How do I get rid of it

Are there any free fields that can help me get rid of intrusive thoughts/images. I keep getting this random image in my head and I am trying my best to avoid it…


trying to avoid it is what makes it persist.

stop resisting it. embrace it. become it. and let it go.

the more you fight and resist something, the more power it has over you.


Aura deep cleaning does the trick for me. Essence of mantras or the mantra fields may work too. For an immediate fix.

Spear of Destiny, orgone, or astral viber. Let’s say this is one approach.

The opposite one would be anxiety removal, emotional release, salt cleanse, torsion field, ATo Vaikuntha Loka, grounding.

Then there is moldavite, reversed devil, pure moonlight, vagus nerve, DMT or Dreamtime.

Or maybe just use SLR v3. I think aura clearing would be enough. Aura and SLR will probably work. It will get your mind busy.

Alternatively, you can use unconditional love infusion. A lot of tensions dissolve in unconditional love.

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I’ve tried sitting on it and thinking of it, but I feel as if I persist in it it’ll be reoccurring… but I will try it

attachment happens to any form of “wanting something” and “not wanting something”

any form of attachment is going to dominate you and determinate you into certain type of habits or behaviors. like OCD.

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The All Purpose Anxiety Removal can help.

But what always did it for me was telling my dragon servitor to create shield and remove intrusive thoughts or any entities/etheric cord/parasites etc…trying to do some funny stuff on my mind.

not free field nvm

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So if I think about it long enough, it’ll go away?

Notice all the elements, emotion, sensation, then embrace each one

Im not 100% sure but look into Circadian rhythm of our sleep. See, when you are asleep around 10pm the brain has a way of resetting and getting rid of negative memories. But you must be in tune with the circadian rhythm and already be fully asleep by 9 or 10pm for this to work.

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try sleeping on the floor for a short period, on your side, I don’t know why but it helped me in those cases.

Listening to many fields could make your mind more hyperactive, rest will help you reset and balance.

I would recommend to try this one

A genius asked a master how he realized true Zen
The master responded:" What are you not thinking about at the moment?"
The genius said many things.
The master responded : “Not at the moment”

Think about this story as much as you can, try to understand it, and when the image comes, remind yourself of this story<

The fields I recommend are :Non-Judgemental acceptance and This beautiful Mental mandala

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