How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

To add some unconventional tips to what Sammy has already written above:

  • You can speed up the process of learning to be more social by listening to subliminals on being a great sales person, communication, empathy, talking skills, confidence, being charming like James Bond etc.

  • Stay away from any of those toxic Incel/Femcel forums where they blame insufficient looks on everything. Looks do matter, but as Sammy explained, the major part of your attraction is the energy vibe that you give off. The Soul Restoration audios can be of great help here to bring you back to your natural attractive energy level.

  • Wear the Intercession tag so that advanced being can help you with your progress.

  • If the urge hits you, you don’t necessary need to repress it like some weird nofap forum would recommend you, neither do you need to go to some weird adult website full of negative entities leaching of your aura while you “pleasure” yourself.
    Instead you can learn lucid dreaming and have your sexual adventures there.
    Or you learn astral travel and find an astral companion to experience what real energetic sex feels like. Of course, astral travel is not easy to achieve, but most people who have experienced astral sex mostly lose interest in physical sex anyways…

  • If you cannot yet do any of the above and the urge hits you, let’s say like right now, then listen to Ojas and Transmutation of Lower Basal Energies.

  • Once you’ve became “irresistibly sexy”, do not commit to the first person that “took your virginity”. Learn to date peope who have also high self esteem and have a life going on for themselves. Avoid gold diggers and pickup-artists. Do not marry the state - the state doesn’t care about your relationship happiness, only about who pays the bills. Ideally, claim from your Higher Self, that you are ready to meet your soulmate or a twin flame. Then enjoy life together.


Umm @Dreamweaver Sammy is at it again with the long post :crazy_face:.

Jokes aside this was a great read, Sammy.

I love the idea of using a mantra while working out, now that I think about it I would unconsciously chant “you got this, let go… Come on this ain’t nothing” right before hitting my next set perhaps some loving chants would help my overall well being.

I’m Definitely taking home “finding something you’re passionate about.”.


Sometimes I seriously feel like someone stole my notes and schedule lol

Those are very great tips, thank you to all of you. There are some real gems there


On point like always :clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::ok_hand:t2:


For audio that nobody seemed to suggest and is powerful type in yt POTENT Sexual Attraction ‘Om Kroom Lingaya Om’ Mantra Energised 108x,it is from Spirituality zone channel and the creator makes powerful stuff so check him out definitely.
I just read Sam`s advice and I will share personal experience 2 weeks ago when I unexpectedly went to a club,wearing fucking Crossfit t shirt and jeans.So there I am getting into the vibe of techno music dancing(more like spontaneos movement that is hilarious to watch) and I was sober.At first I felt anxious like all people here are dressed up,drinking or snorting speed,while there I am black sheep.Half an hour later,I am carefree and just enjoying the music.Then I notice hot girl close to me,occasionally giving me the looks.I ask my female friend to observe her a bit and see if I am right.3 minutes later friend is basically pushing me to go dance with her.Long story short we had a good time,got her Instagram and u would say this is ideal I got the girl thanks to my vibe.But now comes the part which u wouldnt expect.Last year when texting a girl I would think deeply about each message I send,optimal message to get her so to say.That would work in short term but soon enough I would get bored of wearing a mask and it would crumble.So with this girl I texted like showing my true self,no pretending,or showing my masculinity.Guess what-she left me on seen when I assked her out.This isnt the first time I “get” the girl but as soon as we start texting or go out,she will realize I am this funny,small ego,easy going energetic guy who talks fast.I noticed that thanks to meditation and later on other stuff,my masculine traits which got me girls before,pretty much subsided,and now I like learning from people,having meaningful conversations,being equal with everyone,laughing with my heart fully and making jokes on my account,plus what I said above.Majority of girls in my city or even country,dont find that type of guy attractive and that is the sad truth about it,so I stopped chasing girls and I believe I will meet the girl with whom my current self will resonate
TLDR:As @SammyG said even if u attract the girl(considering u have good social skills),take into consideration u might not be the type of person she would wanna spend time with and vice versa.Once u realize that,then the true goal becomes,attracting the right girl for u,and not dozen of hot girls.


I remember your post about getting the girls number :slight_smile:

What do you mean by masculine traits?
There are levels of this, the lowest one is what is described at “toxic” (yeah I know I don’t like this expression either… it’s way overused).
But on higher levels you have someone honest, reliable, confident, someone who is happy with himself and treats others with respect… someone people can count on - think of the archetype of the father, the leader (Emperor :).
These are also masculine traits ;)


Yeah this is that chick.Well for example women love it when the guy takes charge,they meet for a date and he says we will go there.And I am like-well I dont care as long as there isnt much noise so u can choose.Then in most cases girl will find it hard to decide so in the end I will make a decision and she will go along,it would be optimal if I had a specific place in mind from the start,but that is just me.I have a feeling

Hmmm wel I feel like majority of girls in my country want between what I am and that lowest level,so basically some moderation.Example:Girls love playing games where they test u,masculine guy will either get caught up in the game and utilising his masculinity he will pass the test,since it is all about confidence.I on the other hand I find those shit tests distasteful and wont bite the bait so to say(except if I actually like her test/game),like she gives me the bait and I just ignore it.So in their eyes I look like geek who talks fast(even though I am in no way pushover),has interest in stuff most of the population doesnt even know about or even cares(in case of spiritual stuff doesnt even believe).Now thankfully I have female friends,some I met in Uni,some are from childhood and they all find me enjoyable to hang out with,so I know this isnt something bad which I need to change.One repated phrase I would hear from them when I used to talk about how crazy it ended with ex chicks,and they would see how drained I am cuz of toxic relationship-U are just too good for them,it`s a shame u let urself be with those kinds of bitches who dont appreciate u.In a few months it will be almost a year since I was in relationship and I am overalll happier than before.After discovering Sapien in September last year I started rly loving being on my own,once I saw progress from healing all those old emotional wounds and scars I got from previous girls.I think that if u use Sapien’s audios in a right way,targetting important stuff for well being,u will find wholeness in urself just as I did.Once that happens u realize majority of the need for partner stems from need to fill hole in urself. Shit I rambled on too much


All this happened with that audio? Wow. I also got it recommend by a friend :)):blue_heart:

Yeah I get it with the playing games part, I don’t know how old you are but it’s also an age thing… I remember how I felt with my bf when I was 18-19 and looking back I was insecure/immature so while I didn’t play games (at least not on conscious level), I was not happy. And I was always described as mature/serious so I guess average is even more immature.
All I can say is try to find someone a bit more mature (not necessarily older).
Also some people just get stuck on that playing games level for their whole life, better avoid those people. 🤷

And yes, there is such a thing as too easy going :sweat_smile:
Maybe have a list of “favourite places”, perhaps some that you also have some nice stories about :slight_smile:
Being too easygoing can be perceived as indecisive, which is not a very attractive trait, but sounds like you know that.


That energized mantra and abundance by sapien yeah.

I am 22,and yes u are right the place part is on me,but as for the time being I am dedicated to other stuff,if I spontaneously meet someone cool I know what to change,if not cool again I have more time for myself even though it sounds selfish.


I’ve done a bit of field testing with fields and energy and for myself I’ve noticed that others tend to pick up on my energy very quickly. Many have called me a very intense person, I suspect this is why it’s not as quick for me to find love even though I would say that I am a physically attractive person (to bring false humility into this would just be a lie).

I’ve used fields like Knight/Warrior Mindset and Charisma and Glamour, along with the Glamour aspect of the Glory tag and even used the Sacred Flower. What I’ve realized is that I sometimes have a heavy energy (I often ruminate over past pain, or have negative thoughts and desires) and that makes people subconsciously avoid me. My deepest love once reminded me that I had a light presence once, that made people feel a breath of fresh air but over time I developed a suffocating and heavy presence that made others uncomfortable.

When I used the Vibration of Divine Love + Vibration of Creation in tandem, it made my aura much lighter. I noticed that I lost a lot of my thoughts of rage. I was able to lift at the gym without thoughts of violence or anger. I didn’t feel drained after the workout and I felt more confident in who I was. This confidence definitely translated into more people feeling more comfortable around me.


i felt this within me today!

usually my communication skills flow well with others.

today one of my connections felt quite rushed and i knew it was on my side as i even felt pressure within me.

i feel like it’s healthy for me to recognize this and meditate with my higher self.

totally realized that i am ready for a deeper connection with my higher self today.

your experiences and testimonials with the vibration series helped inspire that too, friend!



I’ve been getting a lot of subtle hints throughout the day to get in touch with my higher self and it’s a bit of a surprise to see you say this because it felt like it was very much advice directed at myself as well!

We all seek love and some people (myself included) might go around chasing the wrong thing, as cliche as it is, maybe it was here all along


cliche…but accurate for me haha.

i’ve been enjoying soul restoration and it’s really showing me that i was focusing my attention in other places that don’t need it for the present moment.

it reminded me that when i put myself first and my connection to my higher self is when the things that naturally made me happy came to me instead of listening to the anxieties of the ego.


Very good! :ok_hand:

I dont know if your male but if you use the androstenol frequency women just become hypnotised, one listen changes my reality lol

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unconditional androstenol?Does it matter if I am wearing hoodie over T-shirt.Dumb question but it is pheromone and they are secreted by glands when u sweat as far as I know.So having layers of clothers blocks the smell.Or it could be audio gives us energetic presence of androstenol,then it wouldnt matter.

Confidence and grooming :sunglasses:

Not having a dad-bod helps.

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My inner woman doesn’t!