How to be less afraid of debt?

Too bad you backed down from that opinion, because I wholeheartedly agree with it

Anyway, OP do you know what I would do if I was afraid of debt ?
I’d study debt, how it works, why it exist, the laws, procedures, how to use it.
If I was afraid of being broke, I’d study how to be rich. It’s like a guide, you worry about it, you should focus on it untill you understand i

You’ll go into debt at a young age, hoping that you can recover from it later somehow someway, I don’t know, doesn’t sound like a good plan.
Is it worth it ?

If it’s your dream and you’re willing to pay for it later :man_shrugging:

Is learning that thing in another country so much better than studying it in your home country ?
Is university worth over $10k, to listen to an old person read summaries of books you can read online ? Is that professional license to practice (if that’s your thing) worth it ?
The point is to make money… anyway


You can look at all the pictures you like of Uluru, it simply does not hold a candle to actually being there. Simultaneously, you can read all the books you like about the places and plays and theatre traditions of this country, it wouldn’t hold a candle to the experience. This trip isn’t studying at another university, a teacher from my own university is the trip leader/tour guide/teacher, introduces us to all sorts of contacts, etc.

I won’t lie, I’ve had doubts about school the whole time, but I’m nearly done so I may as well finish what I started. I’m almost finished with my degree, I wonder if I may as well go out with a bang.


I don’t really want to add more, cuz I had missed the part where you talked about physiology and neuroscience (to which theatre seems like a very solid addition to) :joy:

So I deleted.

And I totally agree with being there is better than reading about it. But how much better for what price (money you don’t have) and is “it” worth it at all ?
Like if I check with all the big theatre bosses, did they all go there ? Is it a must ? They have the ultimate secret to theatre ?

Wanting to do it is one thing, but rationalizing is another.

You could still do it later, when you got the money, but that’s my dumb ass opinion.

Do your thing, I’ve blown my money a bunch of times, good memories.

Here we go

Edit: 99% of the time, people reply, but these are not really questions above. Again my point was, if you want to, do it. But it’s a fun thing and you are willing to pay for it, so no problem


No one talks about Don Philip like that excuse u :triumph::triumph::angry:

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Haha, @KPossible don’t worry, I’m just messing with Philip, see… it’s funny, because no one would ever dare say that to his face

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Amazing discussion and opinions / advice was given from all angles. I actually don’t think there’s much to add after all.

Regarding your trip, it sounds like you should take it, but only you will know that in your heart in the end. I would recommend you to meditate on it.

Regarding the debt-fear part, have you tried this meditation to help resolve it yet?


Lmao :kissing_heart:


Loop millionaire mindset, best field to accumulate wealth to this date trust me


Omg wait one more bc I am a horrible student who has done this lol:

Write papers for other classmates and get paid.
For reference: was a 10 paged 300 level class , about $200.
(With guarantee of an A )

But you really have to play that carefully.
And obviously low key

Or a more ethical version:

You also said you’re double Major and basically seem super smart. Maybe tutor? EDS offers paid opportunities usually
Or just managing yourself and announce via Facebook platforms ect

I also hope you know of UNIDAYS. Use that college discount code

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also I’m not too sure what your relation is like with your family
But maybe ask for a loan to pay off the debt?

It’s nothing to be ashamed of if that’s what’s stopping you :)

And if it’s not, then

Ignore this comment

The discussion in this topic ended up being about paying debt, income sources and whether you should go abroad or not.

All these inputs are valuable, but keep in mind, we all speak based on our own experience.

I think what you do is up to you, listen to your intuition and don’t let a few posts sway you too much.

I think your issue is not your cc debt really but your attitude towards it.
I don’t know what stack you’re listening to, but I think the best you could do it drop most of the body realized ones (I’m guessing based on muscles beyond), and focus on 2 things:

  1. Anxiety and subconscious limits
    Ego dissolution
    Emotional release
    (My mental and emotional supporter, but that’s a paid one :D)
    Angel’s latest topic / the light seems to be working for many people

  2. Mindset / abundance
    Mindsettings album
    All wealth audios
    You can add 1-2 luck ones

If you keep going with this, I think this should help your anxiety a lot.
Beneath it there is a fear of uncertainty and a lack mindset.


Okay, very belated thanks to all. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like the trip is going to work out.

Any advice for fields to get over severe disappointment?

(I can use the money to get more fields instead, I suppose that’s a benefit.)


@gittir I think there are two things that should be taken care of. First is the debt itself, and second is the axiety toward debt.
For your credit card debt, I think it’s better to pay it off ASAP. This is more important than taking on side hustles or investments to increase your income. Personal finance is quite different from coporate finance, while the former directly affects your mental wellness and the latter does not. Personally I think the status of having no debt is itself a source of joy. Of course, this also has to do with cultural and institutional differences between countries. I suppose you are an uni student in US, where living on paycheck to paychek is prevalent, and the cost of higher educaton is formidably high. But I suppose since you major in STEM subjects and also doing double major, you should be able to land on good job offers after graduation.
So, objectively speaking, I don’t see reasons to be anxious about having debt, since eliminating it is well within your capability. And that leads to the second aspect, namely your anxiety toward debt.
For irrational fear of things that can be objectively solved, @MonkeyOwl has already laid down a good list of fields may be of help. Also, I suggest using your neurological expertise to find fields that may down regulate the pathways of primal fear. Dream has created many specialized biological metabolite /drug fields. I guess Seretonin (patreon), Oxytocin (patreon) and GABA (paid, gumroad) may be useful? I haven’t tried these three, so I may be very wrong. Perhaps there are also some esoteric or energetical fields that may help with your fear, but that may need to invoke sages on this forum to offer opinions.
For disappointment, Deep-brain magnetic stimulation and Outlook Retrainer (patreon) or New Perspectives (paid, gumroad, replaces serotonin,oxytocin,outlook retrainer) are the ones I’ve tried. I liked outlook retrainer a lot. Again, please invoke sages here in this forum to offer advice. I am personally a mess, not the most suitable candidate for offering advices.
I hope you overcome this soon.