-Does listening to Jing for a couple of times and then listening to Transmutation & Microcosmic, transmute the Jing into Shen or Chi?
Doesn’t transmute it. Sexual energy is a form of jing energy but it isn’t all your jing energy.
-Is it beneficial to listen to Jing after having had a wet dream (especially on no fap) or after sex to replenish the jing/shen that is lost (do you lose Shen or Jing after releasing semen)?
Yes. Listening to jing after sex would replenish the jing energy. I wouldn’t worry too much about shen or chi afterwards but listening to them afterwards wouldn’t hurt either.
-Where does Chi come into the picture? I’ve heard someone say that you can play Chi to replenish your energy after exercise/study.
Chi is like willpower. Like the wind energy that powers a windmill. So, having more chi gives you more energy to do more things. So listening before study/exercise will grant you more energy to accomplish those tasks. And of course, if you listen to it afterwards, you replenish the energy you spent doing these things. Not the best idea to overdo this though. You’ll know when you need replenishing or more energy.
-How do you know when there is an excess of either state in your body? Does Transmutation & Microcosmic deal with this?
When your mind is extremely overactive and you can barely think straight, too much shen energy. Too much chi, is just too much energy in general. Kind of energy that gets you agitated to the extent you can’t sit still. Too much jing, you begin to feel pretty heavy/groggy. And also, too horny sometimes.
-How and what does the 6th Tibetan Rite transmute? What about other transmutative practices such as Mula Bandha (what do they transmute)?
The practice moves energy from the base upwards. It transmutes and doesn’t at the same time. The practice moves the energy and repurposes its use.
-Can an excess of Jing induce wet dreams?