How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

I think both men and women want to feel sexually powerful by feeling they own someone they percieve as a sexual object that is powerful.

Men across history always placed women as a passive object and this is why they lack success at understanding women and why they create tons of crap to fulfill that gap (like PUA or red pill).

Because women want to be sexually active and objectify men too. This is why male strippers exist. To fulfill that fantasy about objectifying men that most men do not allow, so, it is only a minority of men that actually fulfill that fantasy for women by placing themselves as sexual objects.

Most men always think that they have to be active, and pursue women because they are passive and that is why they fail misserably.

Learning “game” has absolutely taught me a lot about the psychology of women. And men.

So what do you suggest?

Because I assure you that where I live (USA) if you are man and want to get laid you HAVE to approach women first :joy:

It’s so rare when a woman does.

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I believe this thread was about getting laid, so…

Unfortunately that will never work and probably won’t work any time soon. (I’m talking about most men)

Men are simply not gonna get laid that way. I’ve seen and experienced women being attracted to guys with confidence, assertiveness, humor, leadership, etc too many times, so it makes sense that they would want the guy to approach and make the first move.

I personally never had girls “chase” me, lol. And I’ve had girls tell me I am attractive, that they like me, etc and I STILL have to be the one taking initiave and the one to make it happen.

I guess the experience needs to come first for the mind to accept it :thinking:

I like that we’re on a forum dedicated to Dream’s energetic artifacts and we’re still discussing whether something is possible or not :sweat_smile:

How many girls have chased you if you don’t mind me asking?

And what did you do for such thing to happen?

Because I have minded my business when out and about and no girl has chased me. Must be something wrong from my part, right?

A lot.

Once you change your energy from pursuer to someone being chased everything changes.

When you are chased you just let that happen and accept the chase.

I don’t like PUAs but brent smith isn’t technically a PUA.

Not chasing women= not being needy.
Girls can sense your neediness. They’re good at reading emotions, energy and body language, and when you go out with the sole intention of getting laid, you’re going to look desperate. And this is a huge turn off for them.
If you have an abundance mindset and you’re truly happy with the person you are, if you stop objectifying the opposite sex and simply enjoy yourself and the time you’re spending, they see a confident, happy, high vibration man. You have everything, and you don’t need that particular girl to have a good time and have fun. You become fascinating, because you’re not like the other guys that tried the exact same cold approach as you, or bought her a drink, or did something to get their attention.


Hmmm … it’s not the action but the aura you exude that matters most … it’s again, as mentioned above, a higher hierarchy of laws at play …

If you’re aligned with a divine purpose you don’t even need to think about it … they just show up because they’ll be drawn by your energy …

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I agree. I believe this is why many people on a long, authentic semen retention streak experience the so called “magnetism”. They’re in a different vibrational plane than the other males around because they’re conserving their vital essence and are not looking at women as walking pussies.

The purpose doesn’t even have to be divine… most men don’t even have one to begin with… again, big turn off.

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I will watch the video later today.

Idk, i don’t think that purpose is even necessary, because what is purpose beyond not placing your entire sense of self on how a woman you like reacts emotionally?

You could be not reactive without a purpose.

Most men are determined on how the woman they like reacts, because the woman’s desire (or lack of) is the center of their universe.

Once a woman’s desire stops being the main center of the universe, you become a different person that is more attractive, because whatever she reacts to, does or does not do, will not change your mood or expression.

This subverts the implicit political economy of relationships, and she starts to interpretate that you are the object of desire, therefore your desire becomes more relevant to her in the equation. Therefore, whatever you do or do not do becomes more significant to her.


That is fundamental when doing proper game. It’s quite literally a must. Chasing women does NOT equal being needy. You chase women because you desire them. In fact, it’s better if you really show that desire for her.

It would be better if you ask my ways of doing things instead of assuming how I do game.

That is also important in game, too. I mean, women are humans too! The very least you could do with someone you are attracted to is have fun.

I don’t understand. Do their feelings not matter here or what? That’s rather selfish lol.

What on earth is a divine purpose?

I mean… my ultimate goal in life is to raise my consciousness… that’s divine, no?

Why am I not seeing women outside my house? Seriously. I want to know.

Although I can recall times I’ve rejected women… I wouldn’t call what they did chasing, though.

But I wasn’t doing anything particularly interesting either. Just being myself and being funny, lol.

I think the main issue with game is that it assumes that the whole framework is that woman is an object from the beginning to the end.

Women are passive objects you approach.

Women are passive objects you escalate.

Women are passive objects you close/pull.

All this stuff assumes that you are in an active (chasing) position and women passive (object).

This makes you negate/reject/ignore all attempts from women taking action upon you and putting yourself as an object.

That framework makes things harder for everyone.


I wasn’t referring to your “game” in particular. It was just my stream of thoughts regarding the topic.

That’s just taking a phrase and putting it out of context. I meant you don’t need to have their attention, their number, or to get in their pants to be fulfilled and satisfied with yourself, because you’re abundant and you’re happy anyway. I’ve seen plenty of guys literally exuding this “dissatisfaction” energy simply because they’re not making out with a girl or getting her number, because this was their only goal to begin with. And I’ve experienced that when you have a genuine good time, high energy, high vibration and you interact with the people around you (including your friends or even other males) like you have everything because you’re abundant, girls start looking at you differently.

This is debatable. Good looking girls receive a lot of attention, much much more than we think. This inflates their ego tremendously, and puts you in a position where she can choose between you and a lot of other guys that do exactly the same. But this really depends on the girl, lots of them love the attention, lots of them love the mysterious one that ignores them…

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Something that inspires you, makes you passionate, lights a fire inside you. I know a lot of people that don’t have something like this in their life. Why would a woman be attracted to you if you’re not truly passionate about something, if you’re an empty shell walking around? If you spend the majority of your time scrolling social media, watching Netflix and porn, playing video games and you don’t have that fire inside you that pushes you to constantly improve yourself and the people around you physically, mentally and spiritually, what do you have to offer in the long run? Why should she choose you over someone that constantly wants to become a better version of himself?
I don’t think a man like that can be “irresistibly sexy”.


This is true. But I would say is just the way it is, the way things have been and probably the way will be.

A man is man for a reason, and a woman is a woman. It can be explained from multiple perspectives. Man and women are not equal.

Again, this has been my experience and what I have seen and learned. You guys are definitely doing things different and getting results, must be nice it being that way.

Usually it’s the women that we don’t want. And my theory is that they are probably not wanted by others by the same reason I don’t want them, so they are not approached. But they still have to find a way to get some, they are human beings with needs and desires as well.

True. I would love to get approached lol. But it really does not happen.

i agree with this but i don’t think you need a purpose for that.

kids are passionate about everything and do not have a trascendental purpose.

i think it’s the way that society created massive dissatisfaction in both men and women.

by placing men as active and female as passive.

this created fantasies in which women want to take an active role and putting man on a passive role (object). and by giving women a fulfillment for their deepest fantasies, you’ll be thanked for and more desired.

think about this. the 99% of men think the same way about women being passive objects and they all have problems relating to women.

maybe they have those problems because they have that mindset about it.

it happens once you change your mindset and energy about things.

you can even make the experiment of visualizing women touching you and approaching you and suddendly a random girl will talk to you on the street. this happens like 90% of the time.

you cannot not communicate.

we are always communicating unconsciously. by changing your mindset and energy you are inviting women to chase you, and they will.

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