How far do morphic fields reach? Will it reach if i play it on the TV speaker in the living room?

hi everyone! I am just getting into morphic fields,I am playing sapien on my tv speaker ( it has external speakers) because i heard the iphone/laptop speakers dont work as well as external speakers.

I am playing my morphic fields on my speaker which is about 8-10ft away from me. Will it still reach? Or does it only reach so many ft?

Thank you!


Up to around 1 meter, maybe a little bit more, that’s how far they work for me.

However, fields work much better when they are played on a speaker near my body.

This is my experience, I don’t know nor I can say how far/from/at what distance they work for others.

Hello Jujumarie, you’ll find valuable knowledge in this thread:


i see. do you know if sapien’s morphic fields work on iphone ce speakers?

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I don’t know if the reply was for me or for CoyoteJr; I think they work on any device, at least that’s what I read around the forum.

However, they seem to work significantly better on my phones and on my 2.0 Bluetooth speaker than they did on my mono speaker.

I mean, the effects are felt immediately/much faster and better, but it could be due to me trying some Boosters for almost a year now.
I usually got weaker results on that older speaker, Idk why.

The field reaches as far as it can be heard, if you are 5+ meters away and you still hear the music it will be working for you, if you no longer hear it it is not working for you. It depends on the volume and if there is no interference in between



If you can hear it, it’s reaching you.

If you can’t hear it, should work as far as your aura which is basically the space between if you stand with your arms outstretched.

We should perhaps create a section just for this question in the welcome area, because it’s asked really often


Say you’re in the kitchen and you have a show playing which you can hear even slightly playing in the livingroom or somewhere else around your house.

That TV is interacting with you at that time. You have an auditory field around you someone might be speaking in another room and you can hear it, well all these things are injecting themselves to your auditory system and you are interpreting it and decoding it with meaning.

Morphic fields are the same way, its no different. So long you hear it its infusing into you and you decode that information and allow it to influence the desired outcome.

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This made me curious, what about the plant growth field? Plants don’t hear the same way we do, so is the range different? I’d like to affect all of my plants using one speaker


I actually asked about this one before yes you can play for basically a whole yard and all the plants will benefit, just make sure you can still hear it however far the sound waves will reach


They still receive the sound vibrations