How to quit alcohol forever?

Entities feed off the addiction energy, making the cravings even stronger. You still need to push through though


Tho there’s one thing that I want to ask. Can this audio affect little children or babies who live in the same building as you? Or same vicinity? Because I definitely don’t want that. Which is why I refrain from playing these audios. Maybe @Dreamweaver can answer this.

Audios like entitiy removal, exorcism etc

The radius wouldn’t be enough in most cases. Anyways even if it does affect them, it would be positive for those audios.

Put it on a low volume if you’re really concerned about it. You don’t even have to hear it consciously, just keep it close to you (the device )

The radius would not matter to me. As the entities would leave me. But others closeby. It’s a gut feeling thing. But I would really want a solid reply on this. I don’t want to tag @Dreamweaver but only he can answer it

Don’t worry about it. Just put it on a low volume.

Dude. Are you sure?

Still doubtful. Sorry.

I’d gladly play angelic intercession around me wherever I am because I know the kind of energy it’s going to surround me with. But with entity removal. I’m not so sure.

Yep. Good idea. Not 24/7 but for an hour or so. Whenever I can. Thanks for ur help buddy.

If you’re gonna play it only 1 hour try being conscious while listening. For example meditating and obviously tell them exactly what you’re dealing with


Yeah have had good times with angelic intercession. Soothing warm feeling. Angels whispering everythings gonna be alright.

Also tried alien intercession many times. But it’s weird and strange and creepy. Like I don’t know. They seem alien. Their thoughts and everything else.

Anyway have you had any experience with either of two?

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Yes exactly. And also because they sound a lot like they show them in movies. Their voice is so damn whispryy. If that’s even a world. Lol

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Need the De-inhabiter audio…
until then… spam this


You gotta add the ones to clean and rejuvenate the liver and pancreas as well, because the healthier cleaner your liver is the less your body is gonna crave it.

The success comes from a combination of mental/emotional strength along a detox.


Ok so this is not directly about fields… but maybe it will be helpful to some.

I’ve had the experience of drinking something like a “virgin mojito” or whatever alcohol free thing the bar has (I don’t like beer much so worst case beer :D)… and having a night out as if I was drinking.

If you are actually with a good crowd, at a place and with music you genuinely enjoy, and not just with alcohol… then it will be the same. The energy of the place/people carries you (pro tip is to play plasma flower I guess but I am yet to try that because of lockdown), the taste of the drink in you mouth feels like alcohol, so it’s like you get this placebo effect, but without the hangover and other downsides.

I do this sometimes, it’s a much cheaper night out :smile::smile:


Agree! I do that too!:smile::+1:t2:


Only you can help yourself. The people here aren’t responsible for your afflictions.

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Will these fields that are posted on YouTube still be effective if I download the videos themselves?

People have different meanings when they say “download.”

If you’re playing/viewing those fields locally (through a service like YouTube Red or an app like VLC Media Player), those fields will be effective.

If you’re truly downloading (that is, extracting the files from YouTube to a different device and different format–and there are various services which will do that for you), there’s a great possibility that you’ll be corrupting those files. Because the fields live in those files, that possible corruption of those files will render the fields less or ineffective.

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