How to cure depersonalization

hi, i went to my psychiatrist this morning and he said I suffer from depersonalization. do you know if there are audios that cure depersonalization?


Hi @riky,

I suggest you to discard any ā€œtrippingā€ audios if you use them (Torsion, intercessions, etc.). Donā€™t get me wrong: Sapien Medicineā€™s fields are all safe but personal reactions/adjustments may differ from one individual to another, especially at sensitive times.

Here are a few fields that might give you some support. Please read their descriptions.

For the Mental Health album, put a particular emphasis on the Trauma and Depression ones. You may add older ones such as Become Whole, Stress Relief if you really feel like.

Also, you may consider getting Blueprint of Life (paid, Teespring) if you can.

Donā€™t forget to ground yourself as much as possible with Tree Experience, Automated Grounding and/or Schumann.

Take care please.


This!! Adding to Bronyraurā€™s great recommendations, specially the Brain Hemisphere field, I suggest you add the GABA field for more control of your Central Nervous System as well as Attention and Focus!

Look into Amygdala, Five Elements Balanced, and Crucible as well as Enhanced Visual Processing.


thanks fo the answers :grin: i will try to use these audios


Iā€™d place @Bronyraurā€™s recommendation above mine on this one because Iā€™m going to suggest something that might be trippy. I remember when listening to Higher Self Connection and describing my subjective experience of it, it felt like it was a field of re-association. Bringing the pieces into contact. But that could just be me.

I even had a theory (after the experience) of why this might be the case based on a writing of Robert Anton Wilson. There is reason to suspect that any force or movement towards something higher would first require a proper connectedness and balance between the lower parts that would comprise the foundation of the higher thing.

There is some relation between dissociation and depersonalization.

Mandala here, at your own discretion.


Pls add dopamine receptor repair, nerve growth factor, permanent brain enhancement and the neuro album as well. I suffered from depersonalisation myself. Iā€™m cured now. I used all of the above mentioned fields plus the ones I mentioned here.


iā€™m using automatic grounding

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ok i wil try it thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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thanks for the advice. iā€™m happy for you and i hope to be cured too.


Those problems are usually related by traumas, brain chemicals imbalance etc but donā€™t discard the demoniac or negative entities.

I recommend too:


(Undeleted. :see_no_evil: Sorry, sometimes I feel vulnerable when I speak from personal experience. but I hope by sharing my wounds someone can benefit and find healing from it.:heart:)

Just seconding @Bronyraurā€™s suggestions, especially Depression Relief and Trauma Release and Healing. As someone who had/has clinical depression, and was in a vehicle accident, as well as some other kinds of trauma, I have felt some symptoms of depersonalization/disassociation. When bad things happen I would float away.

Aside from the grounding already suggested, I think Mindfulness audio might help, combined with real life practices of pulling attention back to your body, tree visualizations, and being aware of when one lapses into escapist thoughts. Self check ins. I also am working on Root Chakra, I use that first audio (out of the four on Gumroad in the series) most often. If your childhood in any way felt unsafe or unstable, Root Chakra definitely and also Archetype of Parental Love. I also like Depths of Your Soul, it feels very centering.

Before I discovered Sapien, I also used a lot of grounding crystals (smoky quartz, red jasper, moss agate, hypersthene, etc), I would wear as anklets, or bracelets, they would be like a paperweight so I wouldnā€™t fly away.:joy: But after using many of the fields, I donā€™t feel the need to as much. But something you could try also.



Deleted but great post though, so not sorry to draw attention on it ;)

Edit: undeleted now, yay :partying_face:


How long you use it?

That forum friend hasnā€™t been here for a bit, so while youā€™re waiting for their answer, I think the answer to your question is ā€œas long as it takes until youā€™re no longer ā€˜depersonalizingā€™ (by your definition of that term).ā€