How to overcome an overbearing/devouring mother

I came to a realisation a few days ago that a source of my lack of confidence comes from my view of my own mother.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love my mum, and she is an incredible person, someone who I can always rely on, but within that I think therein lies the problem.
My life see saws through periods of confidence and a lack thereof. Professionally, I can be quite confident, easily working within University and leading a seminar class. Socially, however, and emotionally I can sometimes lack a lot of self confidence.
A realisation came to me the other day was that periods of the lack of confidence coincided with me being around family, especially my mum. I could comfortably flirt with girls when I feel at my peak confidence, but if a girl smiled at me when I was around family, I would be reluctant to follow it up.
Now I know about the Jungian devouring mother, and came see aspects of this in my own relationship with my mum. My father really lacked confidence and willpower to achieve anything, and my mum had to step up to the plate to take the slack. A lot of my drive to succeed comes from her. But within that I think my own masculinity took a hit.
In short I’m looking at fields which might rectify this.
Now I know everyones going to suggest the manly man to me, but currently funds are not quite ready for the hit that would take to my balance.
I’m also thinking maybe the archetype of parental love but I’m not sure that’s a problem. I never lacked love from my parents, but rather I think a bit too much.

Does anyone have any suggestions that might tackle the root of this?
I’m currently listening to a self love stack (Exorcism>Alchemical revision of innocence>subconscious limits dissolver>attract more love into your life>attract your soul tribe>inner self support>resilience>the power of support>unstoppable will>flight to fight> childlike wonder), which might probably deal with this, but I’m not sure if there could be something more direct.

Thanks for anyones suggestions!

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• Alchemical Revision of Childhood
• Archetype of Parental Love



Anything involving empathic shielding of any sort, because it’s better if she can’t read your energy as well and you can’t feel hers as strongly. There is a free mandala if you search the search bar here and there was an audio on gumroad for empathic shielding I will double check if it’s still there

Edit: it’s not, but other suggestions are the black mirrored stone shield, and shielding 3.0 NFT

The grand jealousy reflective shield, because there might be a possessiveness on her part.

These are just to help create a little space which is what it seems you’re wanting.


I agree with the shielding.

Having a proper shield is a must, previous to any energetic or subliminal work. It will change how others see you and interact with you, which will make your results more palpable without that crap being in the way.

I also had a dominant overbearing mother and it destroyed my confidence/self esteem and i had no shield to defend myself or put some limits on others because i was trained and conditioned to be emotionally absorbed.


I think maybe The Emperor from Arcana Archetypes may help you too. As far as healing the damaged Divine Masculine and helping you step into your power.


Great suggestions above i will profusely recommend you

Primal Urges from

Mandelbrot Symphony

You can just buy that one only $20 if you dont want/cant afford to buy the whole set

That one really helps healing the connection and relationship with our Mother, and when you heal that dynamic in you it goes all the way to her to heal her own issues too since we are and will always be connected to her through an energetic umbilical cord.


Reproductive Rejuvenation

Might sound weird but thats exactly how you heal whatever issue with Parents. Its all stuck in the area thats why that area is the one that needs to be worked on. It ripples energetically to erase, transmute and change the relationship.