How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

Hahahaha :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


what kind of person do you want to be and who do you want to attract?

sex, and consistent sex with one guy, is one of my goals which is what led me through my spiritual journey.

i feel like the answer is different for everyone.

i got closer to the guy i like by noticing how i feel about him when i think about him and using hoā€™oponopono to release.

as i worked deeper and deeper within me, i got closer and closer with him and iā€™m at the point where i can say whatever is on my mind and i know he will reciprocate.

have you asked the people youā€™re interested in what they think about you?

from what iā€™ve read of all youā€™ve said, i really feel like you need to accept what you said and then let them all go and find a way to bring in more ā€˜confidentā€™ beliefs and perspectives.

if we see a personality as a bundle of code, i would take out all the codes that are ā€˜undesirableā€™ and replace them all with ā€˜sexyā€™ and ā€˜attractiveā€™ coding.

please feel free to take what resonates and leave what doesnā€™t. all my opinion based on my experiences.


O My God, i want Josh right now.


Letā€™s say maybe 21 drinking age opens doors in the US literally, doesnā€™t it :grin:

Imagine @Josh coming back tomorrow and seeing ā€œirresistible to the other sexā€ thread is now completely about him :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Comes back tomorrow? Hes smirking right now while reading being all mysterious and everything :rofl:


oh and just because one has sex, doesnā€™t necessarily mean itā€™s good sex.

thatā€™s a whole different story and comes with its own challenges to conquer.


Josh for Love
Josh for Life


oh wouldnā€™t it be so awesome if you got your significant other to use morphic fields?

for sexiness i would definitely ask my guy to use the muscle enhancing morphic fields.

negentrophic morphic fields for health and stamina.

plasma light and plasma flower for a deeper connection with himself and me.

abundance mindset and million dollar empire mindset so i can be his housewife and we live the good life.



I second this.

Iā€™ll tell you my experienceā€¦
I attract:

  1. men who wonā€™t/canā€™t commit, be that because of their bullshit story, theyā€™re married, taken, living abroad etc but are VERY interested in an affair (sometimes lying about wanting more but I know by now :)
  2. Men looking to get laid, and are quite pushy

I donā€™t look bad but Iā€™m not the 10/10 insta girl.
Because of the above, I do not show a lot of skin, e.g. no cleavage, no skirt shorter than above the knees etc etcā€¦ because I donā€™t want to fuel it. No slutty dress, no strong makeup (if any), I donā€™t get very drunk when I am out, Iā€™m not looking for someone buying me a drink blabla I donā€™t exhibit that kind of style/behaviourā€¦ but still.

This is NOT the kind of men I want in my life AT ALL, but it keeps happening. I got very frustrated with this and went through some tough time before covid because of course this skewed my perception on menā€¦ and I stopped dating overall.

Anyway I know that even though thatā€™s not what I consciously want, thatā€™s what I am getting therefore the logical conclusion is I am putting out vibes that attract this kind of man.
So I am working on myself and integrating whatever is causing this.

So I think whatever you might be experiencing, if you see it confirmed in the world again and again, itā€™s because of YOU, not them.


yes my friend!!!


i love that you say this because that is what iā€™ve been trying to get out.

you got that Conceptual Realizations down to a pat.



Iā€™ll take no sex over even mediocre sex, let alone bad sex any day


Yeah one last thing on this.
You know the trope of women liking the rich/handsome asshole and ignore the nice guysā€¦

The equivalent is men wanting the hot and crazy girl.

Both backed by research.
Go figure.


I think the first course of action for many would be have sex. And then think about mediocre or good. Lol

Fulfilment in a relationship or sex is a subject of its own. But in my eyes to have something and regret is better than not having it at all.

Thereā€™s a bit of peace / satisfaction involved in sulking about how one only attracts bad kind of partner. Sigh

But thereā€™s a lot of pain and hurt involved when someone is genuinely single and alone.

I may or may not necessarily be talking about me. Lol.


That applies if youā€™re a guy. That does not apply if youā€™re a woman.

Okā€¦ clearly the message of my post went over your head. I didnā€™t write it to get satisfaction and sulking (??? I wasnā€™t even complaining in the post I just wrote what my experience was and WHAT I CHOSE TO DO ABOUT IT IN ORDER TO SOLVE MY ISSUE), I am telling you what you have to do is look inside yourself because the source of this suffering and your experiences is YOU. And what you need to do is fix that.

Iā€™m not sure what kind of answer youā€™re looking for but Iā€™m with Luna now, piece outā€¦


This had nothing to do with YOU. Lol. Everything Iā€™ve been saying is in general. But you and that girl have made it all about yourself. But. Anyway nevermind.


Firstly, I love how this thread has turned into everyone wanting Josh haha!

Second, Id say

Confidence boost
Attract love
Charisma & Glamour


Also a word - Many of you may be looking down upon this subject. Though I hope not. Because this is one of the core fundamental issue of human race today.

Just look at the absolute havoc this thing has caused. Porn, modeling, sensuality, drugs Almost everywhere this sexuality runs as an undercurrent. In day to day life, in smallest of actions we perform it has some impact.

Letā€™s take our own Sapiens channel, Testosterone, Dht, muscles, male enhancement. What is all that for? To settle this sexuality. To rise above it. But how can we rise above it without facing it?

I do know that some people have transcended this base human desire. But what about others?

And suppression isnā€™t the way. So what we must do is experience it in its totality so we can move onto other things.

So if people want to act all noble and high around this subject, they can. But if someone genuinely wants to help, thatā€™s what Iā€™m looking for. Because this knowledge isnā€™t just for me.

And also I understand that maybe we donā€™t have the answers. We have beautiful put quotes and philosophies. Or maybe the answer is only within


OMG, 50 comments since last night, Iā€™m sure I watched it before going to sleep: itā€™s a topic that rocks! :laughing:

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I can relate to your problem. I kept attracting the kind of men I didnā€™t want. After trying to understand myself, I realized that the kind of men I was attracting had similarities with my own father. The cause of this was during my childhood, I felt that my father was always busy, gave me little time, but always gave me money. I was desperate for his love, and I ended up attracting this type of men. Even at one point, I had the scarcity mindset that all men are the same lol.

I agree with this.

Edit: I need to add that IMO, it is the porn industry that is causing lack of confidence (insecurity), and not the other way around.


Yes. Because we all have open Sacral Hara Chakra. :joy: