How's the IPF clan doing?

Or quite simply ask the servitor to send it continuously with a defined hour and a security so as not to have an energy overload.

If she owns the field it is not a forgery. Instead of listening to the audio a servant could automate psychic development by giving him orders to spread this field .

It’s just an idea :slightly_smiling_face:.


Nah dont take me by word haha, I dont mean any bad with it

Sometimes I say useless things that can be avoided

You’re fully right tho, and it’s a lot comfortable to have IPF in tag form, which is why the IPF tag is such a good thing to have, but the field on gumroad does a awesome job too, and combined with your idea it would be a good replacement till the shop opens up


Yes I see what you wanted to say … This method could copy the ipf pendant on certain aspects but it will not have the same capacity of adaptation and evolution of a pendant .


Right now I’m listening to these audios to improve psychic abilities:

  • mstate Gold and silver
  • isirb and rbm3
  • acetylcoline
  • superhuman genius
  • animal empathy telepathy

What do you think of this audio playlist in addition to my ipf pendant?

If you have any audios to suggest :grin:

What do you think of this combination with the cognitive enhancement pendant? ( i have this pendant )


I am also wondering about my Schumann resonance pendant which induces an alpha wave state.

Can the combination of the 3 pendants (cognitive, ipf and RS) together improve the results ?

I bought Brain Growth Work and have it in my playlist alongside Superhuman Genius,some add The Voice of Gamayun (Voice of Prophecy) which will help your clairvoyance (and possible side abilitys) to develope

but, meditation is key man, ascension tag will help in the long run too, and a pharse from there I came to understand not to long ago is “to be more you have to be less”, so yeah, thanks to morphic fields by captain we skip a lot of work I would say, but, to put in the work will make things go faster

overall, what philip (Mr. Weiss) said, focusing on the brain first will make you ready to progress faster and smoother because the neccessary brain growth is there and it just needs a little more to achieve a good level

I’m no expert, If I was I would prolly be at a different level by now, but what does make you a expert, is to put in the work

Overall, conceptual realizations which people seem to praise and which will help you develope conceptual thinking/processing

The mstate are good of course, maybe put in tarot the magician field, just to boost things a little and grow of course

I understood that it will take time too, as with many fields, but active work will push you towards something great, and it all grows of course as you know, so it compounds, a snowball effect

and I guess having Cognitive Tag might make the Braingrowth Work field not needed, but I believe Braingrowth Work should be added anyways, but thats my opinion (and I do not own the Cognitive Tag)

Overall pick up mantra and qi gong (you will find out more with your own research)
If you want it simple, The Star Exercise is a good way to start, and you already know about mantras, but with discipline and continuity, you will reach a good point, instead of mantra maybe, meditate to Light of Savitur, or do both, its really up to you

But yeah, thats my little take on it, even if I went prolly way overboard with what you wanted from me lol

as said tho, I’m no expert, it’s just my opinion and whoever has a better one, go ahead and share

to Schumann Resonance togheter with IPF and Cognitive, of course, but it all really depends on what you want man, I would consider Schumann really good for developing astral traveling, (even tho there are fields for it now) and overall having a good mood, but I don’t have the actual tag, only a little experience with the field from gumroad

Sorry that I can only say so much


Great, thank you for all this information :wink:.

it must be this audio field : The Voice of Gamayun (Voice of Prophecy)

Very good suggestion, I will add it to my playlist. This field could give me answers to some of my questions and paths to explore.

The conceptual realization audio field could help me a lot but at the moment I don’t have the financial possibility to buy it.

I do not know the field of the magician’s field tarot, I would have to look into it.

Yes indeed these practices can greatly help me .

The shumann resonance relaxes the mind and body, which is what I feel when I have it with me. As it puts the brain in alpha wave I tell myself that it allows better psychic growth.

It’s nice to have taken the time to write this message, it gives me some avenues to explore.



adding to Schumann Tag, if it puts your brain into alpha state thats pretty good, from there on you can meditate and go deeper, the meditation field from the course would be best suited for that

and yes, I found the name, thank you

Conceptual Realizations can wait of course, but you’re good to go with the things you already have

and you’re welcome man, the journey is all yours

theres gateway experience too, its a course by robert monroe, it might help to develope some abillities

it would be better to look for the original files to download (because youtube may dimish the quality, those are binureal beats) if you care to pick it up, its like a course to become more meditative and be able to astral travel easier I guess, or go deeper into brainwave states

You can buy it of course too


The magician is for manifestation

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Thanks you :wink:

It’s been a while since I used the audio for the class meditation. I am aware that meditation allows the brain to create new connections when it is not called upon by other senses such as sight. I really need to take the time to seriously meditate.

I’ll put it in my playlist as well.

For now I will stay focused on the Sapiens Medicine audios and possibly see the work of other creators later. Thank you anyway for this suggestion :wink:


Imaginarium divine will help too


I listen to it from time to time :slightly_smiling_face:


and I totally forgot to recommend the most important one

but as always, its up to you to decide what to do


Thank you for sharing :wink: