How to flow the energy to all body

How do I move all the prana , in some part of the body to not feel pain like those monks El Poder de los Monjes Shaolin *NO APTO SENSIBLES - YouTube

This has made me smile. I still keep a photography of Shaolin monks and apprentices in which they hold a placard written to support “us” in 2013, when there was a big mess in the country. Positive kind of mess.

Since there’s no question mark, I don’t understand if you are asking a question or informing the community. In case there’s a question involved:

Over time and with some amount of regular practice, the energy drawn with this exercise can be directed to certain parts of the body. Can be stored also by for example the Energetic Support Servitor for later use, as suggested by _OM.

The energy manipulation in the video is of another kind though, maybe Maoshan Wanderer would explain.


How i do this exercise ? Is this the one that i have to do while I listening the cource Audios

I have been fam of martial arts and anime fight etc

I always been inspired by Bruce lee

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That’s cool!

So I guess you’ve already met @GianLee ? ;)


@Bronyraur Thanks for your kind mention! hehe You are always welcome !!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


Sure :heart:


:hugs: …

Might not be the best example here but you guys both made me want to rewatch Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon lol. I used to sing the Turkic song (probably Uyghur) all day long ad nauseam, proud that I was for understanding it haha.

More seriously, I found a few books about the handling of kinetic energy but no need to mention them since almost nothing replaces a real teacher and years of actual training, as often emphasized on the forum. At least when it comes to such practices.

But no matter what and once again, the regular practice of the Star Exercise is probably the most solid base for gaining awareness of the Chi and its potential.