I’ve bought lots of filed music from sapien gumroad.
but, when it comes to NFT not familiar with it I don’t have any
even if i want to
I’ve researched on it. here’s some of the thing I found
- dream release certain NFT at certain point of time
- some of the NFTs are driven by some communities
- communit member got the first chance to buy
- someone like me have to buy it from venly or crypto
- venly and crypto doesn’t have all the NFT collection
some of the owener doesn’t wants to sell
question is
How can i know the exact released timing by dreamweaver?
first edition released by dream can only uploaded on teespring?
How many NFT are released?
is it like superball ticketing sold in one minute?
what is community that discuss or giving out concept of certain NFT?
How can i join this community?
does community member got the chance to buy it first?
plz let me know
I want part of sapien NFT