Hi guys <3, (lengthy post sorry)
(22 years old/Male) I’ve always been silently supporting Sapien over last two years. I bought his fearlessness tag, Soul and Vibration series, project kundalini and many more. Sapien medicine has transformed and saved my life beyond words. From being un unconscious traumatised drug addict to being someone who embodies unconditional self love and truly being aware that we are of divine nature. However, in the days when I was seeking for truth I used MDMA,lsd,shrooms and DMT not knowing that there would be life long consequences. I guess I am writing this as even doctors do not acknowledge a spiritual approach to conditions and illnesses and I’m kinda hoping for some insight or advice as I have been trying to push through everyday. For those who do not know what HPPD is here’s a link that can explain it better than I can.
Im basically sober yet constantly having consistent altered perception due to past drug use. It can get really overwhelming at times as everything is very intense. it feels as though that I am watching my body rather being inside it. In addition to that very energetically sensitive yet going through depersonalisation and derealisation. When I was a child I dreamt big, becoming a world renowned musician (I sing, play piano, violin and produce music) however I feel as though that this mental condition has drastically been affecting my in my daily/cognitive function. I live with my parents and they are the creepy over religious type of christians. Which makes my environment harder to live in because they are somehow repressed in a sense just as every “unawake” person would be. I really want to make a difference with my music as I experienced almost every trauma one can imagine ( I came from a third world country then moved to the uk when I was 14).
I guess positive side to this is having very powerful and psychic dreams. Being able to communicate with other dimensional beings through dreams. whereas In my dreams ive been an angel, met an angel, met a fairy type being, met a being that looks like shes from avatar(James Cameron), dreams where I am able to control energy, playing with a dragon and many more. They feel real and too vivid that it seems as though that it was actually my memory.
However, I would be grateful for any insights on how I can regain or ground myself back into my “physical” body. I know there’s a saying what you resist persists and what you accept transforms so I am being in this state of being trying to be more accepting within myself rather than fighting reality. I bought The plasma protocol, blue print of life and brain massage literally Sapien has all my money like my credit card is like £3000 and my limit is £3500 … haha…
just want to pick myself back together. I know I am not the body, I am the awareness behind it. we are here to observe and not be the experience. Pain is the portal to enlightenment.
The moment that I listened to plasma protocol 1… there was an instant feeling of release. I was so tensed up and all my muscles were in pain, tmj loosened up, had sleep like actual sleep for the first time in forever. so I am beyond grateful. Also first time listening to the blue print of life. I cried and recalled a lot of painful memories and my consciousness was just compassionate towards them rather than judging or projecting on to those memories. I felt a lot of dense energy cleared within my energetic system. Just struggling with brain, emotions and constant visual disturbances
So yea in conclusion beyond grateful for Sapien Medicine (love dreamweaver for realss). would be grateful for any advice and blessings and love to you all. -MIshael <3