As my title indicates, I am looking for a natural solution for my hollow forehead. I am listening to Facial Symmetry but I’m not sure that will do the job.
Do you or anyone you know has had forehead improvement via Facial Symmetry or another audio?
And would it be possible to create an audio solution for hollow foreheads?
Thank you for your kind reply :) I will check out advanced healing but my forehead is naturally shaped this way so I don’t know if it can be healed.
I will make a request for one as you advised. I think it’d be a great idea because even in the sub community there are no subs that target hollow foreheads however they do bother a lot of people.
No problem! And yeah I can imagine it being pretty difficult to find, the more specific the less the likelihood of there being a sub/energy for the specific need… I have a few problems I wish had solutions for as well… but I have faith the universe will place a solution in my path
I know a solution will be placed in your path soon! Just have faith! Wishing you the best