So I know exactly what I want to say , I know what I feel and the concept of the emotion that i want to bring across, so i got the ideas. I only have problems to bring my point across like on paper, or in a conversation even. I know the feeling in my head but the words that come out dont always represent what I feel 100% .
Like I just cant seem to find the exact right words . When I listen back to what I say its more or less right , but it’s not exactly what I felt .
How can I get better at loosing less meaning along the way ???
I tried the throat chakra video and it helps for an hour or 2 but soon it’s the same as before ,so it’s not a long term solution I guess .
Try nullify negative planetary effects and amplify positive effects
Hi Alexandre!
Before giving you some advice I share this with you…
I fully understand your story. I have the same problem as you with verbal and written communication . Difficulty expressing what I feel.
Since I have done a job inside me, it is better. I take the time to think about what I’m going to say or write.
There is still work to be done. I have all the tools at my disposal to improve communication, I am confident
I also bought the audio to work on the throat chakra.
Speak with the heart or speak with the ego? Ask yourself when you communicate with people.
When you speak from the heart and speak from experience of what you have experienced, done, understood, acquired, you will be able to better express what you feel, what you have in mind. The words will come naturally to you spontaneously.
You have to be confident, believing in yourself is very important. I would advise you to listen to the audio on the subconscious blockages, it might help you to dissolve some communication blockages.
I would also advise you to read books on subjects that you are passionate about . To expand and enrich your vocabulary. This will allow you to give more accurate and more precise words to what you want to convey . Also read aloud to develop word articulation if you have difficulty speaking.
another tip which is good ,You can practice filming yourself and then watch the video to see things to work on communication.
I hope these few tips can help you
Interesting tip. I am gonna listen to those 2 . How do you think they will help with communication ?
I think the ego vs heart is true . I think sometimes it’s more head vs heart or Gut feeling vs head.
What do you mean when you say you have done a job inside you ?
So for the audio of the throat chakra (that of the S.M store) I base myself on the info that is given to it, i.e. this:
-Become a much more effective communicator
-Gain a better understanding of what people are saying between the lines
-Always know what to say
-People listen carefully to everything you have to say
-Connect easily with others during conversation
- Awaken your psychic abilities related to hearing called clairaudience
-Access your dream state more easily and see your dreams more clearly - Awaken and improve your creative abilities
For the audio that removes the blockages of the subconcient (SLR) it will allow you to gradually dissolve all the diagrams, limiting belief. To be clearer here is the description of the audio:
The combination of supraliminal and energetic programming will work together to help dissolve a large number of subconscious blockages / limitations. It will have profound effects on your mental state and your daily interactions with the world, imagine what that would be like, only to find yourself having a whole world of possibilities open to you.
You probably have limiting beliefs that have kept you from doing things you always wanted to do. “I can’t talk to beautiful women. I am not beautiful. "I can not sing. My voice is horrible. “I can’t lose weight. I just can’t do it. Well…
The reason you can’t is because you think you can’t! Without realizing it, you probably have dozens of limiting beliefs that keep you locked in your shell and shut off all other possibilities.
When you were a kid, you had a vivid imagination that made you believe that anything was possible. You felt free. Now imagine that degree of mental freedom as an adult and actually pursuing what you want and actually achieving it. This is what this field makes possible.
I will take the time to write and answer you as clearly as possible to share my experience with you and the tools, technique that I use to improve my communication. …
Recommended Stack for your issue.
Ego Diss
Throat Chakra
Emotional Release
i have the same issue but its more the fact that i cant remeber or that my brain proccesses very slowly… its honestly hard to make friendships with it…
I think what the others say will help so im gonna try too
Absolutely true ! It might be limiting believes . I do have the slr tag ,but haven’t used it yet , so in looking forward to that .
The old “me” a few months ago was a person he didn’t take the time to listen to others well. I was always looking to answer and gave my point of view all the time, a lot in the analysis when talking to me. A lot in the ego in fact …
I was the one who knew a lot and didn’t need anyone to be successful.
I have a lot of knowledge and an artistic spirit, a great creativity. Yes and so ? If you express it with ego people are not going to pay attention. So you always do more to get attention, it’s a vicious cycle.
The people we meet in our life are somewhere a reflection of us. It reflects to us what we do not see in us when we are too much in the ego, too much in thoughts and in analysis.
I was looking for approval, drawing attention to myself. I talked and wrote a lot (block text lol) thinking it was good for attention. It was quite the opposite 🤦 … It just showed that I needed to be heard and to listen … more ego.
My ex and someone else made this remark to me which made me revel in what to work on.
In summary they told me this …
“Elliot, when you express on certain subjects you don’t feel that you have lived them.” You are too much in theory not enough in practice.
Concretely what that means what I expressed certain thought while being a little hesitant. I was reciting certain information, knowledge without having lived and experienced it fully.
When you speak with experience you can hear it. the people you speak to hear and feel it. They are more attentive and receptive.
Some time ago I shared my experience of my understanding, my feelings and lived on letting go and ego with this friend who had pointed out to me.
He said to me “there I feel that you speak with experience, with your heart man !! There we want to listen to you !!!”.
When he told me this it made me really happy. I was on the right track
What helped me a lot in the beginning is the audio “ego dissolution” and “limit of the subconscious”. What allowed me to be more attentive and attentive to what I was told .
I also listen to the audio for the energetic release and the audios of the energetic awakening course which allowed me to develop my energetic sensitivity.
This gave me even more confidence and I knew what to say when I had to bring up the subject with someone. I have lived so I can explain it easily with experience.
My lower chakras were well cleaned and balanced. It is very important to balance your chakras and remove energy release.
The more I listen to them the more I was confident and sure of myself. My mind was a little clearer.
So current I express when I feel the need or if someone asks me a question. I don’t try to answer every time and I am more attentive. I am less waiting as well.
At that time people are listening to you it comes to you.
I am more focused on myself, my inner world than on the outside world to purify myself and increase my vibratory rate.
In addition to the audios I have in my possession the tags “SLR”, “cognitive and memory improvement”, “chakra growth”, “Schumann resonance” and “ascension”. This brought a big plus to the work in me, my introspection.
At the same time, in parallel, I listen to the audios which allows to have results and faster change.
I downloaded applications that allow you to work and improve cognitive abilities. Memory, attention, reflex etc …
I still have work to improve my communication but I am super confident with the tools I have dispose
This is Alexandre
sorry for the mistakes and a bad translation, I’m not comfortable with English (I’m French)
Merci ,mon amie :)
To help improve communication there is also The Power of the Blarney Stone audio
It could add eloquence to your speech expressing yourself persuasively and with appropriate language, fluent and elegant speech, clearer, calmer, more relatable.
(adding this for all those who will search the forum and search for some solutions how to improve their communication skills/abilities, because I know how frustrating it can feel to not being able to express something and be heard and enjoy talking and interacting with others more; also sometimes we use something it works then many new cool audios come out so we drop something from our playlist and sometimes it is nice to be reminded of some older audios)
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