How many tag I can wear ?is there ah limit ?
The limit is you.
Observe how you feel when adding new tag. When you feel drained or stuffed it´s to much.
Yeah but I heard the more tags you have, the less effective they become…
…or it takes a lot longer to manifest probably.
Depending on how much energy you give, if you have weak energetic body, dont expect them all to work, but with time these fields become part of you, so even then they will work fine, it’s all about the aviable energy you have and how strong your energy body is to handle it. That’s why Magi tag is essential to a part if you want to go around with 20 tags at the same time, even with 10 tags, magi is always good, will even help with morphic fields and won’t use your energy.
Read about it to understand what I am trying to say.
In my opinion if you listen to Aura and Energy Body Repair, you can increase the number of tags you can wear, because your Aura becomes stronger.
Are you just inferring this or is it what Dream actually said?
Is it possible to get the magi as a digital field or is their a similar audio field I can listen to?
the only bet I have on that is letting your energetic body grow, so auric and energy body repair is your best bet, and the card system on patreon/instagram, the card energy expansion will help your body grow, and all the chakra fields and the course will too
Environmental Transformer from The Book of Cards
With this image, you can create an active energy transformer, it will constantly draw in, filter and clean the energy in the environment you place it.
Yes it is meant for the environment, not you.
You place your item on the image, and say ‘create’ then it is ready to use in about 2 hours.
Environmental Energy Accumulator
i personally use all of these above recommendations as alternatives to the pendant of the magi.