How to get over your obsessions?

I mean… we all want beauty and wealth. Don’t we? Well, maybe someone wants to be poor and don’t be “sexy” to others. I mean, I kind of do the second one from time to time but I guess it’s because I “tasted” the opposite.

What about the Inner Beauty Reflected Outward video? I have read that it helps those who listen to it. And if that doesn’t work, then you should focus on what you think is beautiful about you. There is always something. Aaaaalways. And you should add something that makes you laugh… and this is how you train the “muscle” that makes others laugh. Not at you, but with you, of course. And believe me, everyone loves someone who knows how to laugh and make people laugh with jokes, actions or funny comments. Although there will probably always be people who laugh at others, for whatever reason… but start by laughing and then let us know.

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I was doing a preemptive counter argument to the people who refuse to admit that although it shouldn’t be the entire focus of our lives, beauty matters and influences our dating, friendship and career successes.

Nothing too woo woo I think

Again, it seems weird to have to state the obvious but we know how it works. We’re all familiar with the “beauty is not important at all, it’s all in your head” speech. Physical attraction is a very basic and common thing that work in a very homogenous way across every culture and ethnicity.

(Yes, personality and vibe is important too for similar reasons, but looks is more important in pre-selection)


Ive posted before occasionally on other simliar threads.
Talking to people is a skill that u need to practise.
That includes talking to girls/females.
Everyone gets rejected, thats a part of life.
Sam has written a few times on this subject, about upping your game. (search for the post)
BUT u also need to learn communication skills and to “get game”

Its like how 1 forum member wrote how (after listening regularly to fields) he had a pretty girl go up to him and started talking to him.
And he ran away! Because he didnt know what to say and he felt awkward.
He hadnt learned and practised that skill. Its a skill like learning to ride a 2 wheeled bike or to drive a car. In the beginning u need to feel that u have to remind yourself to do certain things, and after a while u learn by practising.

Fields are tools, they can definately help. But practise is needed.

Is there a reason a female would want to talk with U? What have u got to offer. Do u have interests? Are u passionate about anything? Are u truely interested in what the girl has to say? Are u engaged in life? How do u present yourself?
Try asking a trusted older female to help u.
U need to figure out what u need to work on.


broskis and sisteritos

the guy is asking a question and cleary is in bad state.

the girl thing should be a symptom instead of a disease


Personality and charisma are the key to attraction. ALWAYS. Well, pheromones are commanding but not all of us are attracted to the same thing. You may be considered a god by most but to some you are just flesh and bones.You can be a nice house with nothing inside. Some people like that, of course. That’s why I don’t think telling someone who suffers from their appearance that it’s important to look attractive to others. Defining the importance of looks should be done by oneself, not by other people.


Hello @mondaymadness ,

I highly recommend you start with my Self Love Stack.

Other people are always treating you according to what you deep down believe about yourself in your Subconscious Mind.

It is the Subconscious Mind that manifests your reality mostly, not what you think or believe with you waking consciousness.


Good luck with your Personality and charisma on dating apps


This video is programmed to help for various forms of OCD, Listening to it will work with your subconscious mind to help you release and change thinking patterns and states of being that lead to obsessive and compulsive behaviour.

I think twice a day should be enough to listen to this at most.

No need to overdo it.


I liked the always part though

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Well… I found good luck for what I wanted at the time. I’m truly sorry if you think you can’t get anything with charisma and personality. I hope you realize that it is possible.

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Sorry dude, Looks matter, keep working out, and listen to some beauty fields that can help with your flaws.

But looks aren’t everything, trust me, Im in college, You can’t be a robot, actually talk to people and girls, Ive seen not so good looking guys pull great looking women, and I’ve seen what the incels consider “chads” not really attract alot of girls because of their lack of confidence. But I have seen great looking guys pull great looking women, and they all have great self esteem and confidence.

At your age, looks matter, but also you need to have things going on for yourself, The gym is not enough. You need to be successful in something, I understand you wanna remove the obsession, I would suggest The Smart Tap Tapper****

You don’t need a full on self love stack, You don’t have all day to listen to fields, Start listening to money fields, willpower fields, and muscle/looks fields. Add the smart tap tapper and focus on that feeling of insecurity, neediness, non attachment.

Add become whole as well but don’t focus on healing fields, get your money up, keep hitting the gym, and practice your social skills, and also fix your facial flaws with the free fields, If you need more information message me.

I realized how to attract opposite sex? Be successful at something, Those handsome guys you see, are also amazing at other things, which makes them have such a great aura.


Charisma is a greek word which means “given freely”. People with Charisma are people that attract the admiration of others and/or are gifted in doing that.

It’s not fitting in the situation because you say to the person that want to improve to not improve and let others define him as charismatic. Which is of course the point of being charismatic

Remember the guy that was hearing the Charisma and glamour? (Not you the people that were in the thread) The guy that attracted like 20 people to his thread asking where are the results and then the whole thing did a boom and then Captain left the forum for some days plus had a fight with another guy etc etc?
Those things happen if you Charismatic and unstable mentally.

That’s why relationships are not stable if you are charismatic and yes you can attract many people while you are charismatic not gonna lie is the easiest too but you can not tell another man to be gifted in letting other people admire him and expect him to stop being obsessed.

Logical result will be the opposite.
Next logical thing he will screw things up because of no experience.
Next logical thing he will feed himself up so much that he will lose total interest.

Charisma (for me only as I see it in the word plus meaning plus how it practicaly applied) is the last thing one should have when not mentally good in first place.


Never denied that lol

I dont see the connection to my comment

That is not charisma. We all can have it. It’s a quality that can attract others.

I am almost certain that the people who attract many… are not obsessed with doing so. Therefore, if he attracts using a “renewed” sense of charisma, he will stop being obsessed with wanting to attract.

You sure? I literally said that personality and charisma are wanted in dating apps.

You replied to this first

then you answered this

I never said they were not wanted, I implied that looks matter FAR more on dating apps (at least for men)

Just as Phillip said personality and vibe matters but

Thats why I dont get your point :man_shrugging:

Woosh, I thought you misread but now you’re projecting.

That’s ok, however you read it, we can end here.

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What I am doing is that thing of talking about my own experience as I compare it with his, trying to give him a different perspective. Isn’t that what we should do to give an opinion with a basis, dear? I am not “forcing” my feelings onto him. I am not “attacking” or feeling attacked. I am simply affirming the experiences so he can see another perspective. Either way, I seek to help him. And talking back to you or you talking back to me is not going to help him. Or maybe it is… maybe he’s finally laughing.

Please, if you try dating apps, write a funny and dynamic bio. Also add photos with pets. That always works if you want to attract women. Really. For sure. Anytime. We’re super easy :upside_down_face:

lol look up the halo affect, is this not common, ofcourse looks matters.

although am on a different goal, it doesnt hurt to say that looks clearly matters. I remember using divine beauty by PU, and the day i used it, was so different, I was treated so much more different, i havnt listened to it since.

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