How do I increase the mandalas?

how do I increase the mandalas, boost … some people said not to increase, but I think I need to because I want to use some mandalas at the same time


Boost it the same way you would a tag, on the sigil. Destinus.

Where does one find this sigil brother?

ah yes, I have this. I just remember hearing there is an older booster that could possibly be different from the one in this book

That’s the one on patreon you heard about.

Can you speak to any difference between the two?

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I’m not sure if they are different.

The ebook does not have the booster sigil, only the hard copy.

But the old one it is there yes and here in the forum too i think

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You can use more than one at the same time. Give them time to grow they are powerful, just place them everywhere instead

Here are a few related posts from The Book of Cards by Dreamweaver thread:


Yes thanks @uial, this is what I’m referring to. I do wonder what the differences are, but having no experience with the prior boost sigil, I’ll just take what I get lol I’m willing to try a boost with a mandala, but I’m keeping my tags unboosted. Cheers @_OM :grin:


Yeh cheers @_OM. :grin: :pray:

I boosted two tags once with the older Field Booster sigil as an experiment many months ago and regretted it over time.

They are much heavier on the energy system than the unboosted tags (drill sergeant raging indeed!) and boosting truly seems unnecessary for the current fields.