How to install new beliefs

In the past few months I’ve been on constant reflection around the statement “I create my life” to challenge a belief I previously had “life happens to me”

During the reflection and contemplation I got a little frustrated,
“OK, great, now I am aware of how I created my current life and situations… But now what?”

I used an exercise from the NLP world to explain to myself what are the changes I’m looking for

So if I noticed the thought : “I don’t want to waste time on what other people think of me”, it turned to what I do want… “I want to invest time in doing productive things” +“I want to listen to myself, my own opinions”

Now, the thing is, part of the exercise is to dump the “I don’t want” list after you created the “I want” list. Doing it was so liberating, I truly loved the exercise.

My main problem is that these realizations get ‘erased’ from my mind when I wake up the next day.

  • I wish I could just install it in my minddd!
    What are the best ways to do it? There has to be a way to do it efficiently…
  • has there been a deep change in belief that you did effortlessly? Some changes you made to your personality?

Any tips/smart fields will help :slight_smile:

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So there are 3 ways I would go about doing this

  1. Use or create a subliminal that contains affirmations that would facilitate the changes you would like to have for your mindset.

  2. Listen to JAAJ self love stack. I believe trauma/lack of self love is what causes us to not stick to the realizations

  3. Play ego dissolution/subconscious limit remover combo then use a subliminal or self love stack

I recommend 3 :slightly_smiling_face:


I like how you go about your reflective action, if you persist some more takes 21 days or more. I’m in a similar boat, and find it helpful when I use the combo:
New Perspectives = new beliefs (smart field)

plus Resilience = push in your mental world.


You remind me that I’ve also noticed that when using the YouTube field ‘unconditional love infusion’ - it helps with getting to the realizations from a self love mindset instead of judgment… :purple_heart:

I always get lazy with ego dissolution and SLR :joy:
I need to try to really stick to these two for a while…

We’ll figure it out💪
I actually have New Perspectives, maybe it’s a good idea to contemplate on the “I want” list while listening to it…?

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Yesss, I talk to it while listening, as if to set my intention. But instead of I want, I say I am. To live in that state. :relaxed:

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