How to listen to audios overnight? app suggestions?

I’ve downloaded audios from Patreon to listen offline, overnight specifically with the screen locked. I connect my phone to PC and open the audio in iTunes and then I add/sync the audio to the phone. is it fine? I googled to see if the process changed the audio quality but couldn’t find anything. how do you guys listen to audios overnight? any app suggestions or anything?

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VLC player on any device


sync audio file via wifi to vlc phone app? is that what you’re saying?

I can’t exactly recall off the top of my head, but as long as you don’t agree to any form of re-encoding you’re fine.

Easier is indeed to use VLC, you can do the same route but transfer the file through the VLC option in iTunes or you can connect through the WiFi option and send it from your PC to VLC on your phone, much easier imo.


Oh i couldn’t say for apple.
I haven’t used an phone since… Iphone 4 lol

Poweramp, pretty sure it’s on the apple store (whatever that’s called) too. it’s great, user friendly, allows you to play your playlist once.

oh okay so sending from pc to phone via vlc wont effect the audio quality or format right ?

i think its the same with android if using vlc app. i just want to know that if transferring audio from pc to phone via vlc app would change quality or format of the file or not cuz some apps do change the format of the file

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na its not there,

No it won’t. You can also sync/download through a cloud storage like icloud, google drive, dropbox.
But moving them to the correct folder for the app is a pain lmao.

I just link my dropbox and download from inside the VLC app. So I don’t have to move the files around too.


No problem.
The file remains intact

ah okay. wanted to make sure cuz opening audios in iTunes would change the format from mp3 to MPEG and also file size would reduce, regardless still got some results. weird. will use vlc from now on. thanks a lot.

alright, thank you !

i see, thankfully i use youtube when playing on PC otherwise I would’ve wasted idk how much time lol

i just did the vlc thing and checked afterward. it changed the file to mpga

Oh that’s strange, is it going through iTunes that causes that to happen?

I use the Network > Dropbox and download inside VLC instead.

I checked they were still mp3. it changes from what format to what format?

You can try the Network > Sharing via WiFi instead if you don’t have a cloud service.

If you simply download the files from Patreon and then open and play those files with VLC, it doesn’t change those files. They remain mp3’s.

If they are being converted, then that’s happening do to something else you’re doing that you haven’t yet told us.

If you downloaded those files to iTunes and then onto your device and are wanting to play them with VLC, the file change could be happening with iTunes.

If this is the case, you’ll want to do a fresh download from Patreon directly to your device and then open those files on your device with VLC.

i did the vlc route. exactly how you just described. it still did

did the last thing you said. fresh file (that i havent downloaded before) download directly to my phone and opened it in vlc, still when i tap and hold, it says mpga

@WellBeing @Vesparda even when i try to upload the file on google drive (which does not change the format) and then play via vlc on my phone, it still shows as mpga