How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

Do you know about Neville Goddard? What you said up there about the world of Ceaser sounds exactly like him.

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Yes he does. He made a post about him recently.

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Honey and Ojas, guys.


Yes. The subliminals I produce are based on his teachings


Perfect combo they enhance each others, when you listen to the internal alchemy series for a while and then include androstenol all of a sudden, just be careful bro and try to keep it in your pants no joke the women are like vampires :joy::joy::joy:


I love me a good dad bod!




Hi there coldplay,

I think this boils down to what you personally want at this point in time, whatever is best for you. There will always be people condemning the only-sex mindset. But you really shouldnā€™t bother about others opinions in order to find and live your own way.

For me, for a long time i had a really bad connotation with sex due to a pretty horrendous relationship. When i finally emerged out of this relationship, i gradually adopted the mindset of sex actually being a beautiful experience.

But boy oh boy was i fooling around in between. Which was fun sometimes, and other times not at all. I think after a sufficient learning curve youā€™ll instinctively make a choice toward an ideal that personally suits you the best long-term.

This is the way

Can you please tell me Where can I find plasma flower? I checked all of sapienā€™s videos but couldnā€™t find it not even on patreon. Thank you!!


You have to go to his gumroad. Itā€™s on there. Plasma flower costs $77

whatā€™s currently working for me and providing results:

  • listening to my inner guidance

no schedules. no acting on ā€˜negative emotionsā€™ such as guilt, anxiety, doubt, and stress. when i ask myself a question, i wait to get the best answer and take action on it. when i say best answer itā€™s really intuitive sometimes it logically is better and other times thereā€™s a compelling feeling behind it.

  • no fap. (no porn, no masturbation, no orgasm)

honestly i am begrudgingly acknowledging how good this is for me. begrudgingly because i have thoughts saying i can have the results iā€™m having while still having PMO in my life. not true.

the energy i have now is extra fuel for my meditations, my socializing, and my career. and most importantly that energy stays in the present moment.

tons of withdrawal symptoms and plateaus. but iā€™ve gone through them and i may go through more, but i now see the bigger perspective.

this works for me and i am not advocating or denouncing nofap. itā€™s the same perspective of how iā€™m a vegetarian but i am not advocating or denouncing my or any other diets.

  • being myself

all the guys iā€™m talking to donā€™t care about my labels. they laugh when iā€™m funny. we call each other out on our quirks, but with a lightness that allows us to move on. i can talk to them about anything because i let my whole self come through the present moment. our silences are comfortable and re-energizing.

  • soul restoration series with aura and energy body repair
  • negentropic treasures
  • vibration series
  • essence of beauty
  • SLR tag
  • pleiadian tag
  • reach for the stars (enhanced glory)

before all of these my love and sex life was imaginary.

now i can talk to the guys who are my type visually and they have great personalities. theyā€™re all just ā€˜popping upā€™ in my reality.

my confidence is quite high right now and i intend to do whatever it takes to keep it that way.

some insights iā€™ve learned about love, romance, and dating:

  • itā€™s about energy.

  • itā€™s about breaking through limiting beliefs and dissolving egos.

  • itā€™s about facing the parts of me that iā€™ve disowned and providing them with acknowledgement and healing.

  • itā€™s about letting whatever happen to happen. no expectations. all gratitude and appreciation.


@anon46520955 too
I know what youā€™re talking about. The vibes youā€™re putting out. Iā€™ve experienced it too. I think itā€™s more like energetic blood in the water attracting sharks than vibes. Attracting those like those who wounded us. Auric Repair ladies. And Torsion. Because.


I thought it was for you based on something you said in this thread but nevermind.


Thank you :smile:. Why would you recommend Auric Repair? I have read the reviews on Auric Repair thread, and this field seems interesting but I am not sure how it would help me not to repeat the same pattern like this. All this time I thought this problem of mine is caused by inner child would (daddy issue).

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No matter what field you use, you gotta start talking. Remove that social anxiety and fear and start talking to people, learn how to conversate. Yeah sure fields like androstenol will make you more attractive but if you wanna just get stared at and recieve attention thatā€™s all you but if you want to make the next step than start conversations. Thatā€™s when Blarney Stone and oxytocin comes in, amygdala and self confidence to remove anxiety and fear. I made a big mistake in high school where a lot of people found me attractive but I didnā€™t make a move at all and just dependent on them and when they did I acted super shy. You gotta communicate, practice practice and talk about anything, make people laugh , make people feel loved and be center of attention and all social fields will help with this.

Here is the combo thatā€™s been working amazing for me:
Unconditional Androstenol
Blarney Stone
Amygdala healing
Self Confidence

Those 5 alone will make you a real attractive person but donā€™t put them in waste, start talking because if you arenā€™t than your wasting your time unless you wanna be looked at as some celebrity.


There was a specific type of toxic woman that used to be attracted to me. Since using Auric Repair Iā€™ve seen that this type is still attracted to me, but mildly as compared to what was before. They can sense the wound but they can sense that the wound is closed.

Itā€™s the type that matches the person who gave me the wound in the first place. Someone who harms you in a specific way is looking to feed off of a specific energy from you. They create that breach in the energy field. From then on, the types that feed off of that same energy sense that they can take it easily from you.


iā€™ve had this growing up!

before sapien medicine fields it took me a few years to really get tired of having them around.

for me they were platonic relationships, but for them they were always looking for more in a sexual context.


OK, now I understand. Itā€™s like having extra security patches :grinning:


I remember the reviews it had. Many people had positive results. I hope it comes back in the future. I got rejected by 317 girls in a row. Getting a GF is pretty hard LOL