Hip Flexors etc, Automated

Hip Flexors etc, Automated

The hip muscles encompass many muscles of the hip and thigh whose main function is to act on the thigh at the hip joint and stabilize the pelvis. Without them, walking would be impossible. They can be divided into three main groups:
Gluteal muscles

Hip adductors
and the Iliopsoas group which we will focus on in this.
This targets the sartorius, rectus femoris, iliopsoas muscles etc.
created with an automated workout system like those before
and a gentle push for the hips to be in a more natural stable position.
(Rev-ErbA targeted to all those areas along with micro contractions. etc)
Use as needed or 2 -3 times.

(sale code CYBER2021) only valid till the end of the 29th.
Limited nft launches on monday 29th as well.


Thanks, dream!

instantly felt my left hip tingle!!!


This audio and Spinal Tapper would be good stack. Thank you SM


Oh man, this is a climbers dream :stuck_out_tongue:

I used to walk around in my heavy mountaineer boots to train my hip flexors in strength. :smiley:


Is the limited NFT related to this field? Or is it the same 3 mentioned before? So there will be 4 NFTs?

Aka the butt field


Felt it loosen up my lower back with 2 listens. Thank you!


As someone with low back pain, this is indeed helpful. Thanks Dream for another diamond :bowing_man:


I’m not sure what you’re asking, because this isn’t a NFT. This is a field that was posted to YouTube (see the OP).

The “3” NFTs mentioned are supposed to be released on Monday and were announced in the Sapien Medicine Thanksgiving Sale (Black Friday/Cyber Monday)! thread. To me, they seem to be separate and different from this.


Mann were literally covered from head to toe! Literally!

From your face muscles all the way down to your feet muscles!

This is one is incredibly important, especially if you work out or spend a lot of time sitting down

Squat ranges are about to get deeper than Agartha!!! Amazing man, thank you!


Read the last paragraph of the first post. It mentions the NFTs, but provides no contet.

Look at Dream’s post in the thread I linked. It’s about a quarter of the way down and gives some (few) details of the NFTs.

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I am aware of the NFTs. I asked the question because the last paragraph seems to just be randomly pasted onto the thread.

The last paragraph has been randomly pasted on all the descriptions of the fields releases at this time to alert as many people as possible of the sales and opportunities going on this weekend. It’s in the OP in this thread because it’s part of the entirety of the description on YouTube. Simple copy-and-paste for thoroughness sake.

can this help with knock knees?

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Will this help me run faster?

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The description of this field seems to focus more on the groin, the hip/pelvis, and lower back areas. An imbalance there can contribute to some form of knock knees, sure. It depends on your situation.

Have you tried the more, directly physical therapy-focused fields?

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More easily, more efficiently and more healthily, sure. That’s bound to contribute some to your speed, although I couldn’t say how much.




Thanks for this Captain for this :kissing_heart:
This will help a lot for my APT.