How many NFTS are too much. I have 40 help

2 bad

Here is a never before disclosed photograph of Captain!!


Love that! :rofl:


Lol and here i am crying inside cus i dont know how to buy them :confounded:


No worries
Few ways:
When Sapien drops it on venly, all you do is click his link, quickly add it to your cart, use the email you want to have your venly account affiliated with as the receiving address, and your set. But do it fast, they sell out quickly


In the past few months or so he’s taken a spin on it- allowing for the formation of group projects; a collaborative process amongst those within said group whom are to: do the research, draft a proposal, wait for the proposal’s approval (from him), and then request the amount of copies they’d like to purchase (but the final sum can vary; i.e., one group’s max count was 17, whilst another’s, 88) if and only if the draft is approved ofc.
The rest is simple: he gives your group the link to buy the product, which will be at a specific time, and you are to quickly buy it. I emphasize on quickly as it has been known for nongroup members to secure themselves their own copy meaning to say they took away a group member’s copy

How do you join a group?
There’s chances via community and projects tab. Or better yet you can draft your own proposal and create your own group.
Now how can you guarantee yourself a spot?
You can’t; it’s a race against time. It’s why many now days visit the forum frequently

I believe he might be dropping one soon :slight_smile: if he does, and I happen to cross paths with it, I can tag your name under the thread if you’d like


Hey speaking of what’s the difference between IH and GOB (besides their descriptions) since we are on the open topic of differences. Several members wrote they prefer GOB over IH in testimonials. Yet no one really explains why. Attention at it has been at bare minimum like agarta
Really want to know…… please. :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t2:
Thanks alot man @Dr_Manhattan @Kay @Maoshan_Wanderer @Scribe great inputs


@anon51280824 @pranic_climber Hey man saw both your comments for IH. Any thoughts for GOB? You guys are great. Lots of us like your reviews

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What is GOB?

Guide of Breath

Look forward to yours most certainly… keep it up :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

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Oh, well i dont have that one.

IH has so many things in it actually :grimacing: itd be hard to sum up with a short description.

But lets say it keeps your spirit happy, hopeful, confident, child like innocent hope kinda vibe too.

High vibration, like it puts you in a bubble outside any reality if it harsh, so you can analyze from above what the situation is unfolding so with a wider perspective you get wider range of solutions, and if its not up to you, you release the control grip and go with the flow, sure things will work out in the end. And i guess because we are creators of our reality, by being uplifted and hopeful that reality gets shaped in a positive outcome for you.

The happiness you feel, its based on the story of your life, and how you see it etc thats the best part. Imo
And then the things in your life start coming or manifesting in the perfect and most harmonious way for you.

And it has external support, like connection to any deitiy (that wants to connect of course)


That’s so cool thanks for that. And hey, I read all your reviews for Rainmaker. Just for fun, if you had to pick which would it be? IH or Rainmaker :crazy_face:
I love hearing people talk about these like trading cards. Glad I joined in

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I dont have RM :)

@Lucky is the creator according to the thread of all NFTs. For that we could hear from him too I bet. Nice to meet you
@anon51280824 whoops. I thought you did :sweat_smile: I will apologize for that. Lots of releases to keep up with.

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If you ever consider those let us know your review. I don’t have those either but always a thrill to hear you all express

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There are too many wonderful messages here to quote. Both the candour and advice have been beautiful to read, you guys are so lovely :heart: :slight_smile:

On the question of how many is too much, my impression is that the reply isn’t in numbers but in functionality. And by that I mean if there is satisfaction between the investment of resources and the rewards. Comparisons are unlikely to be productive because what is functional for one isn’t necessarily going to be for another.

If emotions are felt that are anything less than peace, I would say then it is unlikely to be the right amount :slight_smile:

It’s muscle testing :heart: If I may say, while I know some people swear by it, I find that the answers one gets tend to be highly unreliable, especially on issues that are charged because it’s too easy to get the answers wanted.


Hey thanks :relaxed: I don’t have Guide of Breath. I’ve been doing the free Advanced Pranayama video as part of my daily practice that @SammyG made for us. I feel like that’s more than enough for me at this time. The benefits of the practice accumulate quite fast :raised_hands:t3: Each day just gets better and better!



Regards to Immutable Happiness:
I sought IH as it incorporates a variation of mool mantr or the”essence of Guru Grant Sahib Ji” (quoted because it comes from a Saakhi, of course mool mantr is of its own reverence as is Sri Guru Grant Sahib Ji) meaning to say… it’s fueled in spirit, a might of its own.
Its power lays in the same way a mother cares for her newborn. The devotion that’s witnessed, that utter unconditional love that transpires between them, the twinkle in the child’s eyes. It’s a depth that very few can evoke.
This feels like a chemical equation that’s come alive.

Or think of it like the following analogy:
Although the sun is quite literally a blazing ball of fire, if one were to have never experienced neither warmth nor the sun’s rays, it would be difficult to conceptualize.
So, this, this allows for that same very individual whom seeks warmth, to be prepared and feel its coming embrace, as the sun’s rays have finally arrived.

The more you use it, the more you’ll see
And the more you’ll see, the more you’ll realize it’s near impossible to describe such estacy.

Regards to Guide of Breath:
For me this feels like what one acquires when he or she is willing, is prepared for the next step. Therefore, they have arrived
The words behind what GOB stands for, to me at least, are futile, the same way when one wants to describe LVG.
Or perhaps for any of the Sapien Gadgets and Gizmos
Language is used as a means to communicate, but behind the words we speak are a far more deeper essence.
I could write pages upon pages for this, but I’m not that much of an idiot to know even then it will never be enough lol.

So perhaps for now the following fares for regarding
Guide of Breath:
''Spirituality” which refers to spirit, derives from latin’s spiritualitas. And that, is derived from Latin’s noun spiritus, translating to:
The Breath of Life


So you’re saying it’s not completely unreliable :grinning:Never used it myself. Personally, I prefer a coin flip for choosing. The muscle testing seems like might work when your are trying to get at things you suspect are true but feel wrong to verbalize–“did I mistreat that person?” That’s just a hunch, though.

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I almost mentioned the coin flip! Not even for the actual result but because if it doesn’t fall on what I wanted, I know right then and there hahahah

But yes, I think you may be right, it’s just that I can’t trust the answers I get so I’m left wondering.

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