How to do Astral Projection, and first, is it real?


I experienced many involuntary astral projections in the past. I also found this site useful if you want to do it yourself. It answered many of my questions on AP and you may find it informative, helpful:


Sky high, has using Sapien’s epsilon, theta or Schumann fields helped you with astral projections?

I listened to his Schumann video for 2 weeks or so. I listened 4 times on day 1 and at night, I programmed a dream, not intending to AP but my astral separated smoothly from my physical body as I slept on my stomach and front body and I flew backwards, stopped, touched a wall and was back in my body after a minute or less. It was the best separation I experienced so far.

I just started listening to his Epsilon and IPF audios for over a week now and my brainwave really drops to hypnagogic state most of the time while I lie on my bed but there’s no AP yet.

I did not use his theta audio anymore because I do it during my daily meditation using the Silva Centering technique which takes me to theta in about 40 seconds. Once there, I really go deep. That’s just my experience with it.


That’s a profound result, do you listen to the audio’s before you sleep, or during? Btw, I think once you achieve the hypnagogic state or sleep paralysis, you have to perform the techniques (imagining climbing a rope to pull you out of your body, or imagine rolling out of your body), at least that’s what I have found through extensive research in the past few days. Also what is programming a dream, I have never heard of this?

I looked at some of the techniques, and I like the focusing attention on an object

I only listen to the audios morning and after lunch since I still have other activities and obligation up to the evenings.

Yes, during that state, you can use a technique which works best for you. As Buhlmann wrote in his book Adventures out of the Body, I had to be aware when the right vibrations, body signals occur as I fall asleep. In my case, it is usually one leg lifting up as I sleep, then, I say silently “Now, I’m out of the body” once. As my astral body detaches, I say “Now, I’m moving to the door” then “Clarity now!” as I travel. I learned them all from the book. I don’t usually feel the paralyzed state when I have involuntary APs.

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That’s quite interesting, so you notice the effects (hypnogogia, sleep paralysis) hours after you listen to the audio, thanks. Which audio do you think is most effective?: Epsilon, Theta or Schumann resonance.

I suggest you listen to Theta audio first (It’s better if you are already trained to go to Alpha at will if possible) and also, the Schumann audio you can listen anytime.

I automated Alpha by daily practice using the Silva 5-1 method from a book I read. After some time, I listened to ARVARI’s Deep Theta audio and then I listened to the Silva Centering Exercise (with Theta beat) for 3 weeks which is on You Tube and Spotify, to automate Theta. I bypassed the Delta audio and I’m using Epsilon looped with IPF for psychic development.

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Okay, I will use the theta waves in the afternoon (using gamma in the morning), I am also doing another intelligence improvement brain stack along with that. How many times do you recommend looping the theta audio when I use it in the afternoon, if I need to? Also will using gamma in the morning clash with the effects of theta? Sorry for the stream of questions, some of these I could not find on the forum.

Before I bought IPF and Epsilon audios, I listened to the Gamma one on Patreon for over 2 weeks and had good results:

Since gamma is so active and may benefit you in many ways, still, it is not conducive for trance states (alpha, theta, delta and epsilon) which you need for AP. The Schumann audio gets you to alpha down to theta since I had an OBE with it once and theta is for AP. I’m not sure, but your mind has to adjust from high (gamma) to low (alpha, theta, epsilon) daily if you want to experience AP and your progress may or may not be slowed down. The enhanced brain hemisphere connectivity audio (Patreon) may also be useful for you mornings and afternoons. I have not tried this routine yet but it’s your call, you decide.

For me, it would be 3X daily.

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Thanks you have been a great help. Here is my schedule currently for the brain Maitreya morphic fields booster , subconscious limits removal 1x, superhuman genius 1x, permanent brain enhancement 2x, enpp6 2x, brain hemisphere connectivity 2x, BDNF audio 1x. I will try gamma in the morning, theta in the afternoon-night as you mentioned, and schumann resonance whenever I feel like it during the day. I legitimately thought you had to listen to the theta when sleeping. I think that if I use gamma, then shift to theta audio it will change my brainwave state, and hence work, I only really need gamma in the day time.

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Btw keep me updated on your astral experiences and how the audios continue to work for you in astral, best of luck, and keep on projecting!


Sleep deprivation (unintentionally) has made me astral project. Weird but true.


Lmao, I don’t think that’s the right way to go for me, who knows, maybe Sapien’s theta field has a similar effect, I am yet to see results, but I have only been using for 2 days, and according to skyhigh it takes like a week, at least in their opinion.

Again, in my case, I just try to become aware of body signals, vibrations occuring whenever I fall asleep (from the book), so there is no need for audios while sleeping. All of my APs were involuntary, depending solely on whether those vibrations, signals occur or not and they occured a lot last year but only very few this year.

You can do AP at will (like William Buhlmann, Robert Monroe, et al) but it needs a lot of practice and using the techniques which work for you from the link I gave. Once you internalize and automate Alpha and theta ( I had to do this to use and benefit from the Silva techniques ) and if you wish, epsilon, then you will not need the audios anymore since you can drop your brainwaves in less than a minute and they will help in mastering AP. If you can activate the Brow Chakra and Pineal Gland (which I don’t do) then, so much the better. Just my perspective and good luck!

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Yes, I will wake up sometime in the night, where I am more prone to have lower brainwave states (alpha), focus on my breath for 5 minutes, to ensure alpha, then I will visualise my grandma (loved one), create an emotional connection, and visualise her in the room as I doze off, keeping my mind awake , but body asleep, does this sound efficient? I read this technique on the website

William Buhlmann who owns that site, is the person who can best answer that and help you succeed in AP. You can email/contact him if you wish. He even conducts online/live workshops, seminars from time to time. He uses Hemi-Sync audios for the participants to fastrack and accelerate their OBEs/APs from what I read. I only read his first book and the tips were useful for me.

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I see and you don’t use the method I was trying to? You do the vibrations one right?

Yes. It’s so easy for me and I don’t have to practice.

Astral Dynamics? Or the pdf thingy you sent?