Wow, beautiful…
I did a detailed analysis and can sell you this information
There are many more
or he can just count on his own lmao
I guess the abundance mindset didn’t work after all ? lol
You know why people buy market and industry reports?
Because they value their time more than their money.
Creating market and industry reports is a business model.
Thanks for the lesson professor
And thank you for counting the number of fields so we won’t have to. I’m gonna have to decline. Good luck with your new biz
I think it’s fine if you can afford it, just make a mental shift from regarding these as fields to regarding these as art pieces. Then from a purely aesthetic view, but not a practical view, perhaps you can start to enjoy what pleases you and let go of what does not.
This is not just for Crystal’s benefit.
I’m going to say this in as lovingly a way that plain text will permit: You wouldn’t do this if the topic was money rather than NFTs, would you? (Please say “no.”)
I mean, you wouldn’t say, "I have $1 trillion but because the rest of the forum (or these select members of the forum) only has $10, I have too many $ and feel guilty. " Or if you would say that, you’d recognize the unhelpfulness of this perspective and use the tools that we (and you) have to address your unhelpful perspective, rather than adjust your abundance downwards to meet the lowest common denominator.
And I know, there are some people (and some institutions of authority) who might encourage you in your downwards adjustment.
A old teacher of mine used to say, “You can’t get sick enough to make another person well.” Don’t adjust your abundance (of anything) downwards–even if you’re doing your adjustment emotionally, say, through a punishment of guilty feelings–to match any standard that is not your own. Please.
Instead, use these (and other) tools to address whatever is causing this unhelpful perspective or behavior for you. Please.
Think long-term. One day there might be over 500 different NFTs…
Some whale investor will for sure pay for that
Makes more sense.
I still think he could make his own project even buy 12 copies at once, that’s what 2500-3000$ to get anything he wants custom made, one off
If I had the money, I’d just consider it one custom field for 2700$
There are those who say that time is the real prosperity.
Yes, and also youth, mobility and the amount of life options you have.
That’s how much it cost to get anything you want.
Anything above is IMO a bad deal
Let’s be crazy and had 500-1000 to pay an expert to write a description for you and talk to Dream for you
Best description
That’s an extravagant 3000ish $
And no one else gets what you have and it’s fresh, no scams, no paperwork 1 NFT just for you.
You can sell the rest even.
You get 12 copies instead of 1 copy at 1 million $
Me, I’d just get 11 souls to join.
Why ? Because some rich dudes have money to waste.
Tell that to the guy who made The One Bel Air
quite possible it already has
the world may never know
lol I tease
There’s 54 (excluding the early on NFTs) unless he’s made some from different chains (the one’s we’ve been seeing have been on the MATIC block chain.
About 238-240 holders
I think about doing this at least once a week…,
I can’t be the only one haha
Or the new standard prices for SM meet & greets,
Backstage pass tier
You’ve met Captain Nemo and Sam ??? How are they like