unconditional androstenol?Does it matter if I am wearing hoodie over T-shirt.Dumb question but it is pheromone and they are secreted by glands when u sweat as far as I know.So having layers of clothers blocks the smell.Or it could be audio gives us energetic presence of androstenol,then it wouldnt matter.
Confidence and grooming
Not having a dad-bod helps.
My inner woman doesn’t!
I dont think the OP is looking to attract your inner woman…
one can dream…
Yes, I have nothing against a dad bod.
Oh c’mon. Is that really offensive?
So much tension lately.
Nah sometimes comments get flagged as a “joke”
Actually my preferred body type in men in general is more or less the Jason momoa picture you posted there
it’s far from what people think of as “dad bod” though… he is still super fit, way fitter than average (he has a bit higher fat% Vs in films but it’s well within normal) and has ridiculous genetics.
Yeah, I realized that as soon as I took a second look at it lol, I was like ‘damn’, I posted the wrong picture.
Also that’s a weird joke ! looking at you whoever did that
now you have to post what you find attractive, duh
stop posting me bro
at least ask for permission
If you wouldnt have made that comment i would have admired and congratulated you on your looks.
No muscle can win over down to earth simple personality
But if you want to know exactly what attracts me physically id prefer a less muscle-y man
sorry bro i thought buying your onlyfans ment i could share on this forum, y’know, publicity and all
I prefer Chris Cornell and Al Pacino
Hey, I just want to look at shirtless men.
Now THIS is sexy. Why are u so young Joshhhhhh