How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

In my opinion:

Subconscious limit dissolver
Ego dissolution
Confidence boost
Attract love
Plasma Flower
Charisma & Glamour
Inner Beauty Reflected Outward (ver2.0)
Ojas Refined and Defined

maybe also (Testosterone Boost ver 2.5?)


Here are my thoughts on this:
First of all we need to understand what kind of world most people live in because this explains their circumstances.
As @Coldplayian already pointed out, if you look around, in the media, television, music industry, wherever you look, you will find sex.
It is omnipresent. So people start to have certain expectations and they learn their sex and love life is supposed to be a certain way.
When they realize their sex and love life doesn’t meet the ideas and expectations of this world, they fall into despair or try even harder to “get” more sex and love.
What happens then is that they become greedy and needy and since those aren’t very attractive traits, they end up failing, in most cases.
The irony of this world is this: People want sex and love. But on the other hand they invented a whole vocabulary of insults and phrases to degrade people who are open about their desires.
I think everyone here knows what I mean.
This is Caesar’s paradox world in which completely opposing ideas exist at the same time and produce stress. Should I now be this or that? Should I want this or that?
This is the world of duality, in which nothing can exist without its counterpart or paradox.

The opposite of that is the world of totality in which things do exist without a paradox.
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine eating ice cream. Now imagine holding someone’s hand. Touching snow. Do you notice something? All of these scenes exist on their own, without a background story or a means to be there. They simply where exactly what you imagined.

What does all of this have to do with sexuality?
It is simple. As long as you live in Caesar’s paradox world, you will never find what you are truly seeking, because you are a victim of circumstances, who worries about means and ways and whys.
If you are a creator, you simply can imagine whatever you desire without any paradox.
Let people live and think the way they want to.

My job as a producer of subliminals is to help people get out of the world of Caesar and into the world of the absolute, where they can live their sexuality and enjoy love on their terms.
It is not on me to judge someone’s desires, because it is their right to desire, nor is it important if anyone judges my desires.

If you think this is too far-fetched, look around you. The loneliness in people’s hearts has only been brought to the surface during this pandemic. It was there the entire time. Everyone is suffering in Caesar’s paradox world, because it is a world in which it is forbidden to dream.
It is a world in which men and women are supposed to fight each other, in the belief there isn’t enough for everyone. It is a very small world.

Now, back to desires.
If you have ever experienced your reality changing just a little bit as a result of a mental activity, imagination or a field or any other audio, you know that this world of totality is real and it has full effects on the world of Caesar.
In other words, you don’t need to despair.

I agree with @DR_MANHATTAN and I want to add a little something regarding the nature of desires.
I believe that all worldly desires, like sex, money, fame, are just toys. I don’t judge them, if you have a desire for it, go for it. That is perfectly alright.
But there will come a time when a hunger comes over you, a desire so strong and nothing will be enough to satisfy it. This is when you will seek the answers about life and God and yourself, and these answers will be the only thing that can truly satisfy you.
Until then, don’t judge your desires or the desires of someone else. It is perfectly alright and nothing to be ashamed of or hide. One of the reasons you are here is to experience your desires.

So, what do you desire?

Sapien, QI, all the other producers of audios, subliminals and me, we are gladly here to help you with that.


As for audios you can use, Jing Restoration and Energy Transmutation are a great combo.
Quadible’s attraction audio is also very nice.
If you are interested, I have a NoFap subliminal on my channel, which is designed to help with your relationship with women and bring it into an attractive balance.


one thing I havent seen being mentioned is, three treasures then chi compression into lower dantien and rinse and repeat, or you can do it manually if u adept enough ofc, but do that and retain the energy/semen… the aim is to increase body heat especially around balls? its overkill for me but it will works wonders especially with other fields


I totally agree and add the icing on the cake, a masterpiece, congratulations!:+1:

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Love yourself first. You’ll be irresistible to others.


True, even deeper motivator is survival that gets translated by the mind into survival of the ego, an imaginary self (and of course it results in what you stated above).

“Most people” doesnt mean you have no choice though.

Aside from that, I’ve used Alchemy of Love a lot in the past and even though my main focus wasn’t OP’s the effect was that too, even too much in some circustances.

It’s not that… cookie cutter MMO simple.

yup, that’s why some girls get attracted to guys even when they don’t want to be coz they seem familiar - like family.

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From my understanding Androstenol achieves this (more or less). Primarily the old version

Test, DHT, and possibly some Facial (toning, symmetry) fields could help with this as well.

Aiming for a more “happy” and “satisfied” life I’m sure that the other stacks recommended in the topic would work better.


Charisma and Glamour.

See, every species has its own mating dance. And i’m pretty sure our dance is conversation. What’s good but also bad about this is that all parties involved must have good enough social skills to navigate through the mating dance of conversation; otherwise they mess up the dance and embarrass themselves, and fail at attracting their mate. So Social skills is one of the most key qualities a person could have, whether they’re male or female or gay or straight.


You should understand that women would not fall on your lap from sky. So, taking action going out and talking to people(both men and women), overall having good time will help you a lot. I guess social enjoyment aspect of Confidence sigil makes me wanna go out and meet new people and be more open to everybody.

7 Likes this was beautiful.

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Jing restoration and Transmutation will help with what? Can you expound a bit. And I’ll look for that audio on your page for sure.

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Jing Restoration restores an energy that helps with being optimistic and centered in your identity.
Transmutation helps with controlling that energy a bit.
In the end it all comes down to experimenting. The beautiful thing is that this isn’t a question of if you will realize your goal, it is just about the right tool. So experiment.
There are also other helpful audios on YT, like QI women attraction and other stuff


Just two days ago, I had a conversation with my friend about lust. How in a way, it is a primal force of nature. This innate desire to procreate… starts becoming its own energy pattern once we hit puberty. For men, it’s the stage where the penis develops its own ‘mind’ lol.

This came up because he is in love with a girl. They live together and things are going perfect. But a part of him still desires other women. Not something he consciously does or even wants to do but the desire hits him like a tsunami washing over his body. I know the feeling just as well.

I bring this up because ‘how do I attract women/men,’ or ‘how do I get more sex’ are very common questions that we get in emails and the forum. It is a normal question to ask really. In the same way, ‘how do I lose weight’ is normal to ask. When people aren’t able to fulfil these desires, their bodies start to amplify the pressure in different ways. Some even get desperate. These desires consume some people in the way hunger consumes a starving man. The body’s biological clock starts ticking and feeling it’s running out of time to spread its seed… This isn’t unique at all to humanity. This is standard to life on planet earth lol.

So let’s talk about it. This desire of yours to become irresistibly sexy. Well, first I have to point out that… Our work won’t make you irresistibly sexy for two reasons. 1. people have different standards as to what sexy is and although you can be attractive to many people, you may not fit the standards of many others. 2. to become ‘truly‘ irresistible through fields or magick would mean to manipulate others by making them unable to resist being attracted to you. Our fields don’t impose on other people’s willpower.

But our fields can make you more attractive. You can stand out. Your vibe can be equivalent to wearing the the most dashing outfit at a club and becoming a promising prospect to the opposite sex. But none of that would matter if you don’t perceive yourself as attractive. None of it would make a difference if you don’t know how to interact with men/women. There is no way around it. If you want to be attractive, you must become attractive through refining yourself from within.

That is which is within, is the true self. Your energy is that which radiates and attracts people. Your body is an extension of your mind… It’s not the other way around. So although people will consciously judge your appearance… Subconsciously, they are judging your energy. The vibe you give off. If you dislike your appearance and character, your vibe will radiate that you do. If you don’t like yourself, then you are sending a message to the world that you aren’t likable. That’s the message that potential mates would get and uh… that’s not attractive.

And to go further down this train of thought, let’s ponder a hypothetical.

What if you had a field or a magic spell that made women unable to resist you sexually? You give off a vibe that oozes sex appeal so strongly that women would get automatically lustful for you. You go to a bar and you have a few drinks. You wait for something to happen because you are still too afraid to approach women. This night, there’s a drunk woman, relatively attractive that starts talking to you. She’s drunk so you don’t have to say much but listen. You were a bit awkward but she didn’t care cause she was doing all the talking anyway. And well… your energy is turning her on…. One thing leads to another, you both end up at her house and have sex.

You finish within 2 minutes. Disappoint her immensely. Wait a while. Go at it again and disappoint her again due to lack of experience. What happens next? She never calls you again. For you to gain sexual confidence, its best to be with someone who likes you for you and wants to explore things sexually. Casual hookups are less likely to put up with an inexperienced guy.

But now you’re a sex magnet with no confidence and little experience. So you repeat the same process and hope for the same kind of luck you had with the drunk lady that approached you. And you don’t gain more confidence. Women don’t like you. But they like the energy you wear… in the same way some girls like the chain and rolex that a rich kid wears… not the kid himself. You still aren’t likable. You aren’t growing. You are in the same situation and just dug yourself deeper.

So in essence, magick won’t truly make you irresistibly attractive. You’d be wearing clothes that don’t fit.

You want to be irresistibly attractive? Well then, you will have to find yourself irresistibly attractive. Learn to love the person you are and look at the mirror and think ‘Wow! That’s me! I am one sexy human being.’ You got to believe it. Even if other people don’t seem to, you do anyways. Because that’s the message you want to send to the world. That I love myself, I believe in myself and I know I am awesome. It’s the vibe that women/men want to feel when they look at a potential mate. That is an attractive vibe. And there are few things more rewarding than being liked for who you are.

How does one get there then? By refining yourself. Refine the mind by getting rid of the baggage that drags you down such as your limiting beliefs and attachments that prevent you from moving forward in life. Release that which prevents you from loving yourself and loving life. Accept yourself… all your flaws, all your strengths. And embrace it all with love. Meditate and become present. Become whole with yourself.

Refine the body by consistently engaging in physical exercise. Exercising the body is also an exercise of the mind because you are stretching your willpower’s ability to push through strain. In life, to succeed and push forward, we will always face the feeling of not wanting to do something. The preference to stay in the comfort zone and not have to put in too much effort to do something. Oh that feeling is the worst but you must learn to love this feeling and see it as an opportunity to stretch the mind and grow closer to being the person you want to be. If you conquer the dread, you conquer the mind.

That is the path of that we at Sapienmed would recommend. Fields aren’t shortcuts. They are tools to assist us on our paths. Attractiveness, wealth and happiness are rewards that naturally occur on the path of spiritual refinement. In the case of being attractive, wholeness radiates like light does to flies.


The spiritual journey is one that certainly takes time and I understand that the lustful pattern I spoke of, makes sex something of an immediate concern. Hence why, some people tend to resort to any sort of shortcut (like asking for fields to make you irresistible) to make sex happen as soon as possible. If you wear that desperation, it will get in the way of any success… But at the same time, that drive can be useful. You can use it towards to bettering yourself rather than dispersing this energy every time you masturbate.

So if you want to take a more direct approach to becoming attractive. This is what I would suggest:

  1. Make it a habit to listen to these audios every single day. Ego Dissolution, Subconscious limits dissolver, confidence and Love,Gratitude. While listening to these audios, consciously accept who you are. Consciously love who you are. And when you are met with resistance in your mind (I am ugly.I’ve never gotten laid. I look like a burnt thumb, ext…), you observe these emotions and accept them and let them go. And then feel love for yourself.

It will at some point feel hopeless as your ego keeps rejecting these feelings of worth that you are instilling in yourself but if you keep doing this daily, you will inevitably prevail and begin to gain the self worth that you deserve.

  1. Exercise. Not only is it healthy and necessary for balance in the body and mind but exercise makes you naturally more attractive. Being fit energetically radiates that you take good care of yourself and have good willpower. A fit body is just sexy in general too. A great trick to do while exercising… is to have a mantra (best to focus on just one) prepared for the session such as ‘I am confident’ or ‘I love myself’ and while exercising, repeat this mantra and feel it with all the strength you put into each set. You are willing this affirmation to actualize within you rather quickly. You can even listen to ego dissolution in the background at the same time which would make it work even faster.

  2. Learn your style. Women tend to be more conscious of this and find a style that accentuates their face and body and stick to it. They find the right make up and outfits that compliment their beauty. Most men…. do not do this. But… this is a good thing. Because if you are well dressed and groomed, you will immediately stand out.

For one, grooming is extremely essential. This shouldn’t even be advice but just common sense. But a lot of men don’t care so much and don’t groom themselves well at all. You should get haircuts regularly or learn to shape up your hair on your own. Shower daily and use good deodorant and great perfume if you go out. Such basic things are often ignored by people who have trouble attracting other people.

So, find your style. I can’t tell you how to dress because everyone has a style that compliments them best. One that you prefer and fits your personality. Men, I would suggest reading these two articles and do more exploration on your own. Finding your own style and essential tips for beginners. I can’t give much advice in that aspect for ladies because… I’m not a lady lol. But if you feel unattractive, all these things apply to ladies as well. There’s definitely a style (makeup, clothes, hair, ext) that accentuates your beauty out there. Just gotta do the research.

Our physical appearance represents ourselves to the world. Taking care of that and ensuring we look as presentable as possible goes a long way of making us attractive. Regardless of this, don’t fall into the trap of depending on physical beauty. Inner beauty is pure and not related to physical appearance. It is unconditional love of your body, spirit and mind, no matter the condition it is in. That being said, you want to be attractive, it pays to be presentable.

  1. There are many different qualities that make someone attractive. Start working on yours. It could be a talent. It can be something you know a lot about. It can be anything. But an attractive person does what he/she loves and does it well. Being well versed in something gives you a lot to talk about. People love those who are passionate about things and show dedication to them. It makes them more interesting. What can make you interesting? Expand on that. Not cause you want to be attractive but because these are things you enjoy doing! Do more of what you enjoy and you will be a more interesting person.

  2. If you want an attractive vibe… Charisma & Glamour, Unconditional You & Attract Love will make you more attractive & approachable. Doing this before socializing can certainly help. (oxytocin on occasion is great too)

  3. Left the hardest part for the last but it is the most important one. Socializing. If you work on the first 4 of these steps, then socializing will begin to become a lot easier as your confidence will have risen. But even then, a part of you tends to freeze up when you are to speak to someone you are attracted to. Why is this? Talking to them is outside your comfort zone. All the doubts start to creep in and your heart beats to an anxious rhythm. There is only way to confront this and overcome it.

Practice. As much as possible. Because of covid, you can’t go to a meetup ( and meet other people of similar interests an socialize with them. But you can go on omegle and socialize with random people… endlessly. Sure, many of those conversations may end up being awkward and whatnot and it’s not the same as being in person but… you’re going to get much more comfortable talking to people. Each awkward encounter, is a deeper swim outside the comfort zone. To get to a level of comfort where you feel free when socializing, you have to push through that strain your body/mind give you when you are socializing. This is the only way. And…. You’re never going to see these omegle people again anyways. So not much pressure there.

Basic tips for socializing:

  1. Raise your energy level somehow before socializing. If you can listen to charisma and glamour then great. But coffee or other energy audios (ojas for example) will increase your charisma. Charisma is more so often the result of confidence and high energy. (You can listen to the audios to make your vibe more attractive as well. Unconditional you, attract love and charisma/glamour)

  2. Listen. Listen intently to what a person is saying. WANT to listen. If you desire to hear the person out, you will make them feel good talking to you. Ask questions that make them go deeper into whatever they are saying. People like to feel heard and there are rarely any good listeners out there in conversation… If you’re a good listener, you’re already a good conversationalist.

Extra tip: Look up a list of interesting questions online and remember some of them… And ask interesting questions that you also would have great answers to. Ask those questions! People love a good question. Keep in mind to not get too deep early on but try to keep it fun and light in the beginning (entertainment, hobbies, travel, ext). That helps people open up.

  1. Share things about yourself too. When you listen intently to someone, they’ll usually start to like you and want to get to know you too. If something they say while you are listening is relatable, share that as well (after you fully listen and comment on what they said). Try to steer the conversation towards things they are interested in and that you happen to be interested in as well. Get comfortable in expressing yourself. There’s a lot that you’d love to say that you never do because it’s all hidden behind your fears.

  2. Ask yourself this question… Do you ever think about a weird thing someone said or whatnot? No. Nobody thinks about weird things you said or did either. The main person who judges you is YOU. If you worry that people will judge you, it’s more than likely its you that judging yourself. Look, I know its hard to let go and be in the moment. But it’s important to understand these things because this awareness can help disperse the limiting thoughts your ego starts to shoot at you in social moments.

I can go on forever with advice on how to be more attractive or how to socialize but that wouldn’t make you any better prepared. These are simple guidelines that have probably been said in hundreds of articles in the internet(except for the audio recommendations lol). You will be better prepared when you start to take action and work on yourself. I know that you want results right away but if you are desperate, then you’ll direct all your willpower to making these changes to become a more attractive person.




To add another way of communication is to watch streamers with less than 10 viewers.

Stream yourself!


See? This is what a tagged you.

Always such a clear in depth beautiful explanation.