When a field is embedded onto an audio, listening to the audio saturates you with the fields energy. What amplifies the effect is that you are consciously hearing the audio and so a part of your conscious focus is directed towards receiving/interpreting the sounds. The sound is also the field embedded in it as well. So, you simply connect to these audio fields by hearing them. This is why audio fields tend to be felt more than our image/mandala fields. These NFT projects are generally embedded onto images and connecting to them is done a bit differently. Some of these NFTs are also servitors which requires a bit more conscious effort in your part as well. In this post, we will go over how to get the most out of your NFTs/Servitors/Mandalas.
For one, you can passively focus on an NFT image just like you would an audio. For example, if you are working on your laptop, having the image consistently be somewhere in your peripheral will allow you to passively focus on it. Your brain filters out a lot of the information around you but focuses your conscious mind onto what is most apparent and relevant to you right now. An NFT being somewhere you always see it is relevant to your present moment reality. An NFT in your pocket will be much more subtle to your conscious mind than an NFT that is in front of you. But now, why is focus so important? Well…Focus is connection.
Your consistent awareness of something is acknowledging it exists and is part of your world. Through focusing on it, your mind is connecting to its energy and translating it consistently into your reality as it is right now. That translation is an exchange of energy itself. So one of the ways you can make your NFTs more apparent like audios is through having it somewhere in your peripheral. This goes for even the servitor images/pendant. Your conscious mind would be presently acknowledging the servitors existence and connecting to it through this constant stream of energy exchange.
Last but not least, imbued items as well. They are a bit different because wearing an item has a feeling to it. The way it rests on your chest or your arm is current input that your brain is translating but… this still can be a bit subtle (after wearing it for a while). While working or doing something casual, having it somewhere in your peripheral allows your focus to engage more with the field. Even holding it in your hand and playing with it would focus your mind in on it.
Remember… the field is the item, item is the field. In connecting with the physical aspect, you connect with its energetic essence as well. Same goes with audios and images.
So yes, you can get better passive effects from some of the images and items through engaging with them visually or physically while doing other things. But now…. all this is still passive connection and will likely not garner you the sort of results you can get from active connection.
I wrote a post recently on visualization that I would highly recommend you all read. Active connection in this case simply means, focusing on a field without interrupting thoughts for several minutes. Even if your mind interrupts, so as long as you hold your focus on the field, your connection to it still solid. (PS: if you master the ‘love’ focus, you can focus love on fields and instantly connect to them in a powerful way)
For example: I’m focusing on my Creativity NFT image in my pocket. Just focusing on the image, acknowledging its presence, embracing it…. then suddenly, my mind wanders off to think about what I’m doing after this. Now, so as long as I waver my focus back onto the pendant, I’m still building that hold of focus. I keep doing this for a little while. Random thoughts come and go but I always return to building the hold of focus on the pendant. What begins to happen is that focus becomes solid. The pendant becomes very apparent to my conscious mind even without me thinking about it. And now, even when I’m thinking of other things, that focus is like a very solid object in the background of my mind and I can always just jump back to it and keep building on it. What I haven’t mentioned yet is the best part. I am saturating my energy system with the creativity field and really integrating my conscious mind to it. I am consciously becoming of the energy.
There is even another layer to this that ties into the visualization post that I just mentioned (seriously, read it). So, fields emit energy. They have power of their own and this power is directed towards achieving certain changes in the user. If you hold onto a pendant, stare into an image, listen to an audio and focus on the outcome you seek from the field (feeling as you have that outcome now) for several minutes, the field will push in that direction much more strongly and results start becoming more apparent.
Intention helps push your subconscious in the direction you want. Often we wear fields or listen to them and but stop thinking about what it is we want out of them. Either we stop thinking or we think too much of what we’re not getting and start questioning and feeling we’re doing something wrong. Interestingly enough, thinking about a field is connecting to it as well. But there is a difference between consciously thinking of a field and allowing our emotions to think for us.
When we start getting worried and think a field isn’t working or get excitedly anxious for results, that’s passive thinking. Our desire to fill a lack is spawning the urge to think these thoughts. It’s effortless because the passions are driving these thoughts forward.
When we consciously think about a field and imagine energy from the pendant/image pouring into our body and feel the outcome of achieving what we want, that’s active thinking. It’s driven by your intention and your conscious effort to embrace that intention and consciously move toward it. Morphic fields are the middle factor between intention and conscious effort that push your desired outcome forward.
Now in the case of an NFT field that has many subcategories and you want to meditate on it to get a certain effect, focus on getting that certain effect! That’s all there is to it. The field is programmed to be able to grant that result and all you must do is focus on that outcome.
So how do we go about mastering this?
Meditate with your NFTs daily. Just stare at the image and focus on it. You get random thoughts that pop up? No problem, go right back to focusing on the image. Hold that focus. If it’s an audio, focus on the sound. A pendant? Hold it in your hand and focus on the feeling of the pendant on your hand. Start with your goal of succeeding 1 minute of full focus at least three times. Then 3 minutes at least 3 times. Then 5 minutes at least 3 times. By full focus, I mean focus uninterrupted by thoughts. If you do get thoughts, just get back to focusing. You’re still succeeding so as long as you continue to focus no matter how many times your mind wanders off. But those marks of 1 minutes, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, of uninterrupted focus help you measure progress. Uninterrupted focus is powerful.
Now here’s the magical part. You can connect with your field through thought alone. It can be in your pocket or you left it at home by mistake. Just focus on it and hold the image/pendant in your mind (audios are a bit harder for this but it’s also possible). And now try holding these fields in your mind in the same process. 1 minute 3 times. 3 minutes 3 times. 5 minutes 3 times. The more you do this, the easier it becomes. And as mentioned before, if you are just trying to connect to a field on the whim and get interrupting thoughts, just keep going back to focusing on the field. The feeling literally keeps getting stronger and denser the more you focus. It gets easier.
If you are persistent with these practices, you’ll then find holding your intention while focusing on a field to be much easier as well. Especially if you are just staring at the image, holding a pendant or listening to an audio and imagining the outcome you seek. Remember, the outcome = the feeling of getting what you want. It’s so much easier to focus on the wanting of something but unfortunately, it translates ‘I don’t have what I want. That’s why I want.’ That’s why it can take effort to imagine having what you don’t have. The ego tries to battle it out with you on that and remind you that you don’t have it. You win by being persistent!
What focusing on fields does is normalize it into your conscious mind. That constant focus solidifies the field into your conscious mind. It breaks through the subconscious filter of its subtle nature and instead makes it a loud part of you. It’s the best way we know of making fields more permanent.
This is just the first part of this post. Now I will move on to servitors. Phew… leave it to me to hammer in the simple words focus, FOCUS, FOCUS in like 20 paragraphs lol.