Help with blockages, when everything becomes difficult or does not work

Hello everyone! I haven’t been here for a long time, the truth is that everything I posted before and your responses have helped me a lot to stabilize and feel much better in general. by the way thank you all.

That being said, I would like to ask you about it since for some time I have found myself, despite feeling good about myself, or better than before… With problems with the outside world.

Things don’t work out, or everything is very expensive and very rarely downhill. I am a person who always has a lot of faith that everything will turn out well, but sometimes strange things happen to me in terms of the results I am looking for.

I don’t know if I can explain myself, I feel a blockage, something that doesn’t allow me to flow well in terms of the things I want… I’m currently trying to add Energy Blockage Removal/Etheric Cord Cutter every day to my stack, trying to unblock and detach myself of my desires, because even though I try to let go, it frustrates me a lot when things don’t work out.

I mean things like work, family, friends, social-sexual-affective life…

I read you my friends, thank you very much in advance.


Try astrological fields.


Let go of results, promises, things you think should happen. No expectations best expectations. Have a dance party. If the things you want happen then they happen, if not then…welp. You’re enjoying life anyways best you can. No guarantees, only possibilities.


Maybe these can help.

Adhd audio is good for willpower too and i believe it has good synergy with willpower fields.


My feeling is that The Unbreakable might really help you.


That is an excellent way to see life, I believe. What you think about, you bring about.

Seems to me that something needs to work on the inside first, then to see it on the outside. Aside from the above mentioned suggested fields, I’m not sure if you’re looking for paid fields, but Mandelbrot Symphony might help with the blockages, you may read the reviews there.

As well as Resilience - The Antifragile if you haven’t listened to it already.


I had a pattern in my life, I would do take action towards dreams, do inner work, listen to fields, follow my Heart and life/things would become amazing, truly exceptional, like a slip stream of wonderful, beautiful, amazing life things, in all areas.

Then out of nowhere I would get walloped by something out of nowhere, sometimes completely random bizarre experiences and out of left field as they say, that brought me back to a worse place than before. This has happened repeatedly :woozy_face:

What was happening is I was changing my identity, changing my actions, following my desires, but there was still some beliefs and identity deep in my sub/unconscious that was contrary the amazing things happening in my life.

I was never one who thought “the other shoe is going to drop” or “something bad comes after something good”. Some have those beliefs, so it is worth you investigating that.

I had deep beliefs like I am not the kind of person who’s life is this phenomenal. Or having a life where all areas of my life are magical and exceptional, I don’t get to have everything.

You have to work on self love, self appreciation, self value, worthiness and work on the identity of being a person who gets to have what they desire and keep it, gets to have a smooth easy wonderful life, good things keep happening and any other beliefs.

JAALs Self Love stack and also search the forum as there are some other posts on this kind of thing.