Help removing field and moving servitor to a new item

As the title says, I’d like to remove my fields from the item I imbued onto them. I no longer need the effects of the field and would like to try adding new fields to the items. I thought of using another item, but there’s nothing else that I can keep with me all day.

Additionally I have a servitor and would like to move him onto a ring. I’ve read the instructions on the forum on how to do so, but I’m unsure on if the transfer worked as I am not clairvoyant. (@Angel i recall reading your post on dragons, may I ask if you could help me out with this?). I would appreciate if anyone could help me with either of those things.

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Thank you, the trinket set is a really good idea that I really want to play with. As for the moving over process we’ll see how it goes, but it should have work. Would you happen to know how to get rid of the field on one object so I can I can use another? (I’d like to replace luck with confidence.)

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Fields don’t work like that.
Sapien’s stuff is so strong that it’s literally a part of that item for that point on.


Then if I where to imbue an item that already has a field with another social, what would happen (asking because I think I might have already done so.)

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Something like this…

better get @Captain_Nemo in on this…

He can place fields on items with already existing fields but not sure how it works in the sigil cases.


I don’t remember that happening lol. Would it help if post pictures of the items?

I think these are all the items I’ve used fields on. I’m pretty sure that I’ve used 2 different sigils on some of them. If anyone can check the fields or see if there are any servitors that would be helpful.

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Okay, for me that picture is too much. Think of each field as a sound I’m trying to listen for, to see if the sound is playing or not. You just gave me 8 sounds to listen for all at the same time…it’s too busy, too much.

At least, too much to use psychic hearing as a means of discernment. Maybe someone with psychic vision can help with this.


I’ve done this, based on feedback I’ve read on this forum. From what I remember, one field is best, but you can go up to two safely. Any more than that and it gets iffy and isn’t recommended.

Using the sound analogy again, you can clearly hear one tone playing, and if you play two tones simultaneously, you can still hear both individually if you pay attention. But, play three tones at the same time, now you’re getting into chords, which become their own unique expressions.

I don’t think we understand what a Morphic Field “chord” would do, so to be safe it’s advised against for the time being.

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Ok thank you for the clarification on that.

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Hello, the older servitors are made to ‘match’ your own vibration and energy,
so that you don’t sense a difference later on (as in your don’t really sense your own energy and the remnants of it as you move around., what we do ‘sense’ is the energetic difference between you and the world around you. )
But the newer ones in the books aren’t designed like that.

Perhaps this information can be helpful to the question.

But it also doesn’t seem there some other elements at play than a normal process (of creating and using servitors)


Thank you Captain! I will pass this information on!



Pheidippides :D