Of course! That’s what I’m here for.
So, you have your own answer to your “Should I continue to use fields?” question. Good for you.
Now, can you use your experience with your PoNR audio to start taking apart your “using the fields made me worse” story?
That’s an individual answer to that question. You can read the various reports of others’ experience in that field’s thread) but it always comes down to your own experience, because each of our energy systems can handle different amount of fields.
Because that field is longer than 10 minutes, you don’t need to loop it. (You might enjoy reading the FAQ for important guidelines about how to effectively use/listen to your fields.) Always start slow with fields but if you decided to play it twice in a row, 2 or 3 times each day, I wouldn’t quibble with that.
You’re not making it up. That’s why we have FAQs with guidelines. These fields can be taxing, which isn’t the help that most of us are looking for from our fields.
And you’re learning (good for you!) that this isn’t a helpful strategy for you, any more than taking 3x the prescribed dose of a medicine is helpful for you.
So now, you can use this piece of information to change your “fields made me worse” story to something more along the lines of “I’ve misused my fields in the past and now I’m understanding why I had gotten the results I had gotten from them,” which (to me) is a story which gives me more options and more reasons for more hope.
Depending the individual, there can be harm in looping any field, which is why I personally don’t recommend that. And it’s not necessary.
There’s also a popular misconception that one needs to “feel” a field as an indicator that it’s working. (These topics are discussed in the FAQ as well.)
Like Become Whole, which does what it says on the tin?
But here’s the thing (and this is not a criticism): in your OP, you were very clear on asking about 1 or 2 fields to be recommended to you and here and below, you’re working against the very intention/goal that you’re setting for yourself. That tendency is going to give you results that you don’t want, so you’re going to want to be mindful of how and where you’re doing this unhelpful tendency of yours.
Then you might find it helpful to recognize that it’s your tactics (even in this last post of yours) which are pushing you to do something other than this goal you’re telling us. And that’s great news because you have your hands on all those knobs, so you can adjust what you’re demanding of yourself and how you are lining up with the goals you are setting for yourself.
A question you might want to ask yourself is “What’s the problem for you to listen to these fields if they are helpful to you?”
If this is what you’re wanting, then go do real world things. There’s no reason why you can’t listen to your fields and be in the real world doing things. There are a variety of ways you can accomplish that for yourself. Here’s another place where you have your hands on all these knobs as well.