Hernia Hiatal Help

Is there any field for HERNIA HIATAL (when stomach pops out of place) please.


You can try

New Release: Stomach Healing & Regeneration


The Iron Gullet (Gastrointestinal Inflammation Help)

For the symptoms if it does not help after a while consider checking with a doctor if you may need surgery.

(Abdominal Wall Restoration - YouTube)




Any luck with your HH?
The suggestions you received were great. I have had to work through this issue. One thing I learned was the importance of the myofascial tissue related to surrounding muscles. Diaphragm, upper psoas, and abdominal muscles. Sapien recently came out with a new field called myofascial release and anointing. It’s one you would pay for. There definitely is a connection between emotions and that part of the body. So energy gets struck and the fascia tighten up.
Hope you are over it, and if you are, what did you do. Especially if it was SM fields or natural. If not I hope this helps.