dissolver) it should help with your situation. Most of the fields can be increased in the amounts you listen to them over time, but for now the recommended amount of listening is fine. Especially now your body needs rest so there’s no need to overwhelm your energetic and physical body by listening too much.

I wish you a speedy recovery! :blue_heart:


Thank you


If you feel everything is being taken away…
See it as a nudge from above. There is a purpose from above

What I’m learning to see, it’s all about connection, relationship with your Highest Self… That’s ALWAYS there!

Focus your attention within, on your heart…
Within, thought and energy… is even more you:
You are an eternal soul… and just this current human being for 80-100 years…

Where ever you may be, they can never touch that!
Strengthen that inner bond, now you have no outer distractions…

Big hugs! Sending you courage!


Thank you
That is true
I just don’t feel like dying yet

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Nor am I writing about such… :thinking:

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I have a lot to do
I didn’t know it’s so bad for disabled people
I had a heart attach physical but am treated like I’m crazy because I’m slow
Been educating the system the difference

@RedCat11 Use the alien field as well, ask them for help. Ask the alien races to help you.

@RedCat11 If you are subscribed to the Psychic University Patreon you can use the Higher Self field.

“The effects can range from a healing on something that hinders you to mindset changes. Personally, I think this field can do anything”.

Ok thank you

I like your viewpoint On connection
I moved to a better place
I want to help others avoid what i Xperianceed