Question on dragon golem

I do want to… But I really have some fear toward something that crawls XD well I assume dragons don’t crawls but still they have the shape of it lol. But yea I still very interestingly want to own one someday (: and I know that the dragon will protect me. Which is something that worth having :D


You can create a LIGHT SERVITOR, DARK SERVITOR. In PATREON.:+1::smile:


Wait. What it do? Idk much about it and I can’t access Patreon unfortunately. Can you elaborate about the light servitor?


Dragons? Scary? Crawling? Come on! :(

Have you read the description of the dragon? There is such a mystical and a beautiful imagery to it.

I really suggest you experiment with the Dragon Intercession field on Dream Seeds and see if your energies prefer it! They’re kinder than all of that :)


@anon25711007, from the official description:

Light Servitor

This one has some combat abilities as well and a large number of shielding abilities, this servitor has some healing abilities which it can use on you or other, it would be able to cast spells for you as well but only of light oriented types, and in the same vein as the dark natured servitor way it would be able to summon light and angelic type entities.
As with the dark natured servitor there are a host of other abilities you can discover on your own through your own experimentations.

A post by Dreamweaver, in response to Dmitrij’s question:

A post by ConkerRyan:

Another one from LunaMoon:


Thanks, @Bronyraur, I had missed this important post so far.


How about having a light Servitor? You can imagine any shape or form you want for them.


Lol i saw this after my comment


So, can we make Light and Dark servitor just like the servitors from The Book of Cards? I mean printing page with sigil and then putting desired object on it for few hours? :thinking:

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For the light and dark servitors, you will have to draw the sigil on the item you want to have the servitor embedded on.


I remember DW mention somewhere that you can create dark or light servitor by drawing the sigil on a paper and put the object on top of paper.
He doesn’t say anything about printing the sigil will work or not though.


a little tip if you decide to create “old” servitors.

before creating, find on the Internet a picture of a beautiful and pleasant dragon for your eye. print it. visualize this image during the dragon creation ritual. this is how it will always look.

this is how my servitors were created: the Dark one and the Dragon.

And now, when I call them, they “appear” before my eyes exactly as planned (I’m talking about their appearance). You yourself model their design / appearance (I was convinced of this).


The light servitor seems interesting enough. I will try to get into Patreon someday and figure it out how to do it. Unfortunately in Indonesia. It’s really hard to gain access through paypal. Unless if you have credit card or something like that :sweat_smile:


Oh so that it can be visualized like that on dragon golem (: well if that’s the case I already know what I want it to look like lol



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I suggest that you start with the Dragon Golem.
It is very easy to teach and work with.

I want to know the first time you create the dragon and what things you need to provide? Things like place for example

Walk outside and look at stones on the ground. If you find one that “pull” you, then you have found a proper house for your servitor.

Instruction on how to create it should come with the sigil. You can use a picture of a dragon you like as model during the creation.


In addition to Bootcamp’s nice suggestion:

I did something similar to what Jennyfire has said. That is, I’ve placed all of them in crystal pendants (amethyst, labradorite, etc.) + 1 in a single-beaded bracelet. Quite small sizes but not microscopic though. They’re doing fine. I just wanted to have them on accessories that I wear daily, but this isn’t mandatory of course.

There’s @GianLee who was thinking about placing his dragon in a beautiful dragon statue, but l don’t know if he did :)


Hello Bornyraur! hehe sorry for being late, I do remember very well when I was like crazy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: looking for a beautiful statue for my dragon Golem, in fact I wanted it to be as similar as possible to the image in the PDF hehe but I did try, although after finding the forum and reading some things I decided to create it with a stainless steel bracelet hehe :grin: :grin: :grin: