In the past few months I’ve been on constant reflection around the statement “I create my life” to challenge a belief I previously had “life happens to me”
During the reflection and contemplation I got a little frustrated,
“OK, great, now I am aware of how I created my current life and situations… But now what?”
I used an exercise from the NLP world to explain to myself what are the changes I’m looking for
So if I noticed the thought : “I don’t want to waste time on what other people think of me”, it turned to what I do want… “I want to invest time in doing productive things” +“I want to listen to myself, my own opinions”
Now, the thing is, part of the exercise is to dump the “I don’t want” list after you created the “I want” list. Doing it was so liberating, I truly loved the exercise.
My main problem is that these realizations get ‘erased’ from my mind when I wake up the next day.
- I wish I could just install it in my minddd!
What are the best ways to do it? There has to be a way to do it efficiently… - has there been a deep change in belief that you did effortlessly? Some changes you made to your personality?
Any tips/smart fields will help