Nice to meet everyone !
Welcome Lucy.Kim!
Knowing sapien medicine started by finding the remove procrastination field on youtube. At that point I got into subliminal videos, frequencies and such. Still I didn’t think of them as spiritual tools, I wasn’t into spirituality at all and didn’t believe in all that stuff. That started to change when I learned about ndes (near death experiences), reading about what people experienced made me understand the universe is very different from how we perceive it. From that moment my previous beliefs started being challenged and a lot changed in the way I perceive everything. Spirituality seemed so cool, so I went on to practice meditation, seeing chakra videos and at some point I came back at the sapien medicine youtube channel and found out about dream seeds. Don’t remember at what point I joined the forum, my memory isn’t great and I might have mixed up some stuff, still
Well, more than a month ago, I first heard about Sapien Medicine on Reddit, although someone was saying that he is using black magick and what not, that information didn’t bother me, since I was searching for ways to heal myself (I just started to listen to subliminal messages back then and I found that they were effective, but I wanted to find other ways or to speed up my recovery, also, my mother was in need of help, after her surgeries) and I said, whatever, if it helps, it helps; I found about Sapien Medicine on youtube, but didn’t really tried anything, at least for a while, until I researched about Sapien from different posts on Reddit and I also saw a comment from someone who said that Sapien helped him with some problem (I forgot what health issue he had; that reply/message was on youtube, not on reddit, on a subliminal video) and then I started listening to his audios and researching about this method, about fields, etc., then I decided to join this forum, so here I am; man, those nasty people on reddit (some of them, because I also found positive feedback), if they would stop with their lies …
EDIT/Conclusion: I’m glad that I found Sapien Medicine and it REALLY helps And I’m glad to be here, on this amazing forum!
Another Edit/Post Credits
I tried Sun tanning as well (I don’t remember exactly with what video I started, I think it might have been for lungs/allergies) and I WAS AMAZED AS WELL, MY SKIN WAS LITERALLY TANNED AND NOT FROM STAYING IN THE SUN (OUTSIDE )!
I think it was due to subliminals as far as I can remember. Someone had created a public playlist of subs including Cap’s and Quadible’s videos and I got curious… this was during 1st wave of Covid. I started with Virus fields and later moved onto spiritual stuff. I was also intrigued by physical change fields but I decided that I have a lot of baggage to work before I can move into physical changes like height, etc. Eternally grateful to know this man and his work.
About a year and a half ago I was going through a very traumatic time in my life and it had taken a toll on my skin/face. I decided to search for some healing skin frequencies on YouTube and that’s when I discovered the “skin regeneration” video. I really liked the sound in that video (I know some people don’t haha), so I began looking into the other videos he had. It led me to this whole new world. I had never heard about morphic fields prior to discovering these audios, but I have been listening every since. Looking back on all the trauma I had endured, I am thankful, because it led me to finding sapien medicine and this amazing community! I am so grateful and blessed to be here with all you amazing, intelligent and caring souls Sending everyone so much love and gratitude!
found his cbd audio when i was searching isochronic tones and sapien happened to be the next recommended video…i remember feeling disappointed when i read the descrip and found out it wasn’t an isochronic tone…but it was the only cbd vid i found at the time and it seemed to have work…i think i was broke at the time because i just started a job and didn’t get paid yet and was sore (junk yard job) so i couldn’t buy the cbd lotion yet…the cbd audio soothed my muscles…i was actually in better shape doing that job than when i used to goto the gym everyday…
didn’t really explore that many sapien fields til i think a couple years later when covid hit…first vid that really hooked me from the sensations was i think white light waves…wish i found sapien way earlier…so many opportunities slipped thru my fingers thru these years…but i’m grateful for right now
I believe it was doing my search , of subliminals on youtube, that I discovered Sapienmed. The energy was so different, and cleaner . This was about six months ago.
around 2015/2016 yt video recommend
Around a year ago I was listening to subliminals on the way to school then popped up superhuman genius I played it and said this feels different little did I know how different life would become
I was in a difficult depressing period way back 2019/20. Was listening to different bineural beats and somehow found sapien medicine. I can’t remember if it was someone who mentioned him in a comment or I just happened to listen to one of his Fields and read comments from there. I started to just stick mostly to his work and learned about dreamseeds and energetic alchemy. Intuitively I felt that this was more authentic and I quit the bineurals and other creators and just stuck to Sapien. I slowly started making stacks in categories and since then his works is part of my daily thing like breathing . I have stack I listen in the morning while getting up, showering and have my morning coffee. Then on my way to work I put my headphones on and continue listening until I reach work. Sometimes at work I loop some positive energy or vibration in lowest volume.
On my way home, on with my headphones again and listen to another stack.
After dinner I have another stack I listen to. So daytime it’s more energetic/atmospheric based. In the evening it’s more on health and healing.
It has become part of my daily thing like breathing . And yes I feel the effects of the fields very quickly today than when I just started. I had to mentally and energetically open myself up to receive. The first few months I was just steadily listening not feeling the effects immediately. Now I am feeling it right away . So I am so grateful to be a part of this community and I have premium subscription in Patreon. I found sapien or rather I was somehow guided to sapiens work and it was at the right time of my life. And I will continuously follow Sapien.
I have tried sharing this gift with my siblings, but I don’t think they really understand it . I tried to share my playlist on YouTube,but I’m not sure they are using it.
It was 2019 that I discovered subliminals which Sapien showed up in recommended not too long after. The difference between your average channel and what Sapien could present was clear as day. So I dropped the others and stuck with his works. Thats all
I’m extremely rarely on YouTube. But about three years ago I was looking for something and found Dr. Virtual. There I read several times in the comments about Sapienmed, Dream Seeds and Energetic Alchemy.
I have a old memory how I discovered sapien. I was in Egypt at the beach, searching for a blockage removal. I saw sapiens subconscious limit removal 1.0, I wore my headphones and listened to the classical music while I lay down on the beach and enjoyed the sea wind.
A very beautiful memory of mine
About a year ago I was suffering with a terrible tooth ache and searching desperately on YouTube for help ( subs and Rife) and reading through I saw Sapien Med being recommended instead lol and also that some were stolen from Sapien
That peaked my interest and I’ve been here ever since …I am forever grateful
4 years later… Id still love to hear what this means?
In 2020, I was desperate for COVID and my baby… so I found the UVC audio in gumroad and I can say that safed my live and the all my family.
Since this moment Sapien is my complement, in all medical desicions (obviously that I follow doctor’s prescripción also).
Captain met him somewhere, he found him meditating, being all Zen…
And it peaked his curiosity?
Lol, Idk, just taking a guess lol.
All these scattered lost children
And we are all part of the quest!