How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

Oh ok, I understand.

My bad.

What you are saying is absolutely true to some extend, but sex is still important. Especially for people with high libido. They need to do something about it. Not everybody is spiritual to transmute their sexual energy. Nobody has the motivation let alone the discipline and willpower to just ignore their desires. They might not be putting their entire happiness on sex but not getting any can lead to tremendous amount of suffering, which is pretty common these days I would say.

That would be part of game. Going out to have a fun time is a must. I strongly use humor to my advantage and I cannot do that unless I am in a good mood myself and getting out of my logical side.

True. But a man is sort of doing the same thing, choosing that one girl over others. The difference is that he has to work for it, lol.

My game is probably just being my best AUTHENTIC self and being funny. Then once sheā€™s hooked, escalate, lol.

I am the only me so sheā€™s getting something unique. At least thatā€™s what I like to believe.

I tried to read through all of it but it got a bit exhausting ā€¦ I mean dude ā€¦ listen, the fact you actively seek and indulge in all these mental gymnastics makes me wonder about your framework ā€¦

Iā€™ll use the simplest words I can to explain it ā€¦ create emotions and alchemize them into whatever you want ā€¦ confidence comes with the sense of power ā€¦ plain and simple ā€¦ but itā€™s a power that you should use for good ā€¦ you want to share a mind blowing sexual experience with a person or you want to become their life partner which they can rely on ā€¦ learn how to do and be these things and the rest will follow ā€¦ align with the energy signature of what you want to be ā€¦ sex is many things, fun being a part of it. Are you fun? Objectively fun? Whenā€™s the last time you looked at a source of fun that you werenā€™t magnetically pulled towards? Do you honestly think a lady will pick mister six packs over someone who makes her excited and on her toes all the time? Do you think ā€œgameā€ will matter when a guy comes in with raw energy? You honestly think your routines and paradigms are going to give you an edge? Do you think that if she marries a rich guy she wouldnā€™t cheat on him with someone who actually makes her heart race?

Feelingsā€¦ thatā€™s what matters mostā€¦ pleasure is a feeling too ā€¦ thatā€™s your gateway to what you seek at the moment ā€¦ make her feel somethingā€¦ anythingā€¦ and you already won half the battle.


Said well

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If you are not gonna read what I said then why are you even here wasting your time?

Sighā€¦ this is exactly why I have stopped myself from interacting in this forum. People like you constantly putting others down for not believing in whatever you believe in.

You havenā€™t even asked a thing about me. You are not even interested yet here you are pushing your own onto me.

Where are you getting this nonsense from?

Why is it that someone always says some random ass shit that I never said

Stop assuming stuff, man.

Pull girls in public bro. They see it, they chase.

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Maximize Health, Physical Condition, Looks, Confidence, Your other Attributes, maximize your bank account, lol, boom, youā€™re Irresistibly Sexyā€¦

But, still, itā€™s one thing to be rich, another to be sexually attractive, etc., you can maximize in different departments of course.

The truth is that there are so many potential candidates, whether you go Casanova or Family Guy, that itā€™s literally impossible to not achieve your goalsā€¦ One way or another, youā€™ll find your match or matches lol (your choice).

I guess that there are certain things that women usually want, and you know or you can find what are these (heck, some of them will even tell you what you lack lol, so no worries, youā€™ll find what they desireā€¦ Basically some women didnt liked that Iā€™m not tall or that Iā€™m poor lol, others praised me and wanted me, but I didnā€™t want them lolā€¦ Anyway), but, as I found throughout the years, prioritize yourself, improve yourself and thatā€™s it, things will improve, they have too.

Also, you got cheats, you got these tools, called morphic fields, so use them - besides a healthy lifestyle and whatever strategies youā€™ll employ, depending on your goals.

Also, sex or family are not all there is to life.

Be celibate, for a while or even for life, if youā€™re not interested in sex or relationships or just focus on other things (health, spirituality, money, career, hobbies, passions, etc. Your choicesā€¦), there is no right answer and each one of us has a unique path.


It already exists. For free.




I have found we gravitate more into people that have abundant chi in chakras we are lacking on.

Also, for some you only need the first two moving and for others a degree of movement on all of them


in the case of men (and women too) i think it all boils down to Life drive (Eros) and death drive (Thanatos).

the more death drive we accumulate, the more entropic our sexual energy and life force becomes, and the more alienated we become to others.

this is why in hollywood movies athletes get all the chicks and nerds donā€™t.

because athletes have more life drive at their disposal, through conscious muscular tension and release, which allows a better flow of energy and sexual energy through the body.

nerds have more death drive, through unconscious muscular tension and release (abstract and sedentary activities rather than physical ones), which makes them more entropic with a messed up flow of energy, stucked in several parts of the body, which doesnā€™t allow sexual energy to flow properly:

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Iā€™d say, the most irresistibly sexy you can be is if you are authentic and you show it. That youā€™re not hiding behind any masks of fear.

All the rest, the appearance, personality, etc, is up to personal preference.

So the answer is all chakras, and any field that emphasizes your own uniqueness


True true, but work on Muladhara, Manipura and Sahasrara will pay off most.

Combining the Mantra with the Mudra definitely accelerates results.

The idea is very simple reallyā€¦ the world is your mirror, if you love yourself, people will love you. (unless they have their own demons to slay, obviously referred to balanced individuals ā€¦ but hey, if you like them freaky, you have to be freaky yourself :stuck_out_tongue: )

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Fun fact, the vortigaunts are chanting these mantras at him in the scene:

This implies that G-man has removed his chakras to reach his current state of being (hence the ā€œnot manā€ status heā€™s given), they are trying to bring back memories of when he was human to seal his powers by chanting chakra mantras.

Also, the reason talks weird is because he doesnā€™t breath ā€¦ he has to draw deep breaths to activate the organs that make speech possible.


I have been recently told that my chakras are in a really bad condition (especially my first 3), and even though Iā€™ve only just started working on them a couple of days ago I already feel way better

So yeah Iā€™d also recommend on working on them


get the Mandelbrot Symphony

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Bro the way you talk, the things you say man, so true


Thank You. I try to be as authentic as possible, expressing my truth or what I consider to be true statements (again, these are all just my current views/opinions, I canā€™t guarantee that I wonā€™t change them), while also choosing my words carefully, to be both appealing and to be understood by most people (although my current level of English is somewhat/a little bit lacking, I still manage to Express my thoughts quite good/naturally).

I canā€™t say that I have Lots of experience(s), sexual or whatever other experience(s), but I try to observe, to analyze, to use my intuition and to reach my conclusions, based on the Data and Experiences that I have (and the experiences of others), plus I am a little bit of an Empath, so that helps too.

Over the years I have had numerous monologues, whether in my head or on virtual paper :grin:, and I asked myself a thousand things, gave myself all sorts of answers, from all sorts of points of view, thatā€™s also a reason why I have a way with words (written mostly :sweat_smile:).

Plus, I usually edit my posts, a lot lol.


Just stop caring about the opposite sex. Ignore them. Do your thing. Treat them with disdain. It works.