How to change my timeline

Yep double slit experiment proved observation/consciousness is the base of existence.

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If I could put it in a few words I would say that my goal was to be totally unstoppable 
 what happened? Well, I found all the tools that captain creates! :smiley::smiley::smiley:


what subliminal did you listen to shift timelines?

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I have no answers for you brother, this is way above my knowledge but I understand exactly what you’re asking. Sometimes I also wondered why certain people are born with certain privileges and others aren’t. It’s like a cosmic lottery. Is this where karma comes in? Maybe? I still don’t like it though.

That said, regardless if you find your answers, the fact that we have access to these fields are already a huge advantage for us to shape our lives as we see fit.

Take heart and I hope you find what you’re looking for, but stay strong and stay your awesome positive self. :muscle: :beers: :sunny:

I agree with Luna stay! Haha!


I appreciate every word you mention brother, I also appreciate that you have taken the time to read my publication and that you have the kindness to be here at this moment, thank you very much !!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::smiley::smiley::smiley:

Yes my brother, finding these tools is already a large part of those answers and that definitely move me in that direction, I am also convinced that there must be massive action on my part, but above all, being surrounded by people as incredible as you and all the Members of this forum fill me with a very positive energy! :smiley::smiley::smiley::heart::fire::fire::fire:

I appreciate you brother! Health!!! :milk_glass::milk_glass::milk_glass::cookie::cookie::cookie::beers::laughing:


Hahaha you remembered that, where’s sunflawy? :smile:

A toast! :milk_glass: :cookie:

Btw Knight, Abundance mindset, gratitude, million dollar and luck and probability helped me so much. I think in a way I’ve rearranged my timeline, or at least placed it back to where it’s supposed to be before being disrupted last year. I’ll never be caught off guard like that again.

I’m cheering for you good buddy, you got this :muscle: :beers:


And you have done it my brother !!! you cheer me up a lot !!! waooo !!! that pile is very good brother !!! I congratulate you!!! let’s move on then, I accept the toast !!! :smiley::smiley::smiley::milk_glass::cookie:

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What happened to Om?

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Read this topic


I remember _OM saying that it was because they honed those abilities and worked hard on them in their past lives


Yes but not necessarily what Hyperion meant.
Privileges (status, money) are not always an advantage spiritually.



this line of discussion reminds me of wanderers as described by the law of one:

i have a feeling (not scientifically proven or even profoundly experienced through my 5 physical senses. this is more of a hypothesis) that i have brought along my musical talents from previous lives that led to pride and sloth in furthering my proficiency at many points in my life.


Thank you.


Thank you

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So basically, my life sucks and I’m a loser because I worked on spiritual stuff in my past life :joy:


Lol, youre cazy :D:D
I know you’re not fully serious but i’ll answer anyway.

Maybe it will sound a bit arrogant, but it’s not meant to be.
Look at people around you who were born in circumstances better than you. There is a bitterness due to how unfair that feels, I know that very well from my own childhood.

 it’s like a catalyst. If you’re circumstances are very comfortable, there is nothing to push and prompt you to change, and to look for something more. You can spend your life living like in a Fitzgerald book and never actually feel the need to face your inner demons and traumas. We all know people like this, never fully grown up, emotional response of a 12 year old and low tolerance to stress because they ever actually had to become more mature and resilient.
Is it easier? Yes.
Is it the best way to spend your time on Earth, to fulfill your purpose and live to your greatest potential? Nah.

Looking back at my own life - when things are going easy and everything is nice, I just chill and am swept up in the events around me, functioning on autopilot.
When I face difficulties, they push me to go deeper and break down barriers.

One of my favourite real-life stories is that of Gandhi, which I am sure you know, given your background :) His life was pretty “mediocre” until a certain experience, after which he became one of the most influential people of his time.


Haha exactly what I was thinking


Just bought it. :slight_smile:

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:muscle: :sunglasses:


Since this was bumped

New Release: The Rite Of Passage


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