How did you find sapien?

Some years ago like 3 or 4 i came across the super metabolism burn audio and the old collagen one almost within days, And i listened to them once and i was like yikes i could not listening to this more times or daily because of the static noise and because at the time id be listening to subs and or binaurals that absolutely need headphones, so i thought his too :laughing: however i had read ALL the comments and replies and they were great, next day i tried again at a lower volume before bed and i was like ok im gonna loop them the whole night close to me without headphones and see if that works a bit.

I tried one night the metabolism one…

:flushed: next day i swear i was like 3 pounds lighter, felts super lighter, my uniform’s shirt was lose and i was like wait WOT?!!!

Next night i looped the whole night the old collagen one and woke up like if id have a 3 hours full facial at the best spa haha my coworkers even asked me what id done!!

That night after work i was like noooo i need to explore inside out this channel, so i did, i literally for the next couple of days checked every single video, read all the comments, checked the website and i was fascinated :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: the best part i found out i didnt need headphones so i started experimenting different ones, creating stacks, etc and i simply fell in love with everything and never looked back other creators i was using haha :woman_shrugging:t2:

Next thing was getting the Dark and Light Servitors which i felt right away and a huge shadow/with lighting when i welcome the light one (which i imagined exactly as how its portrait on the website a giant angel with huge wings, funny enough for years i had used that image in all my social media and always thought that was my love Archangel Michael) so when i saw that lighting shadow with the wings i 100% knew it was real. Those 2 first servitors will always be my favorite, they changed and saved my life and of my family at at time where we were tired of trying and losing hope. :heart::heart::heart:


Did you ever ask dale how his timeline was different from ours?


After some bad experiences when I was 21-22 I turned my back on spirituality basically. 1-2 years later my mom was really pushing me to try a certain type of practice and that’s how I found my way back in. But I was extremely careful never to follow a teacher/guru, not to go to a therapist, always question everything and just cut things off the second I felt like the teacher was being unreasonable or that I was being taken advantage of.

So about 6-7 months ago I was researching how I could make my own subliminals (since as a rule I don’t trust creators/teachers etc) and just wanted to check what’s out there and just so it happens that the first channel I clicked on was Sapien medicine.
I felt the energy right off the bat and was extremely impressed.

I felt I had stumbled upon something real.
I made a playlist with all the videos I liked the title of, without reading the description (it was late at night) and put it on and went to sleep, 20-30ish fields I guess. (Lol)

I slept like a baby and woke up in the morning feeling nice, like something was different but I didn’t know what. This confirmed again that this was legit.
Then I started reading and down the rabbit hole I went :sweat_smile:
But to this day I don’t ever use anything else, with the exception of the intention repeater sometimes.


lmao :smiley:


That’s… Insane…
I’ve been to Nanjing for quite some time. Looking at the map, i was just about 60km away, but neither heard of nor visited.

Well another day perhaps


Also @ SammyG , Call It FATE Or Whatever But I just Read Your “Party Breaker Post” Regarding Your Journey With These Morphic Fields since the Time of Xtreme Mind Forums and I Must say that I Feel Kinda Happy to Meet a Fellow “Perfectionist Virgo” who Has Successfully Climbed OUT of the PIT that I Currently Find Myself In.

If You Don’t Mind, then Could You Please Elaborate that Exactly HOW You Went From Being A User of these Morphic Fieds To Becoming A CREATOR / Collaborator of these Morphic Fields Alongside the Awesome DreamWeaver himself ?

Did You Also Enroll Yourself into the Energy Awareness Course Or Something Similar ?


It was a typical Thursday. Nothing unusual about it… finished working out, watched some television then listened to a couple of sapien medicine tracks while meditating. I had my eyes closed while listening to subconscious limits removal when all the sudden… a bright light disturbed my peace. I open my eyes to a glowing white orb of light above my body and… if there was a personification of love, that light would be it. I felt whole while staring at it.

Then I heard a thought in my mind that didn’t feel like my own, say ‘Are you willing to undergo the process?’ I had nothing to lose at this point so… I said something along the lines of ‘sure, why not’. I blinked and I wasn’t lying in my bed anymore. I was somewhere else.

I was in my light body floating in a realm where… I seemed to be inside the pattern of a fractal that went on forever and just looking in the distance, I could feel the expansiveness of this place… There was floating and radiating geometry sparkling what seemed like millions of colors at once.

And then there were several entities there… their bodies looked like they were made of bubbles, except their form was that of floating capes and their heads were smoky (like gaseous bubbles). They were not just in one place but in all places at once. Depending on where I was observing, they would be there. Was I manifesting them? But then it felt like they were manifesting me… It was the strangest feeling because for the first time, I felt less alone than I ever had in my life. I felt like one small part of a greater whole. I shared a mind with these entities.

And because I shared a mind with them, communication came through thoughts. I knew what they were telling me rather than hearing or seeing it. And so I knew that I would have to undergo the full process of ego death to serve humanity in the coming years. And so they showed me what I had to do. All I saw was a pool of darkness. It wasn’t exactly a pool but that’s what it seemed like in this bright and luminescent realm… just a dark pool in the middle… pure darkness and who knows what, beneath it. I was to dive into it and reach the very bottom.

I forgot who I was at this point. I didn’t have a care of the time because time didn’t exist here. But looking into that dark pool, I felt the most fear I had ever felt in my life. The entities were alarmed by this and one said “you said you were ready to undergo the process.’ I thought ‘I know. But this is still scary. What’s down there?’ Another one said ‘ There’s nothing down there.’ And so I felt more assured.

They were here anyways. They wouldn’t tell me to go down there if it weren’t safe… So I jumped into this dark pool and within it… I enveloped into nothingness. I didn’t feel like a light body… the light withered. And everything went dark. No thought. Nothing. But there was still awareness. And in that moment, I enveloped into infinity.

Awareness expanding on and on to each galaxy, solar system, star, planet, living thing, to the tiniest of molecules. So much information, so much experience, so much life, so much everything packed into one. This went on for what felt like eternity. Until, in my expanding awareness, I zoom into the me that I am now… lying in bed. And I wake up. And a knowingness in me tells me… you need to contact dreamweaver and begin working with him immediately. And then, that’s all she wrote….


All right guys, Ima stop here hahahaha. I’m so very sorry but I got carried away. I was going to write like a quick 1 paragraph outlandish made up story and then go onto the real one as to how I met dreamweaver. But as I was writing, my imagination started going to some interesting places and I wanted to see where it would take this story :D So I apologize for playing with your mind like that.

The real story is rather basic. When I was listening to sapienmed early on, I would message dream pretty often… asking all kinds of dumb questions. This was when Sapienmed had like 25k subs. His site, dreammagick was going down for some reason. The forum was a great place and there were a couple of us in there sharing all kinds of valuable info. Om and moashan were there. I got a little closer to dream in the days of the forum as I would talk to him quite a bit… I bought all his products too lol. Oof, I spent a lot of $ those days.

But after a certain amount of time, the site was gonna be taken down. Also, dream didn’t have a base for his sapienmed audios or just… all his stuff in general. Dreammagick was more for his pendant field making. So I told him, I’ll make a site for you and get all of dales old articles from his old sites and add them to the site. Then I’ll write articles more catered to your work. And I’ll create a MUCH NEEDED FAQ so that people can stop asking you the same questions in the comments section each day. And I’ll do it all for free. Well… he said, go ahead haha.

There was one problem… I didn’t know how to create websites :x But, I believed in sapienmed… and so my belief drove me to learn how to create one. And I did. It’s actually really not that hard with wordpress. I created enlightenedstates and then through our contact in the website… emails started pouring in.

And at that point I was helping out dream every day with sapienmed. I didn’t make a cent or… him for that matter for the first year or two. We weren’t selling fields. Then, we decided to start doing that and well it’s worked out well enough, where it’s our day jobs. And boy, has it been a strange but exciting journey. Maybe someday, I’ll write a book on it. It’s been rather bizarre at moments.

But no, I’m not a prodigy that entered into dream’s ‘secret psychic training school’ and broke through the ranks through sheer talent lol. I grew quite a bit by just being his friend and working with him. And my own willpower to always grow and improve myself.

As for whether I can create fields and do the things he can, nope. I have my own set of things I can personally do. But that’s not for the world to know. Only for me. I’ve found it wise to keep your abilities to yourself.

But yeah, I really was just going with the flow with this whole thing. I believed in it. But most of all, I became close friends with dream. And if you wonder if he’s as genuine as he seems, he 100% is. I love that guy and one of the greatest gifts of the past decade is having him as a friend.

All righty, that’s all for sam’s journal writing for today. Peace .


While I adore Dale, my teacher, Dream is also a lot of fun, very innovative and constantly stretching boundaries. (Sorry Dale, I hope you ain’t reading this lol) but Dream certainly is way way way…way more fun and exciting than Dale haha…


Thank you very much for sharing a part of your story.

Now with regards to something that you wrote in the first story…

…I don’t believe for a single second that you put this “by accident” there or just for the “fun of fantasizing”!

I know this because a very similar message has been given to me by my Higher Self while being drugged with VoT and Conceptual Realization.

And I am yet to make a decision once I am ready for it…


99% chance dale won’t read this lol. Probably not even aware of this forum. The man is sort of off the grid.


He has traveled into another different one timeline and multiverse , so don’t worry lol

Great story Sam, I have almost believed in first one


Lol well, all I can say to that is fantasy tends to have bits of one’s truths sprinkled in.


You know Dream on real life too? Have you ever met?

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Dream lives on a remote island surrounded by the ocean on all sides.

There are also sharks in that area, so I’ve heard.

There is one ferry that takes you to the island at 9:58 am every day and thats it!!

A few people tried to swim their way to him, but giant whales blocked the way!


Hahahah STAAHP


Yeah they always imagine him something like that-mystical. From what i can say from his replies he seem to live casual life… Maybe his neighbours don’t even know what powers he has :smiley:

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How he get internet there tho? :grinning:


I mean he can bring down and harness whatever up in the cosmos, u think internet at his place is a problem? :laughing::sunglasses:


Yeah lol, who knows what crazy shit he can do. He cretated scent from sound how crazy that sound have you ever wonder :smile: