How to stop headaches and tiredness from wearing mandalas and pendants?

Which do you want more?

  • Headaches and tiredness? or
  • The alleged speed of your results?

I say “alleged” there–not to cast shade over Dream’s good work; not at all. I say “alleged” there because your tiredness and your headaches are your indicator that your current use of your mandalas and pendants are–for this moment in time–getting in the way of the speed of your results.

You’re essentially wanting to “flog the horse” of your energetic system. And as you know from actual horses, that might work for a little while. But very quickly, it’s counterproductive, and if you keep it up, the horse becomes damaged.

I haven’t seen this said in a while, so let me remind you that, when it comes to fields, less really is more.

Listen to your indicators. They’re telling you, “Don’t throw more fields at us. We’re having trouble handling it.” Instead, build up your energetic systems. What are you doing on that front?

At the very least, you want to be drinking LOTS of water, sleeping and eating well, getting plenty of rest and meditating. On top of that you can be doing the Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation, as well.