How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

Some tips:

Challenge yourself.

  1. Find a goal
  2. Figure out how to achieve it.
  3. Do the steps from 2 until you reach the goal.

This is a good way :D
Don’t think too big, it can be running X distance under Y minutes (if you’re out of shape), learning a language on X level etc.
Climb a mountain,
Face a fear you have,
do something that is difficult for you but if you push yourself enough, you can do it.

Identify what you’re wasting your time with and figure out ways/make steps to stop doing that.

Small things that overall contribute to improving yourself.

Learning a new skill is good, for example learn how to cook really well a couple of dishes, it will come in handy also for dating :D



Spam + summary of what has been said so far: date yourself first, so to speak. Even once you are in a relationship.

Say, if you’re waiting for the person to remember your birthday or stuff like that, then don’t. Spoil yourself with your own birthday plan without waiting someone else to do it for you. And oh surprise, you’ll see the person knocking at your door.

Same goes when you’re single.

It’s of course not about thinking that you’re the 8th Wonder of the World and belittling other people. No. There’s a thin line here.

But according to all those theories (either psychological or others) according to which we are only looking for the missing parts of ourselves in relationships… Then you see what this means.

Not easy but once you catch the “method”, it will become automatic.


I cant, I am on nofap :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Is this theory accurate though?

:)))) I was talking about all the aspects of dating, not only about la pasión.

But even then: if the theories in question were totally inaccurate… why would there be such big concerns and investments about finding even one-night stands? Physiological needs don’t seem to be enough to explain all the “drama” going around it since ever.

Or why would partners be “replaceable”? Because they are, aren’t they? So what’s it all about but “finding” a continuation of ourselves (in the wrong places though)?


Dating =/= masturbating

Aren’t the laws of NoFap that you’re allowed actual COITUS with a woman?

edit: or you know, just doing something else and not getting to such things (is all right too lol)


It depends on how you want to play it. A lot of people are in the 90 day process and it’s all no go. Others have come far enough along and choose to sleep with ladies or get into a relationship, or begin sex again within a relationship. After you’ve had a few decent streaks (100 plus days) you develop a good intuition for what’s needed :slight_smile:

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how do you dislike messages


so by giving his opinion about your statement this is not a free speech platform ? confusing
also I’m sure you’r very experienced in relationships that’s why you obviously know look matter that much right


To make it clear: I was the one to flag and make delete the post in question which was openly saying that in order to be attractive, one also has to be white (along with other suspicious attributes). This isn’t freedom of speech nor “the truth”.

Let’s not forget that there are members from all around the world out here and a minimum of basic respect is expected from every contributor. Maybe the forum policy needs to be a little clearer about these (i.e. origin, gender, etc.).


Thanks @DR_MANHATTAN and @Bronyraur :wink:

I don’t have that much to add to what has been already said. Perhaps just this:

Passion in itself is sexy. If you become a craftsmanship in life, whether you’re an artist, a player, whatever…that in itself is irresistible to someone.
You can’t attract everything nor you should. It requires some focus, and as Phillip has mentioned it should start with you… and oddly enough, ends with yourself as well.


Lol, definitely said some foul sht :joy::joy::joy:

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Dude said even if it’s the truth? :sweat_smile: you sir… I have no words.


what did i miss? :joy:


They all becoming chads


And in this case, what would be the ideal audio or the ideal list to obtain these attributes?

That is so fascinating, i would say that resembles me so much, I also have an extremely heavy and “intense” aura due to so many past traumas and other things in my life. I really got to check out VoDL and VoC if that made your presence “lighter”

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you could check auric and energy body repair to heal your aura too<3

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I am definitely experiencing the same as Eternal after looping those two for a long time, holy hell. I feel like there is nothing in the world that could make me the slightest upset currently


I think being able to feel sexual energy without repressions is a major step into becoming sexually irresistibly.

Sexual energy does not discriminate, infants are fully charged with sexual energy until their parents repress it for years and then the child becomes an adult with tons of sexual problems and prejudices.

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How do they do that? / what do they do?