Hopeless with fields

I am writing this to get advice from you guys since I am stuck in a weird situation with morphic fields.

I have used morphic fields for close to 7 months now yet none seem to be having an effect on me.
My stack is this:

Ego diss 2x
sub limits removal 3x
hyper state sleep 3x
energy blockage removal 4x
aura clearing ( once every week at morning)

I have recently used the attunement card and Hyper state sleep worked for me as I slept for 4 hours. This however, only lasted for 3 days then the fields stopped working. Do you guys have any advice on what I should be doing? I feel kinda lost and hopeless right now.

I took a break yet nothing seems to be changing. I know these fields can work for me because they did so for 3 days then reverted back.


Somehow I remember you saying of some kind of benefits from this? I can be wrong though :thinking:

If you use the fields for some time the effects will vanish but the benefits are still there. Just keep listening.

even if it’s 3 days.

How do you know they are not working (apart from hyper sleep state)? You don’t necessarily have to feel them for them to work.


i dont feel any different. when i use ego diss nothing changes. I feel my ego is still the same. For sub limits removal i am unsure

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may i ask what your expectations are?

i usually give the advice of listening to the gratitude audios to supplement what you’re already using.

when i feel like i don’t see enough results, i look back to what i wrote here on this forum and i notice how many things have happened for me because i got sapien medicine’s audios to utilize.

reading my past posts also helps me get a bit of the feeling i had when i first wrote it! that brings in my faith and belief to get it more anchored.

do you keep a journal to record your experiences? that’s the best thing that i’ve done for myself to notice results.


Try looping ego dissolution and subconscious limits dissolver while meditating. That’s the best advice I can give, I’m sure they are working.

If you need assurance that the fields work, just loop testosterone, androstenol or serotonin (I found this one gives instant effects on mood).


my expectations are for hyper state sleep to work. by that i mean i get to sleep 4-6 hours naturally. that only happened for a couple of days and i remember them clearly, however it stopped working. when it does not work, i sleep 8-9 hours.

i should also mention that when the hyper state sleep works, i feel more energetic

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I assume, that you already listened to the Point of No Return stack for several weeks?

Don’t do anything else, only meditate to these three tracks. Play each once and do it twice or thrice throughout the day. That’s the only thing that I could recommend.

Or try out the advice from @Sims.

Otherwise drop Hyper State Sleep. Your body might not be compatible with this field.

From this FAQ post:

Q: Why do some fields work for me and others don’t?
It really is all subjective. Some things work better than others or just don’t work at all.

Move on. Pick different fields and work with these.


I would have to disagree with you here. If the field worked for me at a certain point, that means that the field is compatible with my body. If it were not compatible, then it would not work under any condition.

Because of this, I still have faith that it must be me who is doing something wrong.

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Are you sensitive to energy? I think if you are not energy sensitiv results are slowed down alot or even fields just do not work on you.

not really sensitive to energy. For some fields i can feel an immediate effect. After a while, I don’t feel anything

I dont think energy sensitivity matters. most people are not energy sensitive

Perhaps a better question to ask is how does the Attunement card work? Hyper state sleep worked for me after I used this card.

Maybe someone in here understands how the card works. I tried using it earlier yet It did not change the effectiveness of the audios.

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A energy sensitiv booster from Sapien would be realy great to speed up result with fields. @Captain_Nemo @SammyG I know there is another booster on the internet but not from him.

maybe try:

Environmental Energy Accumulator to supplement because for me it sounds like your body currently needs more energy if you want hyper state sleep to work consistently.

or other energy gathering audios but i’m really only familiar with Environmental Energy Accumulator and The Flow of Jing.


It expenses your energy system. You could try and use the card a few days in a row.

And from @uial:

You could also use this card to improve your energy sensitivity, which should help you get results with morphic fields:



I’ll try energy expansion.
Thanks for the suggestions!


There is. Its in the course.


Use daily attunement and energy expansion.