How did you discover Sapienmed?

2 days ago, random comment on Twitter. I am lucky to be here.


Like I assume many of y’all also has done my journey started on Google, when I tried to find a way to boost my testosterone levels in a way that wasn’t gonna cost me alot of money or a waste of time. The reason is that I have always been tiny n at age of 35 pretty much look like I’m still a teenager. I got on YouTube n found some binaural beats n subliminal messages n stuff but I also found Sapiens channel mentioned on one of those videos n on there I first found the Subconscious Limits (Removal) video n later the energetic automatic workout videos n the testosterone booster. From that time (November/December 2019) I’ve been a ‘believer’ of Sapiens. Lol. ‘kay, that’s my story short.:grin::sunglasses::+1:


Yea same as for me. Lol

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Whaaa??! BB didn’t work??! Hmm :thinking: weird… that’s what I tried for uh my privates haha but in combination with subliminal messages n a few of Sapiens fields. It seems to have worked for Me n actually quite fast as well.:face_with_monocle:

Lol, great! I’ve been there a few times. Myself I’m a skånepåg haha :laughing:

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Haha same thing here


It has been a quite a while knowing Dream, I quite forget how I came to know him. I think, it was through Dale who I knew since early 2000s through some Psionic and Tulpa related discussions.


it was manifested, i never searched for it


I was looking for something to raise my vibration and to get luckier in life. Then the universe provided something even better. This awesome new world of energy! :smile:


i have a similar story and also feel the same about sapien!


I‘ve been listening to all kinds of subliminal and frequency tones and I wasn‘t really satisfy with most of them… but very few affirmations and hypno-meditations. But one day I stumbled upon SM and notice the comments were over hundreds so that caught my attention and began reading them… and from them on, I was digging all of your playlists and reading all the positive comments… then digging your websites as well, buying some more audios… and now planning to buy the tags but I‘m still reluctant, will try to do it in the right time… as the one I want is one of the most expensive one and I don‘t want my husband to ask me question about it. He is not a believer of this kind.


For over two years I was fooling around with self-hypnosis and self-made TTS subliminals, testing different techniques and practicing trance states with binaural beats. Had no idea about the subliminal community on YouTube at that time.

Stumbled upon Quadible Integrity’s testosterone video a few months ago and was surprised how well it worked. Espacially her Indium Formula left me dumbfounded. “How could an mp3 make me taste the element?”

While reading about QI on reddit and in YouTube comments people constantly said that QI and Sapien Medicine were the best of the best in the whole subliminal community.
(even though they aren’t using affirmations or subs lol)

Started using The Testosterone Boost Ver. 2.0 , but was a bit turned off, when I found out about the “enchanted items” on the enlightened states website. “Yeah right. They are selling magical woo woo to gullible fools” :sweat_smile:

What finally sold me on Sapien Medicine was the Facial Symmetry track. After listening to the track once, my face muscles felt like they just finished a workout. A few days later I had two occasions where the field even felt like actual shape shifting, though the results of these sessions weren’t super noticeable.

This started my journey down the whole morphic field rabbit hole . . .


I remember kicking myself for not knowing about fielded items until a year after listening to his audios. But you know, you’re right. I probably wasn’t ready for it back then.


Just started looking at their items in detail a few days ago, now that my Sapien Med mp3 collection is nearly complete. Was blown away by what they offer.

Always thought these were just the fields from YouTube put on an dog tag. :sweat_smile:


I learnt about Sapien Medicine when Mark Haughton included a link for their old ‘removing subconscious limiting beliefs’ audio in one of his videos in 2018. I started listening to that and only started to explore the channel last year because of my mum’s hearing loss issue. My mum actually could hear some sound in her deafened left ear after couple of days. It was very encouraging and we had fun trying out some videos and then we subscribed to Patreon :smile:


That is cool. You just reminded me, I don’t think I ever shared this here. But I used the same audio, for hearing, right before taking a yearly hearing test. My hearing was better than it had been in years. Lol. That is not “supposed” to happen.


I forgot about this thread but it has popped up on my way today and I found myself reading all the life story excerpts here. I love that. Just as much as I love looking at people’s old photo albums whenever I go to their place. Talking about real albums, the printed ones.

Some might say “what the hell do I care about other people’s subjective stuff”? Well, I do.

My story with Sapien is quite simple and common: I had broken up with somebody 2 years ago. Just like a knife cut. It wasn’t a “usual” breakup, with arguments, mutual or semi-mutual verbal contentment, decision or even ghosting… No. It happened just like a rabbit pulled out of the hat.

I was like suspended in a sort of void. Because I had thought for the first time in my life: “Wooohooo, I’ve found my other half or the half of the puzzle” lol. I was convinced %100, having had majestic dreams lol about that, like confirmations you know. And saying “together, we’ll get over all the sh.t of this world”.

Anyway, no need for further details. After the breakup, I had just become a shadow of myself. I spent months without being able to do anything (chatting, eating, whatever) without having my face washed with tears. I was sending to hell anyone who’d come to me and say “oh lady, you have to put yourself together, you know. Life goes on. Look at billions of people and what they have to deal with”.

I tried to solve the thing by trying various options. Even less glorious stuff like “how to make your ex apologize in less than 16 hours” on YouTube lol. And this is where Sapien Medicine’s Subconscious limits dissolver appeared on the screen.

I thought “people are getting crazier and more pretentious every day… Like this video will do even what my psychoanalytic therapies haven’t achieved?? Lmao!”.

Final score:
Sapien Medicine: 1000
Me: 0

Or actually me also 1000 because this is only through that field that I started seeing the true signification of my ex. Yes, we all share some karmic material with our exes, learn from them and company, but that one was my soul mirror. Displaying everything that I want to be… and do not want to be. Displaying also a retrospective of everything that I’ve done; those I’m proud of… and those I’m not.

I haven’t forgiven him yet. But do I feel gratitude for him? Yes, for sure.

Etc. etc.

Simple story but back then, I wasn’t mature enough to understand that my other half is nobody else but me. Subconscious limits dissolver has reminded me that, above all. And many other things. Just like it keeps doing every morning… along with my other essential fields like Anger management, to keep my inner monsters friendly lol.

Enough written. No words to express my gratitude.


I discover Sapien Medicine when I was browsing in YouTube about binaural beats for Cognitive Enhancement, Brain, Genius, etc. “Permanent Brain Enhancement” got my attention. I feel that I already come across with this video years back, the pandemic re-introduce it to me as I continuously searching and learning good stuff.


I’m reading this almost a month after you wrote it. I resonate with this lots. It’s funny because I ordered the Limits removal tag less than 24 hours ago. So that’s good timing.

I maybe haven’t given that audio the attention it deserves but definitely many other of Sapien’s audios and fields have done me a ton of good.


On the semen retention sub reddit. Someone posted the older version of the internal alchemy series and I went down the rabbit hole :hole:


I got Tinnitus by listening an ultrasonic audio.
In the product forum, they recommended some audios for tinnitis/ear including Sapien Med Hearing loss.
Then I googled the channel and seemed rrally interesting to me.
But I remember two or three years ago, Youtube recommended me Sapien Channel, but ignored it because there are many Bad clickbait Youtube channels and Some said Youtube corrupted frequencies audios and videos.