How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

Hey bro where can i find the star and plasma flower audio?


Also add The Air Revitalizer, which I believe also increases s*x energy.

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Do the OMā€™s star pose and suck that sucker in gives you electrified aura. :ok_hand:


Iā€™m still a little lazy

being lazy doesnt get you nowhere, It didnt bring me anywhere, just in a hole of unanswered questions


True, I will have to go back to the meditations I did until last year


This! wonā€™t get into the details but the mood it sets even before i actually speak to people is unreal.


Yeah negentropic relationships!!!


This is amazing.

It should go in every thread!! :clap::clap:



This is super awesome advice. Was wondering about your new stack - aka the new gen plasmafied fields! Using your categories, what do you think of:

  • social attention:
    • star archetype (or emperor, etc)
    • you mentioned: do you use unconditional androstenol, or old androstenol?
  • speaking and charisma:
    • blarney stone
    • you mentioned: charisma and glamour
  • better looks
    • _OMā€™s stack - automated workouts, cardarine, stenabolic, YK11, induced follistatin
    • platelet-rich plasma, acne ablation, ā€œfrivolous albumsā€
    • you mentioned: facial symmetry, workouts, skin ablation
  • better luck
    • wheel of fortune archetype
    • magician archetype
    • luck and probability alteration
    • you mentioned: taaffeite, abundance/luck mandala, glory tag
  • negative energy
    • negentropic jing, chi, shen
    • ojas
    • internal alchemical crucible
    • plasma light
    • forgiveness guided meditation
    • you mentioned: vibration series, soul restoration.

Thanks Ryan, I havenā€™t used everything youā€™ve mentioned but for those that I have I can provide a bit of my experience however small. Iā€™ll be doing this in several parts since this is a bit more than I expected haha.

Star/Emperor Archetype:
Probably some of my favorite sounding tracks, upon listening to the Star I immediately picture being in a rooftop skyscraper having just made my big break. Iā€™ve listened to it often while day/crypto trading and it helps my intuition a bit more. I notice that I do get a lot more looks from many people just by playing that track.

Emperor is interesting, I feel like I have a very heavy and Saturnian gravitas to me after I listen to the track. The track does help a lot with asserting authority for me, sometimes I have subordinates at work who try to test their limits and I immediately know how to put them in their place softly with this on.

Blarney Stone/Charisma and Glamour

Blarney Stone made me very quick with the comebacks when work banter comes around. I end up being funny enough with the ball busting to where everyone laughs and nobody gets particularly hurt.

Charisma and Glamour on the other hand makes you control the flow of conversation, you sort of know where the direction of the conversation is going and your replies will attract more interest. You will know where to be suspenseful and where to go on with more information.


Better Looks Stack

I use the automated workouts to boost my actual morning workouts (very standard Push/Pull/Legs split). In order to maximize the benefit of the SARMs mentioned, I usually do Testosterone Booster about 3x beforehand. I also throw in Super Human Mutant and Myostatin as well along with playing Sun Gazer to help with my intermittent fasting. The HGH also helps along with the standard post workout muscle growth and recovery.

Platelet Rich Plasma and Acne Ablation have done a lot of regenerative things for my face. I like using the Chi to Bone Marrow along with the Bone Strengthener from the frivolous albums to also help with lifts. Iā€™m convinced it also improves my joints because Iā€™ve been overhead pressing 3x a week for 5 sets of 6 at 145+ with no issues to my shoulders.


Better luck
I havenā€™t done wheel of fortune yet, so I canā€™t say
Magician I feel helps me get a lot more synchronities throughout the day, Iā€™m convinced it somewhat boosts the powers of my tags by making me a bit more energy sensitive.
Luck and Probability is great, Iā€™ve tested it out a bit and I always end up in green lights on the way to work for it. I also notice that perhaps since itā€™s my Saturn return right now that instead of having incredibly good luck, it prevents a lot of negative luck from happening. I always supplement it with the Abundance and luck mandala, along with Remove Negative Astrological Effects audio to make sure my life is a lot more stable and make sure that a lot of negative externalities donā€™t appear, the old Attract Luck audio also helps as well. The Reach for the Stars tag of course is helping me go in the direction of where Iā€™d like to go with my finances, life choices and career.

Iā€™m doing something new as well this week where I loop Angelic Intercession 24/7 along with wearing a Michael tag and I find that Michael brings me a lot more good fortune in general.


awesome answers!!! thank you so much :slight_smile:

this is a super smart idea! Iā€™ve just read some research that shows how ā€˜bone densityā€™ is proportional to how much muscle you can pack. Will borrow this one from your workout stack :slight_smile:


Oh yeah, itā€™s definitely a bit wild that thereā€™s a lot of synchronicity between certain fields that many donā€™t notice.

For instance if youā€™re into powerlifting, a lot of the brain fields actually help because of improved mind/muscle connection. Superhuman Genius, BDNF, Hemisphere etcā€¦

Do one week of strength training using mostly brain fields to gain quick numbers then during a hypertrophy period switch to mostly muscle fields + bone marrow/strengthening fields

Get gains so quick people question your natty levels


:eyes: I just read self hack code for what people should be doing for PCT. and still growing.

You just won the post of the day award!


okay yā€™all going to be certified snacks with all these fields.

dating apps? who they?

we got all the sexy souls here!

i echo @eternal on the soul restoration. definitely helps me a ton with past traumas in my relationships.

i also agree with @DR_MANHATTAN on goals. now that iā€™ve put pursuing and initiating romantic relationships on more of a back burner, i feel like i can finally do things for myself.

to get to this point i definitely had to be honest with myself and feel the things i feared to feel in regards to all of the ā€˜forever aloneā€™ feelings and thoughts.

iā€™m wishing everyone all the success not just in their dating and sexual lives, but also in every other aspect of their lives!


you mean soul restoration on the heart center right? I always wondered if i should do the full 9 rounds (3x each of each center) - I currently just do the core soul restoration.


I mean all three in the soul restoration series.

In my experience, sexiness is a full soul expression.

Thereā€™s definitely an energetic reason why people connect their foreheads.

Still experimenting on my hypothesis!