How to quit alcohol forever?

The guilt, the filth, the pain. I want it gone forever. The pain of spending so much money. The hurt of texting toxic messages. The downfalls. The giveups. The dark alleys. The vomits and strange eyes. I want them gone forever.

This pattern isn’t from this lifetime alone. It’s been ages since we’ve been quitting and drinking. So let’s find a cure.

Only sapien can help us. Only sapien can help us.

Life will be so much better. So so much better without. ALCOHOL. TRULY. the people want to quit it but can’t, let’s ask Sapien for help.


Unless you’re a drinker yourself. Because then we’re FCKD

i haven’t gone through alcohol addiction, but i’ve faced my dependency on marijuana and porn.

for marijuana i gradually eased myself out of it. i didn’t need morphic fields for this one. i just knew how it felt and i realized it felt worse more times than it felt good. the good feelings also wasn’t as strong as the first time and the worst feelings got worse.

with porn that’s still an ongoing mental, emotional, and physical challenge, but morphic fields, friends, and honesty helps.

i feel like going to support groups may help.

it’s going to be really hard and physically and emotionally and spiritually draining, but you have the power to quit. i believe this in you.

morphic fields: all 3 soul restorations. that’s really all i can advise when it comes to morphic field suggestions for addictions.

plasma protocol could help the healing process of your body, but there’s a ton of morphic fields readily available on youtube and patreon with body healing.


We all have the power to QUIT. But we’re still not able to. That’s why asking for help.

Don’t have the money to buy Plasma protocot.


this part of your response is a mental and ego challenge.

i believed more and more that i had the power to quit my addiction through meditations.

i also slept a loooooot. sleep helps me with rejuvenating my body and temporarily pausing the ego.

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Thanks man. Gonna try these

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Dunno whether it will directly address your issue, but guess it could help in thoughtforms, emotions attached with any addictions. Give a try.


It’s like, I don want to drink. I understand the futility of it. Yet somehow end up drinking. I feel like I’ll be missing out on something great if I stop drinking. Which so far I’ve never encountered. “Something great”. But I have had terrible experiences because of it.


And Quite frankly everyone want to quit alcohol. BUT THEY CAN’T JUST SEEM TO

I quited.

Well congratulation that you did. If everyone was like you we wouldn’t have this problem. Yet here we are

there are 3 options

you don’t quit and all is good

you drink until your body suffers and then quit

you quit now before anything happens

NOW MY FELLOW FRIENDS WHAT IS LIKELY TO HAPPEN, WELL AS WE ARE ALL HUMANS AND NOT SOME HIDH ADVANCED CIVILIZED GODLY POWERED SOULS (fully realized) YET , IT IS LIKELY TO HAPPEN THAT DRINKING WILL DO REAL BAD TO YOU, so yeah, in the end do what you feel is right, tho alcohol wont help you to better yourself, if anything it wont help at all but who am I to know whats good for you or anyone else.

Dream could make a field, he did already actually, the one where addiction is cured, tho he could make the same one as smoking addiction which btw works wonders and helped me to stay away from fucking my health up further :smiley: thanks dream.
But yeah, it’s all willpower more or less in the end and anyways, for that you have all these fields already, and ego dissolution will help a lot with addiction because they are ego based anyways.


This is self limiting belief too.
You also need subconscious limit dissolver.
And i agree with gin, Unstoppable willpower.


What if I told you I listen to subconscious limits remover almost everyday. And I’ve got good will power. But for alcohol I just can’t seem to get it away. I quit it for months even for year. But when I come back at it, it’s so itense that I can’t listen to myself. Like something pulls me strongly. And I can’t help myself. I think it’s pattern of many lifetimes. I know I can quit it but it’s going to make me feel miserable. And I feel like it’s futile to quit drinking. Because life is suffering. Which is a shitty reason. And yet I can’t go beyond it. Sometimes it seems effortless to not drink and other times it seems impossible to not.

Im just giving suggestions.
You can still try the unstoppable willpower as its unstoppable and will give you to the edge of the alcohol
For feeling shit, you can try brain regeneration too.

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No. It’s not enough to listen to unstoppable willpower. As it’s not a strong field by Sapien. The energy is not quite there. Maybe we’ll see a dedicated and a stronger field for alcohol and other addictions in future.

Try them out and comment if you see a difference


Okay. Maybe I have connection to some shitty entities. Sounds possible. Gonna give these a try. Let’s see how it goes.

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